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Oblivion Walkthrough~
Today I was hoping i could go swiming with my best bud Tay. But she had this AWESOME idea about writing a walkthrough for one of her favorite video games. So I called her and asked if she wanted to go to th pool. she LOVED the idea, but she was busy writing the walk through on a video game diccussion forum. more than 3 hours later I log onto gaia and find that she finish it. i was like "Yay! now we can go swimming!" but i stayed on the forum a little longer, and guess what. there were these guys saying som e really mean crap. the're all like "OHH THIS ISNT IN THE RIGHT THING ITS JUST A WASTE OF TIME! balh blah blah... anyway they made her cry. and I was upset. So due to those buttheads, she deleted 3 HARD HOURS OF HARD WORK! And im like "Well, all that work should NOT be wasted. yadda yadda yadda..." so i pressed the back button like 5 million times so i could get when she first put the fourm up. I copied and pasted it on my notepad saved it. i titled it "Oblivion walk through by Taylala." so then im like, "hmm.... maybe i should put it on my journal so everyone could see her gloriousness. AND SO I DID!

i copyed and pasted thois for taylor. BECAUSE SHE DESERVES TO BE LOVED.

This Walkthrough is for Oblivion- The Shivering Isles. For those who are having trouble on not only the Main Quest, but the Side Quests, I can help you. Haha yes, Im a girl and I absolutely love this game.

Main Quests

A door in Niben Bay

After maybe 1-3 days of escaping the Imperial Prision, a quest appears of a door being seen in the Niben Bay. You're supposed to swim there and the door will be on a small island in the middle of the Lake. There will be a kajiht or however you spell that, and a Guard. The Kajiht won't talk to you because it's gone crazy. And the Guard is there to kill a man who has also gone crazy when coming out from the door. Talk to the Guard and he'll explain all about the Door. After 2 minutes, try going inside and you'll soon face Haskill, Sheogorath's whatever haha. Haskill will want you to sit down so do it and then talk to him. He'll explain a few things and then ask you if you'd like to enter the Shivering Isles. Say yes, and then he'll dissapear and you'll magically come into Sheogorath's Realm. Sheogorath, is the prince of madness so hurry up and find the Fringe.

Through the Fringe of Madness

Once you arrive at the Fringe, you'll find a small village called Passwall. There are 2 people talking that you'll see, talk to Shelden and he'll explain what's going on. Follow them (they'll start running to the right and up some stairs) and you'll find that an army of adventurers is actually attempting to fight the gatekeeper. Haha, unfortunately, the whole army gets killed and just so you know, the Gatekeeper is GINORMOUS. The Gatekeeper, will be easy depending on what level you are in the game and how strong your weapon is. But there are really multiple ways of killing off the Gatekeeper. Whether it be fighting from long distance with spells, or fighting close with your sword, either way the Gatekeeper will surely die. Once you've killed it, search it's body and acquire 2 keys. 1 key to Mania, the other to Dementia. Once you move on, you'll notice 2 doorways. Go through either one but I reccomond Mania. Mania is more of a positive, bright realm, while Dementia, is more of a demonic, darker type of realm. Once you enter a realm, follow the red marker to New Sheoth- Sheogorath's castle. Of course you'll encounter enemies and let me warn you, they're very different and have way different types of fighting moves then the realistic enemies in Cyrodill. But those enemies are what makes the Realm unique ;D Once you get to Sheogorath's castle, find him and speak to him and he'll make you start a new quest to go to Xedilian.

Baiting the trap

Go to the bottom half of Xedilian and meet a dark elf named Killiban Nyrandil. He'll explain what next you are to do. Now you must make a few decisions- there are 3 traps set up for casual adventurers. And 2 switches set for each trap. You can choose the Switch that represents Mania, or the Switch that represents Dementia. The Mania switch will result in making someone go crazy with illusions while the Dementia Switch will result in killing someone. After you've made your 3 decisions, talk to Kiliban and he'll speak of Earnings. He'll recover a rather strange Sword from the Orc, and the Orc's journal along with it telling you about the Sword and his Journey to find it. Reading the Journal is optional. On your way out of Xedilian, a few strange beings will appear and attempt to kill you. Kill them off and go back up the stairs and talk to Killiban about them. Then proceed on your way out and do the second part of the quest. Kill a few Grummite Warriors, and kill the Grummite Shamans. Each of the Grummite Shamans, will have a staff with a focus crystal in them. The Grummite Shamans' use the focus crystals for a source of power to give to the stalf. Anyways, take the Focus crystals out and put them in their holders. Then leave Xedilian and report back to Sheogorath.

Helping the Regents

Sheogorath now wants you to get to know his realm better. So he wants you to talk to the Duke of Mania and the Duchess of Dementia. Both Dukes of Madness, will have a task that you must complete.

