meanwhile the two other girls were in the room playing

then....silence.....about an hour later they FINALLY relized thier friend has been gone a while so they tip-toed out side to see wat was up.........
''lets split up and look for ok?''siad amy ''sure...''replied lulu a little unsure and so they both went in oposite directions looking for thier been lost friend. amy was now in the attick[like her friend would be there ] ''mimi?! where r u?'' suddenly she heard a loud thud coming from behind her"mim?! is that u? come on mimi dont play like that!'' ''whos playing?'' responded a deep scrachy voiceamy quickly turned around just in time to see glowing red eyes staring straight at her''wh-...whos there?'' amy siad shuken up by the sight of this monster ''you know who i am'' the scratchy voice siad ''i....i do?''the red eyed monster steped out from the shadows into the open light were u could see his features, he had glowing red eyes and jet black hair with creamy white skin. ''im sorry but iv never met u before but anyway wat r u dont in my house? and wheres my friend?''amy asked franticly ''dont ask so many questions at once stare its anoying'' he then began to form a croked smile across his flawless skin ''and its not like im ganna anxwer any of them anyway'' saying that he quick scooped her up and vanished ''aaaaaaaaaaaaa-''amy was cut off...then.....silence again''amy?'' lulu was now all alone ''why didnt we just stay together i hate this house it seems so....haunted'' she started hearing howling noises ''eeeeek!'' quick she coverd her mouth relax lulu its probly just a wild animal out side theres no such thing as monsters remember! ''oh i wouldnt be so sure of that''the same scrachy voice called ''huh? mr.utada?[amys dad] is that u?'''heh heh heh''.......lulu now was scared out of her mind not knowing wat else to do she started running for her life''help! help some one plez!''lulu screemed at the top of her lungs. it was to dark for her to see clearly, all she could see was glowing red eyes fallowing behind her. unaware of where she was going she triped ''your mine now little girl!'' declared the voice ''nooooooooooo''
lulu thought she was dead for sure embracing for impacted she instead heard a loud ''oof'' ''dont worry lulu i got cha'' it was amys big brother rio he was about 16 years old. ''damnit not u again!'' yelled the scrachy voice '' ''hell yeah its me now wheres my sister?!''heh have u tryed the mall? she tends to go there alot mabey ill make sure thats where she dies as her dieing wish heh heh'' ''wat have u dont with here nero?![scrachy voice]'' ''nothing u'll ever know about.'' nero then glares at lulu still shepishly hiding behind behing rio '' ill be back for u ok kiddo next time well get a chance to be a little more...'' starts liking lips''aqanted '' redface leave me alone!....plez....''lulu siad before nero quickly vanished
'' u ok lulu he dint touch ui anywhere did he?''asked rio conserned ''uh uh im fine...''blushed lulu >///< 'rios so cool...' thought lulu ''come on this house isnt safe for u anymore we gatta get u back home''rio siad leading her to his car'' um...rio who exactly was that? he didnt look human'' ''thats because he wasnt hes wervamp, half vampire half werwolf'' '0_0 huh its enough that theres such think as vampires and werwolfs but a wervamp?'lulu thought shoked ''.....oh wat did he want with me?'' ''well basicly he thinks of u as a nightime snack i should say...''
''now enough questions ur probly tired huh? come on hop in'' lulu obediantly hoped into the passengers seat and buckled up as the two drove away from amy's now abandoned house......
the next morning lulu woke up back in her bedroom thinking last night was nothing but a nightmare ''lulu! hurry ur ganna be late for school!'' ''coming mom'' lulu quickly got dressed and ran down stairs grabed a slice of toast and quickly ran out the door 'last night was nothing but a nightmare everythings still the same, amy and mimi are okay and safe walking on thier way to school just like me' lulu thought tring to confort herself..........but it was no nightmare......
''lulu honda?'' ''here'' ''marium kokashi?'' ''here'' ''amy utada?''........''amy utada?!'' lulu franticaly looked around the classroom for her friend 'shes probly late like always' she thought tring to not panic ''mimi wasabi?'' 'wat mimis not here either! but shes never late! w-well theres a first time for every thing right? 0_0'' lulu started to worry as here periods flew by 1st.... 2sd ....3rd.....4th....5th.... 6th... ok! oviosly last night was no dream! i have to see rio ill feel bettter if hes around mabey hell clear things up a bit.' so after school she went to the football field so she could meet him after practice.
soon enough she saw rio over on the field playing as the quarter back. she sat there and waited for him to finish practice sitting down in one of the areana stands watching....'rio really is cool amys lucky to have him as a brother-' the thought of amy quickly cut off her daydreaming and then became overwelmed with grief ''amy.....'' meanwhile in a warehouse amy looked around ''where am i?'' she tried to move then felt a sharp pain come from her ankle ''......chains? w-what where am i wat is this place?!'' ''so ur finally awake''replied a familar scratchy voice........ to be continued.......................................................
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