Reaching the clearing where Draxanog had faced off against Myuu, he landed and surveyed the damage. Due to his viewerbox shorting out, he was unable to see the fight between Myuu and Draxanog but--based off the evidence--the battle had been epic as there was debris that covered over twenty miles in every direction. Draxanog's marks were clearly evident--scorching, large puddles of water, and lingering smoke. Myuu's marks were more subtle--one had to look for objects turned inside out with slashes from a rapier.
At least it's a deserted part of Gaia, he thought as he began to search the area carefully. Within ten minutes, he found them.
What was left of Myuu had turned into the equivalent of a pufferfish as the god of the Renstok had inflated and was projecting spikes from every inch of his body--Draxanog was impaled on these spikes. From her writhing, he was able to determine that Draxanog was attempting to reach Myuu and flay him.
He could tell that Myuu was dead both on the physical and spiritual plane. This surprised him a bit as he was not aware that Draxanog could kill on the spiritual plane. Shaking his head, he quickly walked over to Draxanog so he could remove her from Myuu's spikes before she could bleed to death.
"Back off," Draxanog snapped when he placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm not finished with him."
"He is dead and beyond feeling pain," he replied, grabbing Draxanog around the middle with one arm. Yanking Draxanog clear, he unceremoniously dumped Draxanog on the ground. "Release them. They no longer need you today."
Unmindful of her wounds, Draxanog climbed to her feet and glared at him. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Xangord, Dragon, Nogard," he said, transforming into his anthro form. "They are done with you."
Arching an eyebrow, Draxanog asked, "And who are you?"
"Just release them," he said.
Glaring at him for a moment, Draxanog suddenly rushed forward. Even though Draxanog was at 100% power even though her body was horribly injured, he easily sidestepped her. Years of watching her three counterparts, and then watching Draxanog herself, prepared him for Draxanog's attacks.
Surprised by his dodge, Draxanog spun around and looked at him. "No one's ever dodged me without me planning it."
Crossing his arms over his chest, he simply stared at Draxanog.
Shifting her shoulders, Draxanog said, "Alright. Fine."
As Draxanog rushed him, he simply stood still. At the very last possible second, he whipped his tail over his shoulder and touched the gem on Draxanog's head. As though hit by an explosion, Draxanog was thrown backward and split into three forms.
Waiting to see if Xangord, Dragon, or Nogard were conscious after the beating they had received as Draxanog; he transformed into his
dragon form. Once he decided the three were fully unconscious, he picked them up in one claw and took off into the air.
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