The lady of Paranoia

For Lady Syl's quest (AKA The Duchess of Dementia) You must find those who plot against her. So talk to Herdir, in the Dungeons below. He'll explain what you must do for the Conspiracy. Find Kithlan and talk to him first. He'll tell you that Anya has been looking spiffy for a few days so then talk to her. She'll point you to talk to Ma'zaddah in Crucible so then talk to him. He says he won't fess up so you must find proof that he's conspiring against her. Talk to Bhisha a Kajiht in Crucible and he'll say that he saw Ma'zaddah meeting with Nelrene a Dark Seducer that Guards Lady Syl. Wait until Midnight and then hide where the table is by Brithaur's house (I think) and then overhear their conversation about Ma'zaddah's progress for attempting to kill Lady Syl. After the conversation is over, run down and confront Ma'zaddah about the information you learned. He'll then fess up and tell you to give him a few days or so to find out who else was in the plot. The next day, sneak into his house at Midnight, and you'll find that he's been murdered on his floor. Search his body and take his keys as evidence. Then go upstairs and get Nelrene's ceremonial Sword. That will be further evidence. Then confront Nelrene and she'll point you to Muurine saying that she's the Leader of the plot and that she planned everything out for killing Syl. Then talk to Murrine and torture her. Then go speak to Syl and tell her that Muurine is the one plotting against her. She'll ask you to meet her in the Dungeons to watch Muurine be executed. So go there and when she arrives, she'll press a switch and then Muurine will be dead. Talk to Syl and she'll give you a place in her Court.


Thadon (AKA The Duke of Mania) wants you to retrive his precious item called The Chalice of Reversal in Dunroot Burrow. Find and talk to an Argonian named Wide-Eye, and she'll tell you where Dunroot Burrow is located and how to get in. Find the nearest place next to Dunroot Burrow and teleport to it. Then walk to it and kill the Elytra Hatchling that is outside. Retrieve the Feldew from its body and eat it. You'll then be able to enter Dunroot Burrow. As you quickly make your way through the tunnels, make sure you go through every opening there is, as you need as much Feldew as possible. It wears off really fast and without it, it will drain your endurance and put more weight on you so you'll have to drop some items. You don't want to do that so search everywhere for Lime green Elytra Hatchlings. When you make your way out of Dunroot Burrow, you'll end up in a place where the Chalice Reversal is located inside. There will be Sorcerers defending the item. Kill them and snatch it for yourself. You dont need to take all of the Feldew that's in that room, because you won't have to go back through the tunnel and it will just weigh you down. Proceed to your way out once you've grabbed the Chalice, and there will be an activated Obelisk that you must unactivate. Simply by killing the Knights, grab exactly 3 Hearts of order and place them into the Obelisk. Then kill the Priest of order and any remaning knights, and then take whatever you desire from the Obelisk and the bodies. Return to New Sheoth, and give Thadon his Chalice of Reversal to end the quest. He'll give you a place in his Court. Speak to Sheogorath about your next task.

The cold flame of Agnon

After completing both Dukes of Madness' quests, Sheogorath congratulated you for getting to know his realm better. He gives you a new task of lighting the Flame of Agnon. open up your map and go to the nearest place thats by Cylarne and teleport there. Walk the rest of the way and when you get there, you'll have 2 options. You can either help the Dark Seducers defeat the Golden Saints, or help the Golden Saints defeat the Dark seducers which is a better combination in my opinion. if you chose to help the Dark Seducers, go to the Underground section of the Ruins and find the Dark Seducer Ulfri. Tell her you want to help her and then tell her you want to speak to the leader of the Saints first. Talk to Mirel and then Kaneh. You can either backfire against the seducers and tell Kaneh to lead her army of Saints to the Main Path of the Underground Lair. Or you can still stay in the plans of the Seducers and tell her to lead her army into the Underdeep. If you still change your mind when choosing for Kaneh to lead her army underdeep, you can tell her to attack normally and the Seducers won't have enough power to defend the ruins. But if not, as soon as the Saints learn it was a trap, they'll turn on you and you'll have to kill all of them including Kaneh. Either way, you'll have to wipe out all of the members of the faction opposing the one that you sided with. If you do so, the leader of your allied faction will light the flame, allowing you to walk into the Holy fire. Go to the court yard and walk into it and report to the Sacellum in New Sheoth. Talk to either the Priest of Dementia or Mania and choose which realm you'd like to light the Flame of Agnon for. The reward for choosing Dementia, is the Raiment of Intrigue. The reward for choosing Mania, is the Raiment of Arden-Sul. And there you go. You've finished the Quest. Speak to Sheogorath about your next quest.

Ritual of Accession

Now you'll have to make a decision. Whether to have the Duke of Mania killed for you to replace him, or to have the Duchess of Dementia killed for you to replace her. The Duchess of Dementia quest is fairly easier than the Duke of Mania quest. But choose wisely.

Ritual of Mania- Taking down Thadon

If you chose to replace the Duke, it will be very difficult. The Priest for Mania will direct you to Wide-Eye, she'll tell you exactly what to do to kill him as if she wanted him dead for herself (haha). She'll tell you that she performs a special errand every day at noon. You are to follow her secretively and see where she goes. She'll go to the left area if his castle and press the Statue's head. You then need to wait about 10-15 seconds so that you're not right behind her when she enters the secret lair and go down. Try to cover up and hide as much as possible. For there are Guards everywhere even when you're not looking and if you don't hide that well, it will be easy for them to spot you. Keep on following Wide-Eye until you reach the Interior of Silo. Take 2 bottles of Greenmote and quietly return to the way you entered. Now heres the harder part- go to the Dukes Quarters. Make sure you follow the marker on your map and put the Doses of Greenmote in his food and wine very carefully. At 8:00 go to his throne and watch what happens with the Greenmote slowly going to his heart. He says a weird poem and then dies. Take his blood and return to the Sacellum. Put his blood in the Altar and then BAM. You're the new Duke of Mania. Stupid Syl comes into Sacellum and opens her big mouth asking for a deathwish from Sheogorath. She is no longer the Duchess of Dementia because she decided to surrender to Juggalag and be a Priest of Order. But at least the Quest is done! Goodjob, and now talk to Sheogorath.

