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So your entering My Personal Space!!!
Gaia Name:NecroPlant
Name:Ian Welt
Description:User Image
User Image
~Credit Due Artist and MAR

World biggrin estiny Islands

Bio:Ian a brilliant craftsman and blacksmiths child grew up in Twilight town he enjoyed life and all its worth however when his family was attacked by heartless and all almost all died he swore to get stronger. Unknown to many Halloween is Ian's cousin. (Relative Alert surprised ) Because his of his families injuries Ian trained mastering several weapons those he's created himself and some with unnatural properties. Also due to the fact of his mothers and fathers medical expenses he decided to set up a shop selling Gummi ships and weapons although a small business. (ohhhh Zen I'm giving you business competition even though its not that dramatic) His sister also survived and watches the store whilst he's gone.

Personality:Ian is somewhat of a klutz constantly falling and accidentally hitting things and tripping. Ian doesn't use much magic and is constantly addicted to inserting his hands into the opposite sleeves of his robes always on the ready to pull something out if needed. He's Kind hearted but if his sister or any one he cares about is threatened his happy smirk turns into rage that is when the mask is placed upon his face to hide his rage from the world.

Weapons:Custom Creations


Abilities:Ian has a strange trait allowing him to store weapons inside his body like an infinite way of storage its yet to be confirmed if there is in fact a limit. Nobody not even his sister knows why other than the fact his father could do it as well.

Special Skills
Weapons Release Class 1:Whips:Whips and bladed chains come out of Ians body released like an alien bursting out of a man in a sci-fi flick.

Weapons Release Class 2 razz rojectiles:Needles Knives etc are flung out of the body in a hurricane of weapons.

Weapons Release Class 3:Explosives:Explosive things are released from the body blowing up anything it lands in contact with.

Weapons Release Class 4 biggrin efensive:Shields and etc come out of the body protecting the area it was released from.

Total Release Big Finale:All:Every weapon stored in the body is fired down to the last one this leaves Ian utterly exhausted afterward and if it fails he can no longer continue to fight.

Trade Mark Weapons:Ian uses several weapons but there are some he keeps in his body specifically for his use these are the prized weapons that he alone has created and mastered

Python Lash:A whip that strikes faster than the speed of light it has been imbued with traces of metal making it hard and painful this is the most commonly used weapon

Moon Fall:Small circular scythes spiral around the opponent but however don't attack but if the target tries to move will be risk being cut.

Weight of Grief:A small weight that quadruples in size when thrown in the air crushes the ground then shrinks and returns to Ian.

Ark Talon:3large blade like Claws come out from the sleeves slashing a basic weapon

Battle Fan Duo:Bladed Fans come out much like the claws 6 blades each can cause massive Gales.

Terra Firma:A Sword Twice Ian's size emerges from his chest when he uses it to strike the ground fissures are created most uncommonly used weapon
~Character Data~

User Image
Without Illusion covering appearance:Apparently Attractive.....but thats based on opinion.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Name:Accencio Porteque/No-Face
Age: ?/23
Personality:Calm,Kind Hearted,Chivalrous,Unique
Title:The Stray
Org #:VI
Attribute razz sy,Bio Chemical


Weight:120-140 zones
Clothing: (pic reference)
Physical Appearance:Unfit but healthy body type.
History:My name is that of none some know me as No face for the simple fact I do not believe in owning one. I was born with various images in mind and a true face that would bewilder woman and have them attracted to me. So I cast upon myself a mirror like coat hiding it for I believe it would just lead to an unnecessary distraction. When I awoke from a deep slumber after an attack from black beings. I found both my memory and Identity stripped from me a lone white room had surrounded me I then lay alone no family no friends. A time came where I was set free to roam the world and thus I was dubbed a Master of the Mind by the people or Monster and so those are the titles I keep. I keep a book from a life filled with images and faces I do not remember but I add on to it in a new chapter as I meet more faces. I have always been handy with a pen as far as I can remember which is not that much so to speak. I draw as if a camera had taken a picture. I wish good will on the people which goes against my definition of a monster but one cannot deny the fact I am indeed a intelligent being...but I feel empty like my emotions have vanished.I have no kingdom to hold me until I meet these men and woman alike who asked me to join them little did I know I was now a rebel.
Homeworld: Destiny Islands
Likes/Dislikes/Fears:Likes faces of others,Desserts,and Wine: Dislikes:Annoying people ,Dim people
Personal Talent:Brewing,Developing Wines
Pets:Vendetta&White Dove.



