We left at 9:00am, but the mall opened @ ten so we talked about what we were gonna do 2 moro, and we decided instead of Daytona, we R going to Tampa beach! awsum right?
Well, back @ the mall, we went to Hot Topic twice, and my Mikayla got 2 Tokyo-Hotel posters, and a pin that said "I love Vampires". My mom went to Payless for my sis's shoes, and I had 2 be a baby sitter for a while.
The 3 of us went to Beya, where I got 2 pairs of sexy earings, (I heart them) and I got a necklace to match them~ *yay* and I bought my sis some earing cuz she wanted something. watever.... she only brought 5 cents lol.
I got 8 of belly ring accents, they were so pretty! but real expensive, one was 19.99, with red dice, a star and a cherry. OMG!!! I saw my friend Scott there, in the jewlery section lolz.
We spent 6 HOURS @ the Mall!. We went to target afterwards, and got home a while ago, @ 6:30pm.
Oh! and I tried this Tourquise outfit that I fell in love with, omg it was $70 on sale for $39.99 and i wanted it sooo bad!!!
===It looked kinda like this===

but I couldn't get it cuz my sis's dress was $106, and that was the dress alone. *frown*, but Tourquise is my new fave color!! That was my day 2 day~ If you read all of this, leave my a commnt wink