Ritual of Dementia- Carving up Syl

If you chose to replace the Duchess, it will be pretty easy. The priest of Dementia will direct you to Anya Herrick and Kithlan. They reside in Syl's Court. Go there and talk to both of them. They'll both pitch in to help you defeat Syl and take her heart. First Kithlan will give you a house Dementia key, which will let you go to any places that are off limits to you in Syl's court. Anya on the other hand, will agree to clear out the Interior Gardens of a couple of elite Dark Seducers. Then put on anything to help you sneak and sneak past the Dark Seducers if you can. If you can't, you'll just have to fight them off. Anyways do whatever, and sneak to where you'll find Kithlan and Anya. You'll find Syl dead on her bed. WRONG SIR. (hahahaha) Syl likes to throw people off with her devious tricks. Kithlan will tell you that and tell you that she snuck out through her Private Gardens. Go to where the Statue was that Wide-eye turned and snuck through, and instead, go to the left and find that Statue.... somewhere... haha activate it and proceed down the creepy sewer place. There are traps set everywhere so be careful and make sure you time yourself at the right times to go through her dangerous traps she set. Keep on bringing up your map set on the very first tab to see how to get out of the maze of danger (LOL) and find the room that she resides in. Once you get there, there will be Dark Seducers that you have to kill and there will be Syl. In her sexy outfit with her scary warhammer called Nerveshatter She'll be really easy to kill. So kill her and search her body. Take her heart and return to the Sacellum. Put it into the Dias and alas, you're the new Duchess of Dementia. Stupid Thadon comes into the Sacellum and opens his big mouth asking for a deathwish from Sheogorath. He is no longer the Duke of Mania, because he decided to surrender to Juggalag, and be a Priest of Order. But at least the Quest is done! Goodjob, and now talk to Sheogorath.

Retaking the Fringe

Sheogorath gives you the Ring of Lordship and now you have to retake the Fringe. Your quest is to go to the Fringe and see what happened. As you get there, you'll notice that it's completely been taken over by the Order. Grakendo Udico will be fighting for Passwall and many Knights will appear attacking the Army. Help clear out Passwall of all the Knights. Then talk to her about her battle plans and what exactly is going on. Udico will explain everything and now you have to travel to Xeddefen, a set of ruins on the southern side of the Fringe, in the hopes of finding the source of the Spire’s power and knocking it out. You may have explored Xeddefen when you first arrived in the Isles, but its previous Grummite inhabitants have been replaced with Knights and Priests of Order. One of the priests near the entrance will have a Xeddefen Key on his body, but you probably won’t need it if you have a high lockpick skill or the Skeleton Key from the original game. Head through the first section of the ruins to reach the Fane. There are a couple of gates here that won’t open, but you should be able to find a door leading to the Great Chamber. Inside the Great Chamber, you’ll run into Shelden, former leader of Passwall. He apparently attempted to escape from the knights by hiding in Xeddefen…but wound up right in the middle of them! Invite him to accompany you, and he’ll do so, providing a bit of a distraction to the knights that you encounter. He can’t die, so don’t worry about him. Just get to the Obelisk and plant three Hearts of Order into it. If you don’t have enough, kill some Knights and take them off their bodies. Don’t forget about the crystal chest here on the ground. Anyway, after plugging three crystals into the Obelisk, it’ll crush, and the whole place will start coming down around you. No need to kill a priest to keep it shut; it’s down for good. Just focus on getting the heck out of dodge. You cannot backtrack here; you’ll have to take a path through the newly-opened Felles section of the dungeon to escape. Get there and start heading northwest through it. There’ll be plenty of Knights of Order, so do your best to avoid them or jump over them instead of wasting your time fighting them off. Jump and dodge your way through the remaining section, then get back to Passwall to speak to Udico, who’ll tell you to return to Sheogorath.