Cane (channels magical/mental energy like a staff)

Special Abilities:Mental Mirrors.(Scenario(If he was in the actual game):A battle breaks out between the player and Accencio he laughs pridefully and rises up several feet as mirrors with his image appears around the entire vicinity(Think Haku's Crystal Ice Mirrors) he then taunts the player "Try and Keep up with me won't you?" He then continues to switch mirrors using his cane and powers to attack. When the player shatters the mirrors lowering his capability to keep switching he hops out and speaks "You annoying little pest!" He then fights normally on equal levels with the player. When his Hp gets cut down to only 45% he shouts again. "NOW IM FURIOUS!!" Then mirrors return only fewer around 10 and much like Luxords cards did begin spinning and rotating they then start flying toward the player if the player shatters a mirror the glass shards will immediately attack the player. Accencio is controlling them from a corner.When player defeats Accencios he says "I tip my hat to you...but its far from over" His illusion self vanishes as his real face appears as he then fades away.)

Realm Of the Thought Ruler:Greenish Lightning Strikes the surrounding area even Accencio flinches in fear as the beast is removed from its cane like prison the source of power which un balances the world this is the punishment for destroying the sacred heirlom or it being used in the wrong hands cane is gone but the creator of it is alive far grater than the size of a hydra or dragon combined and ready and willing to demolish anything in his fearsome path. (I will develop skills a later day for when said actually happens but until then here is your picture.) User Image

Special Properties: Doppleman:Makes Duplicates of user
Mental Burst:Simple impulse of psychic energy
Mind over matter:Uses ones mental energy to crush objects
Mental Gifts:Traps people in an illusion of what they love most.(activated by eye contacts with cane)
Mind Break:Follow up after Mental Gifts scaring the who ha out of the effected person
Focus Flash:Atop the cane a bright green light constructed from mental energy is formed causing brief blindness to all but the user.
Mirror Cloak:Uses mental powers to hide and change ones appearance to something or someone.
Simple Psy(Passive):The staff provides powers equivalent to that of magic it also gives the user psychic abilities such as psychokinesis and much like a keyblade returns to the user if lost the user must be of Porteque blood otherwise the staffs techniques will backfire.
Storm Caller:The Staff Rises into the air as Green lightning flashes striking the ground green smoke being the result of said strike said to cause debilitating illness
Telekinetic Cell:A fast ball of Greenish energy engulfs a target and seals them in a ball delivering painful shocks to the trapped targets nervous system.
Psi Overload:If the canes powers are used repeatedly the remaining stored energy is released all at once in a beam of green light causing vast damage.
The Children of the thought ruler:The Staff can summon creatures from within many that are unearthly in exchange for some of the users stamina and brain power they can reek havoc but the user is then immobile.
ImAGES:User ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser ImageUser Image

Wine of Vulgarity:Wine when drank creates a angered irritable artificial emotion
Wine of Passivity:Creates a Zen like feel when drank causing total relaxation and lack of violent feelings
Wine of Stupidity:Normally used as a prank when drank makes the person plain dim
Wine of Spirit:When drank fills a person with confidence
Wine of Literacy:Makes a person seem smart and educated normally comes with what seems like an inflated ego
Wine of Sensibility:When drank makes the person calm in any situation

((Yes Zen I'm Replacing Ballen in the future I do this every time anything is remade I think it deserves a remade character to back it up.))
Name: Jouichi Hari
Rank: Wandering Jonin
Age: 21
Appearance:User ImageAfter Dimentio's Fashion change:User Image
Chakra element:Earth
Eye color:White green pupils
Hair color: Very light Blue
Height: 6'3

