A youth-sized ape with a conical head, reported since classical antiquity ("Pan with wedge-shaped head" wink and now sensationalized as the abominable Snowman, in northern India and the Himalayas, from Kashmir (vana-ma-nusha) to Bhutan (jungli admi), through Nepal (yeh-teh or yeti, mi-teh), Sikkim (shukpa) and Bangladesh (ban-manush). It has long been confused with both the Neanderthal-like men and the Gigantopithecus-like hominoids mentioned above, but it is obviously a true ape, running on all fours when hurried (Izzard 1955). It is probably a remnant of the rich fossil pongid fauna of the Siwaliks, which includes Sivapithecus. It has been described as Dinanthropoides nivalis (Heuvelmans 195 cool . While it is quite possible that the fossil anthropoid apes referred to above are more closely related to this form than to the orangutan, it is equally possible that the so-called Snowman is merely a particular form of orangutan, more terrestrial than the tree-dwelling kind.
taken from a page describing mysterious or legendary creatures. NDA was mentioned on the insurance form, obvious now, it mean Dinanthropoides Nivalis Accidents. The little critters in the new "accident" and that have been heard running around at night, are some form of Yeti. The Lamos may be these things in disguise. why else would their boxes have eye holes (air holes???).
Just something more to think about. And this means the ElfTechs are surrounded.