When saving some one, no one will care. It doesn't really matter to much either. Many don't do it, because they don't get anything in return. To do something like that. It would be because you want to make a diferance. For some one to do that in many cases, would be to give everything. Not just one small thing. Every thing, big and small. As it says, this entry is from The Fray- How To Save A Life. I was just listening to it, while writing in my story album. It mabe me think about some thing. Every one of my story's the main character dies in the end. Giving the altimate sacrifice. Ones life, in this case. And the other mais character lives on in a happy life with some one else. But always remembers the one for died for them. And the story's are sequeasl all the main charaters die in some shape or form for the same reason. To do that... Then when i had a friend read it, she said the she didn't get it. Why would i write it like that? I said, because, when I wrote it, i was always thinking about why no one would die. To do some thing meaningful. Not just waste thier lives doing the same thing over and over. That was it. That was what i thought. Then a teacher read it and said, it was something i would have done for some one else. Something i would do. That doesn't seem like me. But the way the character looks like it my want to be. So that might be why they said so. I wouldn't know. I just write what comes to mind. My last poem said:
When the night falls over these silent hill,
The slumbering wake, for a meal for more.
When the pay is sought
They come to play.
It crumbles before every one
As blood spills and staines the earth.
As Blood stained the hands of the innosent
As No one cares.
When the night turns cold
When the night dies.
It turns silent once more.
As the sun comes up.
The pray is found.
That screams echo.
This is thier last night.
In my hands.
That is what it read. It didn't make sence until i had a dream about it. Canibles. Thats what i called them. Though they didn't eat humans, the men in the dream were dispicible. And people wounder why i hate males. My definition on Canible= some one blood drunk from a killing, or sex driven to do what they wanted. Some one who never cared for others. Something along that line any way. I haven't really seen much more or less about it. When some one is as selfish as that, i dont' think i can deal with it. Death i mean. When some one doesn't want to die, but will with out help, because a male wants his way or else, and people who know that don't help at all, and the person dies... I may be distubed but i would give it all up to save them, male for female. no matter what. I would do my part in socity to try and fix it's corupter's. It would just come in time. Just nothing i can do about it. Not yet.
As i do go on with words by me, and words by others, you will get a feel of what i am, and who i am. 'Til then.
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The world i wish it to be
My journal would be black. There would be red running down from the top like blood flowing from a window. It would be small. I plan to write about what I wish the world to be. The world i wish it to be is in my head. The world i see around me. You wi
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Dreaming Of A Lullaby
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