megadinoguy: [11:14] yo.
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:14] Keep it short for pithy sake.
megadinoguy: [11:14] fine
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:14] You will reach the highest possible point in your business or profession.
megadinoguy: [11:14] hmm
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:14] In the stairway of life, you'd best take the elevator.
megadinoguy: [11:14] yeah, but how come the rich get the keys to VIP elevator?
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:14] Living your life is a task so difficult, it has never been attempted before.
megadinoguy: [11:14] What about reincarnation?
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:14] Executive ability is prominent in your make-up.
megadinoguy: [11:15] Aw, that's flattering
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:15] You are destined to become the commandant of the fighting men of the
department of transportation.
megadinoguy: [11:15] Woah, not the executive I was looking for, but still important
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:15] Your best consolation is the hope that the things you failed to get weren't
really worth having.
megadinoguy: [11:16] Yep, the old "Fox and Sour Grapes"
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:16] You have a reputation for being thoroughly reliable and trustworthy.
A pity that it's totally undeserved.
megadinoguy: [11:16] *sniff* so mean, and yet so true
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:16] You have the capacity to learn from mistakes. You'll learn a lot today.
megadinoguy: [11:16] Well this conversation is going downhill
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:16] You are wise, witty, and wonderful, but you spend too much time reading
this sort of trash.
megadinoguy: [11:16] hey! It's interesting!
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:16] You will forget that you ever knew me.
megadinoguy: [11:17] Don't go all emo on me now
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:17] Everything will be just tickety-boo today.
megadinoguy: [11:17] what kind of made up phrase is that?
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:17] You're currently going through a difficult transition period called "Life."
megadinoguy: [11:17] And it sucks.
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:17] Fine day for friends.
So-so day for you.
megadinoguy: [11:17] Yeah, my entire life is just so-so
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:17] You are fighting for survival in your own sweet and gentle way.
megadinoguy: [11:18] But if I had the power and the means to do my own thing, that would be another story
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:18] You have a deep interest in all that is artistic.
megadinoguy: [11:18] I do, I wish I had the talent to draw and create what I can envision
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:18] Today is the first day of the rest of the mess.
megadinoguy: [11:18] A sadly true misanthropic statment
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:18] Your motives for doing whatever good deed you may have in mind will be
misinterpreted by somebody.
megadinoguy: [11:19] well, better not do any good deeds!
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:19] Your mode of life will be changed for the better because of new developments.
megadinoguy: [11:19] Really? Finally some hope
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:19] You have an unusual understanding of the problems of human relationships.
megadinoguy: [11:19] That understanding brings a lot of pain
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:19] You have the body of a 19 year old. Please return it before it gets wrinkled.
megadinoguy: [11:20] Finally someone telling me I look old for 17.
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:20] Your depth of comprehension may tend to make you lax in worldly ways.
megadinoguy: [11:20] "May"? I'm already way to lax in my worldly ways, but I don't know how to stop it.
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:20] You had some happiness once, but your parents moved away, and you had to
leave it behind.
megadinoguy: [11:21] Well, our family DID move when I was six...
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:21] Your nature demands love and your happiness depends on it.
megadinoguy: [11:21] Too bad I have the worst personality for it
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:21] Your reasoning powers are good, and you are a fairly good planner.
megadinoguy: [11:21] Really? Experience tells me otherwise
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:21] Be security conscious -- National defense is at stake.
megadinoguy: [11:21] Dammit! Someone call Jack Bauer!
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:21] Don't get stuck in a closet -- wear yourself out.
megadinoguy: [11:22] Like, suicide over old age?
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:22] You will reach the highest possible point in your business or profession.
megadinoguy: [11:22] Okay, now you're repeating yourself
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:22] You will have domestic happiness and faithful friends.
megadinoguy: [11:23] You are one fickle NPC, you know that?
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:23] Stay away from hurricanes for a while.
megadinoguy: [11:23] Heh, I'll take that advice well, seeing as I live in California.
[NPC] GaiaGuildBot: [11:23] You display the wonderful traits of charm and courtesy.
megadinoguy: [11:24] Why thank you. Listen, I would love to chat further, but I have a game starting soon and I can't miss it. Hey, um, if you're interested, wanna grab some coffee around 4:00 this Friday?
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