age: 16
Height 5-11
Blood Type: AB
Race: Artificial Human
Weapon: System CAI
Combative Active Information, or CAI for short it consists of quite a bit of different thing's here they are.
1:4, Circle like barriers with a black rim around them they are each a different color Red Blue Black and Yellow, and they each have a meaning Red means Anger Blue means calm Black means destruction and yellow means neutral, Keith can move these barriers at will to defend himself. They each have their own purpose in, defending from attacks such as depending on how strong they are, Its one of the main things for System CAI.
2: A Special Gun that is a part of Keith, it has 5 different fire modes
1: Hand blaster,its fire power is Low cool down period is low.
It fires a Mid size bullet at the target, chances of it hitting are based on the opponent. It can be used 7 times. Fire speed Fast.
2: Eagle cannon, basically like a shotgun firepower is Mid cool down period mid, chance of hitting based on the opponent, Keith can also fire all shells at once.
Ammo: 10 fire speed Medium.
3: Multi Rockets, It fires 5 mini rockets, fire power High cool down period High, chance of hitting based on the opponent all ammo can also be fired all at once.
Ammo:20 Fire speed Medium.
4:Rapid Shooting like a machine gun fire power medium cool down period high chance of hitting based on the opponent fire speed very fast.
Ammo 200.
5 razz haser cannon a white laser of concentrated energy is fired at the target. Power very high strongest gun mode. Cool down period Very high fire speed slow. Chance of hitting based on target after it is used, he can not use his gun for 24 hours.
Ammo: 1. In order to activate the modes he needs to use a different aura which are Red Blue Black and Yellow. His Main Weapon.
3: A dagger that can change into different colors that correspond, to the shields. Red leaves a burning sensation. Blue chance to make the foe see Illusions. Black releases a small amount of poison. Yellow Same as a normal dagger, it is a backup weapon.
4: A Strange dog like creature, called Nova it is a dog of fire but when touched you do not get burned. Keith made him by himself he follows Keith around everywhere he makes a great companion he is a small part of system CAI.
Items carries on him: Ammo. and something to treat injuries
Personality: He is different he is intelligent, he can be kind of quiet. He has a good heart and never complains a good listener, he is unsure of what he really wants though.
Biography: Keith at a young age was taken away from his family, and brought to some strange lab where they did experiments on him they alter his DNA they replace his organs with man made ones so, he can handle the blood of demons and vampires being put into him. They gave him the ability to increase the power of his fire arm and to become one with them. They increased his physical abilities such as stamina strength etcetera, and to where he could create system CAI. It was unknown who did the experiment. When Keith was 8, he was returned back to his family he was missing for 1 year his parents were relieved to have him back. An things went well but once Keith hit 10, things started to change his parents started to distance themselves from him this confused Keith a bit, were his parents doing this. It was because he discovers his ability the fire arm and system CAI which would change his life forever. It happened when his parents and him were attacked by a large demon, his parents had been injured something fierce he was face to face with the demon about to be killed himself, when out of nowhere his fire arm appears in his hand he had created it himself. He fires it and the demon fell to the ground dead, he was shocked and weirded out but it just came to him even though he was such a young age, 2 years later his parents kicked him out and consider him no longer family but and unknown outsider, because they considered him to be to dangerous. So Keith roamed the land alone going from town to town the demons and vampires made it rough on him though, after 3 months of roaming which by then his abilities had increased he finds a small village and stays their for about 9 months thats where he creates Nova, and gains traveling buddy but because of that the village gets attacked by a demon sense the village was defenseless. So Keith stepped up and faced the demon he yet again had to use, his fire arm even though he helped them cause it was right he was thrown out of the village which by then he masters hand blaster, so the next day he was out of the village and he roamed the land yet again. For another 1 year along with Nova his skills had increased greatly, he finds another town come 14 years of age they accept him even though he is and outsider and he helps them with their village such as doing chores etcetera. He becomes good friends with everyone, Keith was the only one that went outside cause of all the demons and that so he also brought stuff to their village such as supplies. A Year later a kid goes missing he went to a cave that was off limits, to get some herb to treat his father. But it was inhabited by a Greater demon thats why it was off limits, but Keith ignores that and goes to the cave to get the missing boy cause he ever heard the mayor talking that he went missing. So Keith makes his way to the back of the cave and helps the boy get the herb, but that awakens the sleeping greater demon which makes Keith to make a choice take care of the greater demon and save the town and boy, or not use his abilities cause he was forbidden to. He did not listen cause he only wanted to help and if he could do it why not, so Keith confronts the greater demon which by now he was able to use everything except the final mode. The fight went on for a while when things looked hopeless he was able to use the final mode to get rid of the greater demon, but because he fired it he destroyed the caves balance and the back portion started to crumble he takes the boy and runs to the exit and it crumbles behind them all but the entrance. Their the mayor and the people were standing and waiting, the mayor was pissed though thankful for saving the boy he made the punishment small, and called him dangerous and asked him to leave the next day he was banished from the town never to return. The mayor could not take any chances, the boy begged and pleaded for him to stay anyway."What you did was right, you should not have any regrets your not cursed your special the mayor dose not have a right to do this however you got like this Keith it must have been for a reason so be proud of who you are. And love yourself no matter what happens" They all return to the village and the next day the mayor talks to Keith."You have brought bad luck to this village, i never wanted to banish you but no choice please understand, get what you need and get out!" Keith dose not argue he just accepts it he makes his way to the entrance of the village, and the boy runs up to him and thanks him one last time. "Thank you! here is some money i was saving up its not much but here." The boy hands him $500 dollars and smiles Keith was shocked at how much it was but he accepts it and exits the town. Perhaps this is for the better, i mean i know i was right in what i did and this is, only a small punishment the boy was right i was special and i should not hate myself, but sometimes i wonder what is it i must do maybe this is.... no its only the beginning of my journey there is still plenty of time. With that Keith roams the land yet again searching and wondering the life of and unknown outsider is a lonely one, but he would manage he wanders for another year going from place to place an with that his life and destiny were set. A one person army?