Rebuilding the Gatekeeper

After talking to Sheogorath, he'll tell you he wants a new Gatekeeper guarding the Gates of Madness since you slew the one he had. There are Knights trying to get into Mania and Dementia and he is very restless. Go to Xaslem and find your way through her secret hideout. You'll find her torturing people asking them about their pain levels and bringing them back to life or what not. She'll tell you to go to her Gardens of Flesh and Bone and retrieve a couple of items. Essence of Breath, Dermis Membrane, and Blood Liquear. Once you've retrieved all of them, return back to Relmyna. She'll tell you to head to her Storage Area to pick the body parts for the new Gatekeeper. There are many types of arms, legs, hearts, heads, and torso's to choose from. Choose whatever you'd like. Once you've chosen all the body parts desired, meet Relmyna back to Passwall and where you slew the Gatekeeper. She'll do a spell to bring it to life and then a few Knights will appear. Don't bother attacking them because Relmyna wants the Gatekeeper to prove his strength. Once they're slain go to the Gatekeeper and keep on clicking on him until you find a quality that you would want on your own character. Yes thats right, you can take the power from his heart, legs, torso, arms, and head. So feel free to do that. Then go through one of the realms and head back to Sheogorath. But before you do that, go down and find the inn at Passwall. This is an optional choice. I think you should see something pretty cool haha go in the inn and first of all, you can pickpocket the wood elf lady and she won't even notice. And there are 2 rooms that doors are not unlocked. The first room isnt that important. The second one showed the room that Relmyna was living in. And it has a love note that she wrote to Sheogoroath. Ok blah blah blah. Now proceed to Sheogorath mrgreen

The helpless Army

After you speak to Sheogorath, a messenger will arrive from his army. The faction you get the messenger from, either the Dark Seducers or the Golden Saints, may depend on the choices you’ve made thus far in terms of which faction you’ve been supporting. We received a Golden Saint messenger, personally, so that’s all we can describe here. The faction that you receive the request from will likely be the opposite of whichever one you became the Duke of; if you took over the Mania group, then it’s likely that you’ll be sent to aid the Dark Seducers. Anyway, the messenger relates the fact that Sheogorath’s army is under siege by the forces of Order, and requests that you go and assist them. Agree to that, then travel to Brellach, the Golden Saint stronghold. When you arrive, speak to Issmi, who tells you that the captain of the Golden Saints has been captured and is being held captive inside Brellach. Enter Brellach with the Saints on your side and start fighting through the forces of Order as you come across them. Don’t forget that you can block and talk to an opponent to yield if you accidentally zap them or hurt them in some fashion. Your Golden Saint charges will fight alongside you, and heal themselves after each fight, so they shouldn’t be overly difficult to keep alive.
Plumb the depths of the fort until you come to the Halls of Reverence. (You’ll notice a large chime hanging from the ceiling in the first area here, near some crystal doors; smash it to break the doors and reveal a crystal chest.) There’ll be a locked door here that’s seemingly impassible, but if you walk up the steps behind it you’ll find a switch for it near an urn. Eventually you will come to Staada, who’s encased in a crystal prison. Find the chime up the steps nearby and ring it to smash the crystal and free her. With Staada in tow, head on to the third section of the dungeon, where you’ll be interrupted by the sound of all of your Golden Saints toppling to the ground. Apparently the Wellspring has been dammed; it’s up to you to get the waters flowing again so that the Saints can be reborn. Head through the zone in front of you and reach the Font of Rebirth. The Font itself is guarded by four or five Knights, so feel free to use your Summoning powers (you should be able to summon a Flesh Atronach and a Dark Seducer) if you have trouble defeating the enemies. Destroying the crystal on top of the Font will require you to ring four chimes in the corners of the room. These apparently have to be rung fairly quickly, so you probably won’t be able to stealth around to them and ring them that way without alerting the guards. Still, if you get to them quickly enough while avoiding the guards, you can probably resurrect all of the Golden Saints in the area, who’ll finish off the Knights for you. You’ll get a pretty nice set of Golden Saint heavy armor for completing this quest, but keep in mind that the chestpiece actually takes off your boots, greaves, and gauntlets as well. Probably not worth keeping, in other words.

