age: 16
Height: 5-8
Blood Type: O

Hobbies: Listening to music, going to school, sitting under trees community service and being helpful.
Dreams: wants to be a detective, he likes mysteries and solveing problems.
Dislikes: Going to the movies, or any dark place also confined spaces, ghosts or spirits. Crazy people rude people weapons or anything that involves violence.
Zodiac: Rat
Biography: Lucas,is from a rather large family its broken down into generations rangeing from kings an queens, knights to soldiers detectives and so on. Lucas at his current age lives with his parents, in a large mansion they have alot of money also Lucas is royalty though he dose not know that yet he has lived a pamperd life and he still dose though he dose not like it. He gets good grades, and gets his work done on time his family is not greedy they share their money with others Lucas is also energetic but not to where he is jumping around when he was 7 he cracked his head into, the window and almost died because of it from then on he never jumped around again.Despite how fragile lucas looks he is brave and can do physical activities except when it comes to ghosts, reason was is his sister used to dress up as one and he got upset and she said "If you dont watch yourself a ghost might get ya. " it stuck with him ever saince.