[✖✖]Ryder Jane Fornell[✖✖]

xxxxRyder screamed at the first shot, the step-father sat up on his knees in the air. She had hit him in the left shoulder, he made a swing to hit Ryder, she pulled the trigger once more, hitting him in the gut. Jim moaned in pain "You little b***h!" she said swatting the gun from her hands, it flew and hit the wall and made a thud on the floor. His clothes were beginning so soak with blood. He lunged down on her, punching her in the sides. Ryder didn't know what to do she screamed and thrashed her legs underneath him. She then tried pushing him off, she punched him in the left shoulder. She yelped in excruciating pain, he feel on the floor. The next thing she knew there was another gun shot and her arm was stinging, she gasped and jumped off the bed when the fourth shot rang in her ears, screaming once more she sat against her bed holding her arm. She lifted her hand, which was covered in blood, it was only a slice wound, nothing serious needed other than stitches.
xxxxAll was silent, she began to wonder why it was so quiet. She got onto her hands and knees and lowered her head to look under the bed to see what he was doing, he was gone. The young blonde's eye widened with terror and she looked up hearing the click of the gun, which meant it was ready to be shot. She screamed and began crying, pleading for her life. She looked at her step father, mascara running down her cheeks along with tears "Daddy, No! Please!" she pleaded. The expression on his face was unemotional, he had his finger on the trigger. She closed her eyes ready to be shot in the head. He pulled the trigger but it jammed. She jumped hearing the sound and gasped sitting up pushing him in the gut, he screamed and dropped the gun with pain, and she got up and ran with out thinking to grab the gun. He stumbled behind her. She ran into the kitchen, he was right there, Ryder grabbed a knife and pointed it at him, Jim suddenly had the strength to grab her hand and pull it behind her and grab the knife. She thrashed making the knife cut her cheek, she screamed and stamped her foot down on his foot. Blood ran down her cheek now, she wiped it on her sleeve as she ran towards the back door. It had a cupboard beside it which held shot guns. She grabbed the closest one, her adrenalin was pumping, she could hear her heart in her ears. He came in the room, ready to kill her with his knife. Ryder didn't hesitate, she pulled the trigger of the shotgun, it had more kick than she remembered and it slammed into her shoulder. Jim fell to the ground onto his stomach, she screamed as the floor before her turned from a milky white to a crimson red in seconds.
xxxxRyder began to cry more than before, she held the shot gun as she slowly lowered herself to the ground she sat there staring at her step-father who's blood was everywhere, on her, the floor. She could not stop crying, she was still holding the shot gun in her hands, it nesseled between her legs, in which were bent. Ryder leaned her elbows on her knees and hands held her head as she stared at her father, it felt like hours then suddenly the door bell rang. She panicked, she sighed and dropped the gun, she got up trying to step over the pool of blood towards the front door. Her arm hurt more than anything, even the cracked ribs she may have from the blows her father had given her. She's had broken bones before, this pain was nothing. She made it to the door "Who is it?" she called out, her voice was shaky and hoarse.
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