Symbols of Office

When you return to Sheogorath, he’ll exit the scene to make way for Jyggalag. All is not lost, however; there’s still a chance to stop the Greymarch if you manage to reconstruct the Staff of Sheogorath. Haskill will point you towards a library of Order in a place called Knifepoint Hollow, where you may be able to gain some clues. Knifepoint Hollow should be indicated on your map. You can get there somewhat easily by leaving New Sheoth from the northern exit, crossing the bridge, then walking up the slope to the left and proceeding along the ridgeline and attempting to get to the area from the east. Near the entrance to the Hollow, you’ll see a doorway in an area to your left that you have to drop down to reach. That leads to the Chantry. Nothing of import there, but near the end of it you’ll find a small chapel that the Zealots here are using. A hidden button on one of the posts will lead to some random treasure. When you crack open the crystal door here in the Hollow, you’ll find Dyus, a seer character who holds the secrets to reconstructing the Staff of Sheogorath. He asks you to retrieve two items for him: the Eye of Ciirta, in the Howling Halls, and a Branch from the Tree of Shades in the ruins of Milchar. The Halls are located south of New Sheoth, atop a large ridgeline; it’s easiest either to approach from the direct north or south, although you can climb up from the village of Dustwallow if you have that waypoint marker.
Kill the apostle inside the doorway and nab his Howling Chamber Key. Now, if you wish, you can grab one of the Apostle’s Robes off of this guy’s body, or on the bench nearby, and wear that to avoid having the other Apostles be hostile to you. You can feel free to talk to the other Apostles nearby, if you like, but eventually you’ll want to head into the Congregation Chambers. If you have your robes on at this point, the worshiper named Ra’kheran will speak to you. He wants to help you kill Ciirta, but he’ll only do so if you can bring him three Apostle’s Daggers that some of the other apostles here carry. If you do so, he and his group will assassinate Ciirta. It’s up to you whether or not you wish to take Ra’kheran up on his offer. Ciirta can be a difficult kill solo, although with your summoning powers you probably won’t have any problems with her. If you agree to Ra’kheran’s plan, grab three daggers (the three apostles in the first area of the dungeon that you just entered from should all have them), bring them to him, and wait for him to enter Ciirta’s chambers. (If you can't find enough daggers, you can kill the cultists that actually wear them on their hips to find more.) While Ra’kheran and Ciirta talk, you should be able to sneak attack and kill Luminary Kaz. When the fight is joined, help kill Ciirta, then grab her Eye from her body.
If you don't want to help Ra'kheran, feel free to sneak around the base and kill off the cultists with sneak attacks. Heck, even if you do help him, you can do this after Ciirta's dead. It's fun. You can find the entrance to Milchar in the ruins on the hill southeast of the small village of Hale. Find the large tree that grows there; you'll see the root system below it. Head into the Nexus area and save your game!
It's important that you save your game before you enter the Grove of Reflection area here, for a couple of reasons. When you do enter it, the game will instantly create a copy of yourself that you're going to have to fight. If you go in at full power with a lot of equipment, this fight can be all but unwinnable. We personally went in as a day-four vampire with a ton of poisons and scrolls on us, and we got crushed by our reflection. What you want to do here is find a tree stump or treasure chest near the Grove of Reflection and dump almost all of your equipment into it, being sure to include your poisons as well. When you're completely naked, head into the Grove of Reflection, and you'll get a quest notice reading "I've arrived in the Grove of Reflection…." At this point, the game will generate your shadow copy of yourself. This is a permanent copy, so if you leave the Grove and come back, it will still remain the same. (If you're a vampire, you may want to head to Hale during the night and feed before entering the room to prevent your copy from having the advanced stats that you do.) what you want to do here is leave the Grove, get all of your equipment back, then re-enter the Grove your normal self. With this done, you can drop down and activate the green stone in the middle of the pool here. Your shadow self will appear nearby and attack you.
Now, your shadow has access to all of the spells and equipment that you had on you when you first entered the Grove of Reflection, so spellcasters might have a harder time here than other classes will. Our fighter character, though, was able to face an opponent with no armor on and who could cast nothing more impressive than Summon Scamp, so this wasn't too difficult a fight for us. Regardless, if you approached this correctly and managed to unequip yourself before entering the area, you should be able to take down your foe without too many problems. When the shadow is dead, you can take it's weapon which was different from yours. It's called Shadowrend and it's really cool ;D With the shadow dead, you can nab a Screaming Branch by jumping up to the tree at the rear of the room. With that done, press the button on the stone wall in this area to find a teleport back up to the Nexus. With the Eye and the Branch, return to Dyus and he'll create for you the Incomplete Staff of Sheogorath. All that's left is to dip it into the Font of Madness in the throne room in New Sheoth.

The roots of Madness

In order to clear the Font of the taint of order, you'll need to head down into the Fountainhead below the throne room (there's a doorway behind the tree) to reach where Order is poisoning the waters. There are plenty of Gnarls in this area, as Haskill has stated, but many of them are friendly to you, or at least tolerate your presence. The friendly Gnarls will remove the Order taint on the root doors here, allowing you to bypass them. If you come to an Order-tainted door, look around for a Gnarl Chrysalis and activate it to spit out a new Gnarl. Eventually the Gnarl, or one of its kind, will open the doorway and let you move on. There are also a few corrupted pools in this area; kill the Priests of Order who dwell nearby and grab the Shards of Order that they carry to both cleanse the pool and let you break through any Order-tainted doors that you see. You can also use these on the crystal-encrusted tree stumps in the area to unlock their treasures, but you probably won't be finding anything too useful. Head into the Pools of Mania and Dementia and kill the groups of Priests around the large crystal clusters there to cleanse the Font of Madness. Either Syl or Thadon will appear in one of the pools, so kill them as well to finish your job and return to Haskill to complete your little quest.

The end of Order

After activating the Font of Madness and obtaining the Staff of Sheogorath, you'll be told of an Obelisk that has activated on the Palace Grounds. Your job? Go out there and clean up the mess. As soon as you enter the courtyard, one of the Obelisks will be active. No secret to what you need to do here; throw down and put three Hearts of Order into it to shut it down, then kill the Priest nearby to seal it shut. While you're doing so, another Obelisk will appear across the way, so repeat the process on it as well. You may find it helpful to use the Staff of Sheogorath here; it'll freeze all of the people around you in place as you walk up and insert the Hearts into the Obelisks. After both of the Obelisks are sealed, Jyggalag will suck up all of his Knights and Priests into the sky and manifest himself onto the ground, resulting in a one-on-one fight between you and the God of Order. He'll occasionally zap you with lightning, but apart from that, he'll mostly be content to whack you with his sword. He was no problem for our fighter character; we simply popped a Restore Health potion and went toe-to-toe against him with a Perfect Madness Axe with the Damage Health enchantment, and he died after a few good whacks. However you might deal with a single tough character, feel free to bust out the chops here; use poisons, summons, or whatever else you might've been saving for a special occasion. When Jyggalag dies, he'll give you a lengthy speech and leave you to run your kingdom. You can find Sheogorath's outfit on the throne, and will be able to speak to Haskill to deal with other minor emergencies around your realm, such as bandit or animal attacks on the towns. These aren't full-fledged quests, so they won't appear as such.

Side Quests


Falling Awake

In Bliss, there is a man named Amiable Fanriene. He can be identified easily because he is crouching. If you talk to him, he will tell you he is afraid of walls falling on him in his sleep and that he would like to sleep outside. If you ask around, you will be directed to Uungor as someone who sleeps outdoors. Uungor can be found in the daytime near the tables on the second floor of Bliss outside The Choosy Beggar. If you talk to Uungor and persuade him using charm magic, he will be willing to trade sleeping places with Amiable. Go back to Amiable and he will reward you with a scroll called Burst of Might, which provides five seconds of shield, strength, and endurance boosts.

The Fork of Horripilation

In Bliss, you can speak to Big-Head, who is obsessed with finding the Fork of Horripilation. He will give you a charm that you can use to speak with a beggar named Bolwing, who can be found in Crucible. Making this quest your main quest will put a map marker near the Gates of Madness. Travel from there to the point on the map, Longtooth Camp. Fight the Zealots there, and one of them will have the Fork of Horripilation. He will reward you with either a Blade, Sneak, or Alchemy level boost.

Ghosts of Vitharn

If you hang around and overhear conversations in Bliss, like in the Choosy Beggar Inn, you will eventually hear mention of a haunted fortress called Vitharn. Vitharn is already located on your map, but you cannot fast-travel to it until you have discovered it. When you arrive at Vitharn, you will find that it is inhabited by two warring factions of ghosts. The main entrance is magically sealed, but there is an alternate entrance to Vitharn Stump in the water to the left of the main entrance. If you fight your way through the waterlogged fortress, you will eventually end up in Vitharn Keep, where you can talk to Count Cirion's Ghost. He will tell you that he wants your help defending the keep. You need to find the four ghosts who failed to defend the keep from invading Fanatics. In the Keep you can find a ghostly doll. It is called Desideratus's doll because it represents his love. Desideratus Annius was upset over his bethrothed, and was unable to defend the keep. The doll goes in the magical fire in the mausoleum, on the opposite side of the outdoor bailey area where the marauders come in. When you tell Desideratus his betrothed is destroyed, he will fight against the marauders.Althel, located outside the keep, needs arrows to fight off the main charge. They can be found in the armory. Pick the hard lock to the armory, or grab the key from a table in the hall on the way to the chapel, and grab the arrows. Return them to Althel and she too will fight back against the Fanatics. Anglor the priest in the chapel area of the Keep tells you that Prior Dreth failed to reason with the Fanatics. Hit a button across from Anglor and it will reveal a hidden passage to his left, where you can pick up a ghostly dagger. Return the dagger to Hloval Dreth in the bailey and he will fight with it. Even though three of the defenders are now able to fight off the fanatics, there is still one more soldier who didn't do enough. After you watch three of the invaders fail, you will get a message urging you to talk to Cirion. Go back to Count Cirion and he will give you his helm and ask you to take his place in the defense. Go out to the bailey and fight the Devoted Fanatic to lift the curse of Vitharn and earn the helm as a reward.

TIP: If you're having trouble fighting the Devoted Fanatic, go to the spot where Althel stood to fire her arrows at the Fanatics. Let the Devoted Fanatic run up the dirt path towards you, and then fire off a ranged attack (arrows, flare, etc.) and drop back down the ledge, to the ground. The Devoted Fanatic will have to run back down the dirt path and then to your location while you jump back up to Althel's location, causing this mini boss to run back around and back up the dirt path while you range attack again. Keep this up for awhile and he'll be dead with you taking minimal damage.

Work is never done

Bring Tove calipers and tongs as you find them. The mission will be completed if you hand over a total of 100 (or more) tongs and/or calipers.


A liquid Solution

Sickly Bernice, the owner of Sickly Bernice's Taphouse in Crucible, asks you to help her in curing her fatal disease. She was told by a man that if he were to let him stay for free he would tell her the cure. She tells you the cure called Aquanostrum is located deep inside Knotty Bramble, a cavern inhabited by Grummites. She will give you an empty vial and marks the location of Knotty Bramble on your map. When inside Knotty Bramble, the quest marker will point to a door that is blocked by a root gate, and the pull pod is on the other side. Instead of following the quest marker, follow the other passage in Knotty Bramble and eventually the marker will change to a separate door. Go inside this door and follow the green arrow until you reach a statue that is in a pool of water. Simply go near the statue and you will receive the potion, but beware of the numerous Grummites in the area (some will come down once you get the potion). After obtaining the Aquanostrum, leave Knotty Bramble and return to Sickly Bernice for your reward.

Note: This quest can be repeated. If you return later to Sickly Bernice, she will tell you that the cure has stopped working and asks if you could fetch some more.


Earil wants Brithaur gone because Brithaur keeps stealing from the shops in New Sheoth. It's your job to find out how. After getting the actual quest by speaking to the storeowner, Earil, who wants Brithaur gone, speak to Brithaur and sweet talk him. After this you can either kill Brithaur, any way you like (sneaky or anger the guards), or collect 5 Flawless Pearls and give them to him. You can also speak to the redguard in the court of Dementia (if your standing in the Shivering Isles is reasonably high) who will throw Brithaur in the dungeons of Dementia.

Ushnars Terror

Ushnar has a terror of the Kajiht Bhisha. He asks you to get rid of the Kajiht. After talking to Ushnar, go to Bhisha and tell him that you want him gone. When he says no, give him 100 gold and he'll go to Bliss. Talk to Ushnar, and he'll give you one of his dogs which really creeps me out so much, I kill it. It's a skinned hound and I don't think you want it O________O

The Antipodean Hammer

The Antipodean Hammer is a side quest activated by either talking to Cutter at Cutter's Weapons in Crucible or to Dumag gro-Bonk at The Missing Pauldron in Bliss. To buy armor from Dumag or Cutter, you need a certain amount of Amber for Dumag or Madness ore for Cutter. Amber can usually be found inside Gnarls or hollowed out amber stumps usually found in caves. Madness ore can be found on Grummites and from Madness deposits found in fort ruins. There is a list of how many pieces of ore pieces each piece of armor or weapon needs on the wall above the table, between the two armors on display.

The final Resting

You are asked to meet Hirrus Clutumnus after dark at the sewer gate northeast of the statue of Sheogorath sitting on his throne in New Sheoth. Upon talking to him, you find that his life is miserable, and he wants to end it. Instead of killing himself, he wants you to do it for him. Talk to Hirrus Clutumnus in New Sheoth. He can be found walking around Crucible. After he tells you to meet him, wait until nightfall, and go to the sewer gate northeast of the southeast entrance to the Crucible. There he will tell you that his life is in shambles, and he can't stand to live any longer. Instead of killing himself, and being sent to the Hill of Suicides, he asks you to kill him. Hirrus says that it should be in the city, while he goes about his daily routine. But, he stresses that it has to be a surprise. Hirrus can be found standing on a ledge on the second landing of stairs which lead to the Crucible entrance to the Palace Grounds. He's there all day, so time isn't too important. Speak to him, and he'll tell you that he stands there, hoping someday a strong gust of wind will push him off the ledge. Respond by selecting the option to push him. Don't worry about the guard, she responds by saying that someone should put up a railing. You can also choose to follow him immediately after talking to him at the grate, which should be at night, so there won't be many people around and just making a surprise attack while he's walking. Of course, nobody can see it or you'll get a bounty. Go down to his corpse and collect Hirrus Clutumnus' house key. Go to his house, which is southwest from where you find his body. (Follow the map marker.) Go upstairs to his room, and on top of the dresser there should be a jewelry box. Open it to find your very ironic reward, the Ring of Happiness. You can also read Hirrus' Will, which thanks you for killing him.

The Museum of Oddities

Una Armina is looking for odd things in the Museum of Oddities. Go talk to her and find these things for her:

Blind Watcher's Eye
Dagger of Friendship
Deformed Swamp Tentacle
Din's Ashes
Hound's Tooth Key
Mixing Bowl
Mute Screaming Maw
Pelvis of Pelagius
Ring of Disrobing
Sheogorath Shaped Amber
Soul Tomato
Two-Headed Septim

The coming storm

Ahjazda thinks the world is coming to an end soon and she asks you to help her collect supplies. She gives you the task of collecting 3 items: the Amulet of Disintegration, the Ring of Desiccation and the Calming Pants. The Ring of Desiccation can be found in the Museum of Oddities, it's in a glass display case and not considered owned by the Museum, so you can just take it. The Calming Pants can be obtained by talking to Fimmion. He can be found wandering the streets of Bliss. He'll want a Sweetroll in return, so give him one and he happily parts with the pants. The Amulet of Disintegration can be found in Milchar. The map marker will point to the back entrance of Milchar, which is located some distance east from the main entrance and directly south of a Heretic camp. Inside you have to fight your way to the room where the Amulet is located. Inside the room, you'll find the Amulet inside an urn that is frozen shut. To be able to open it, you'll have to light 3 "fire basins" using the torch which is located on the back balcony. This torch cannot be picked up, instead you have to grab it and run around the room lighting the 3 "fire basins", because after a short while, the first one will go out and all 3 have to be burning before you can open the urn. Once the Amulet has been obtained, you can return to Ahjazda. There is no order in which you need to give the items to Ahjazda, nor does it matter if you obtain all 3 items and only then return to her. After giving each item, you get the opportunity to ask her why, for Sheogorath's sake, she'd want to have the item.


Everything in it's place

The town of Fellmoor is a very strange place. This small farming plantation is home to murderers, madmen, and obsessive compulsive farm hands. Fellmoor can be found by traveling south-east on Pinnacle Road. It is south-east of the Gates of Madness, and on a small outlet into the Emeon Sea, just west of the main road. There you will find Kishashi, a female Khajiit who tells you about gaining Ranarr-Jo's trust. Talk to Kishashi, who will tell you about gaining Ranarr-Jo's trust, a tricky task indeed. But, before you can do that, you have to gain her trust. This can be done in two ways: Either collect five Pod Pits (found abundantly around the settlement of Fellmoor in Water Root Pods), or just get her disposition up to 70 through speechcraft. Either way, once you've gained her trust, she gives you a spoon, which she considers a highly powerful Daedric artefact. She then tells you to visit Ranarr-Jo, in Kishashi's House, which is on the south-west portion of Fellmoor (there are only three houses, it's not too hard to find.) Ranarr-Jo is just as paranoid, so give him the spoon as a token of Kishashi's trust for you. Ranarr-Jo will then tell you how their lives have been plagued by Cindanwe, the Bosmer owner of the plantation. He wants you to make her stop bothering them, either by killing her or breaking into and ransacking her house. (A consideration, if you decide to kill her, don't do it around any of the other residents, as they will report you.) He also wants Cindanwe's Diary, as to regain his thoughts. Otherwise, Cindanwe's house is located to the east. Break in when she's not at home during the day, and knock everything in her house off of the tables or shelves, making a mess. There will be a notification when this is complete. Then, either pickpocket Cindanwe for her diary or get her disposition up to 70 through speechcraft and she will just give you the diary. Then return it to Ranarr-Jo for your reward. (Note: reading the diary will shed some light onto just how crazy everyone in Fellmoor is.)


To help a Hero

Pyke is a former Knight of the Thorn, altough he says he's not a knight anymore, he still wants you to retrieve his medallion. Pyke marks Fetid Grove on your map. Go there and fight your way through the Grummites inside. The medallion can be found on the second level of the grove. The second level has two entrances, one which puts you on the lower part, and one which puts you above. Take the medallion and bring it back to Pyke for your reward.


Taxonomy of Obsession

Talk to any inhabitant of Highcross and you'll find out that Mirili is conducting some sort of research. You'll find her walking around town or in her house. She's a Dark Elf with some blue robes and a pony tail. Hard to miss. She'll tell you that she is making a Taxonomy for everything on the Shivering Isles. Answer 'Fascinanting. Tell me more.', and she'll give you a rude reply. Get her disposition up to 60 or more and she will employ you as her helper. She'll give you a list of things you must collect and demands that you must also tell her where you found them. This last detail is just plain talk since you won't need to worry about that. She's practicly asking for almost all ingredients on the Isles but will give you a little gold for each one. Once you've brought her a number of the ingredients she will then start asking for your help capturing creatures, starting with a boliwog. To help she'll offer a few select command beast spells.

Here are the list of Ingredients you need and their locations. Locations still pending. Beware, she'll not accept stolen items:

Alocassia Fruit- can be found all over the island, specifically in the Halcyon Conservatory
Aster Bloom Core- can be found on the wall dividing Split into its two halves
Black Tar- can be found in the cave involved in the side quest searching for the fork. It is on a table in a basket near the chest where the fork is located. The tar can also be found all over the island in various places
Blister Pod Cap-
Congealed Putrescence-
Digestive Slime-
Elytra Ichor- can be found all over the island inside the praying mantis-like creatures
Flame Stalk- can be found all over the island
Fungus Stalk- can be found all over the island
Gas Blader-
Gnarl Bark- from Gnarl corpses
Grummite Eggs- from Grummite corpses or Grummite Hatcheries (Knotty Bramble)
Hound Tooth- from Skinned Hounds
Hunger Tongue- from Hunger corpses
Hydnum Azure Giant Spore-
Pod Pit- can be found at Fellmoor
Rot Scale-
Scalon Fin- from Scalon corpses
Screaming Maw- can be found inside most caves
Shambles Bone Marrow- from Shambles corpses
Swamp Tentacle-
Thorn Hook-
Void Essence- from Flesh Atronach corpses
Watcher's Eye-
Withering Moon- can be found inside most caves
Worm's Head Cap- Many shops, houses, etc.
Note: Many of the ingredients needed can be located in the two gardens and the royal throne room in Sheogorath's palace.

Note: If for whatever reason, you do not want to complete the quest, you can just kill Mirili Ulven to end the quest.


The great Divide

Upon finding the town of Split, you meet several people who have twins. It turns out that a mage had a theory that everyone has a Demented side, and a Manic side. In order to bring out the best of each, the mage cast a spell that doubled everyone in town, thus "splitting" them into two. The Demented doubles are exactly the opposite from the Manic doubles. The Manic doubles want you to kill all the Demented doubles and vice versa. Choose your side and talk to one of the people from that side. They will give you the quest to kill all the doubles of the opposite side. It's fairly straightforward from here. Every double you are to kill is marked by a map marker. However, due to everyone walking around during the day, make sure you have the right person in front of you before killing them. You are to kill a total of 5 people. Also, make sure no-one sees you, because even though they want them dead, they still yell murder when you kill one of their hated doubles in front of their face.

Tip: When you're all done with every single quest, I reccomond you go back to Cyrodill and finish the Quests there. And trust me its sad when you leave The Shivering Isles :[


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Here's the problem, too many toasters.

Now buy me a Fisher King.

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Lemonee Yellow
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Apr 19, 2009 @ 04:30am

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