Profile:Hari was a member of the Hari(Crystal) Clan. Although Jouichi is 21 he can be easily manipulated. He dislikes fighting but when fighting his power increases wildly. He is mature calm and very helpful. After his parents were murdered by the Uchiha clan he fled to the Leaf Village to combat the clan and failed because of his lack of Chakra control. Now he has mastered his chakra control and his new target is any and all Uchiha If any are still existent. One day he found what seemed like a young boy and saved him but he was wrong. It was actually a rather Demented Sprite who enjoys Dark Comedy and can Alter Dimensions at will. Although he is rather weak for his kind but he enjoys making peoples life miserable as they can be. Although he swore a pledge toward Jouichi for saving his life to aid him an accompany him at times, yet one question still stands if he can alter Dimensions why not save his own rear? Although Jouichi tries to hide him he doesn't even really care for him but his dimension altering abilities was a deal to good to pass even for a sensible man like him. In fact he even calls Dimentio a midget more than he calls him a helpful Sprite.

Crystal Birth~Crystal Complication!:By fusing many Crystal particles it can form into many creatures much like an animal summoning but more possibilities but more chakra. Rank A

Crystal Butterflies:The user breaks up into many sparkling crystal butterflies that can release a large gust of wind together Rank:A

Pride of the Artisan and Scholar:By combining his intellect he can launch a lethal blow. Were his Crystal attacks turn into Gems of Different Variations this is a unique ability used when the chances of Victory are low. Rank:S

Topaz Torture Room:After he converts his crystals into gems he can create a large room of shimmering Orange Topaz.The Room itself can attack from any and all direction.A+

Amethyst Armageddon:The sky fills with sharp parts of glistening purple gems after crashing they erupt into blinding and damaging purple light.A+

Emerald Eradication:The Green Gems Encircle the area blasting beams of green light when least expected. S

Diamond Lance:Forms an almost completely unbreakable lance in the users hands. S+

Ruby Halberd:A Glaring Red Halberd Forms in the users hands so red that the blood of its victims blends right in. C+

Sapphire mace:A blue mace forms in the users hands capable of crushing through the hardest rock like mashed potatoes. A

Onyx Blades:Two Pitch black blades appear in the users hands that can slice through anything. A+

Bloodstone Bow:A Bow Covered in Black and Red Its Accuracy far surpasses the normal bow and its Lethal arrows could Pierce through a small mountain. S

Redirection Prism:A Prism made of crystal can absorb elemental jutsu's and fling them back with equal power.Rank:A

Crystal of Seven: Jouichi is able to create six duplicates (Like his Gemini Technique) of himself, each containing the same amount of power as him, as well as their own free will. It is the ultimate form of fighting that he has acquired. Rank S+

Crystal of Seven Restoration:Jouichi takes the Chakra of his fallen duplicates and absorbs it. By doing so, he can raise his own Chakra as well as heal himself from the injuries he may sustain in battle. Once done, Jouichi can use the Crystal of Seven technique again, creating six duplicates who are just a fraction weaker. Rank:S

Crystal Arrows of Torment:With the combined powers of the six duplicates firing the Crystal Arrow at once, the effects of the attack are obviously magnified, tormenting the opponent with indescribable pain. Rank:S

Crystal Titan Transformation:Releasing the full ability of the Hari Clan the users body is Encased in nothing but crystal becoming a monstrosity Rank S+ User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Crystalix Cube:Imprisons opponent in a extremely hard box of crystal. Rank biggrin

Crystalix Cube~Playing Magician:After the opponent is Imprisoned 3 more boxes are stacked above each other and all 4 turn pitch black. Swords Slowly Pierce 3 out of the 4 Boxes the Jutsu ends with all 4 boxes shattering revealing a lucky person or a dead one. Rank:B

Crystal Battle Field:The area is filled with multiple crystals the effect is similar to a hall of mirrors. Rank biggrin

Earth Shattering Ring-Crystal Complication!:Crystals Encircle a specified amount amount of space and erupt from below Rank:B

Angels Crystal Cartel-Crystal Complication!:The user Sprouts Wings and flies high then unleashes a barrage of Crystalline Darts. Rank:C

Crystal Tower:A large Crystal Protrudes from a given point out of the ground. Rank biggrin

Crystal Amplification Assault:By focusing Chakra through crystals it becomes a powerful beam that then is launched from every crystal at one target Rank:A

Forbidden Art-Crystals Creed:Sharp Flying Crystals Surround a massive area they can focus on one or many a target Rank:S

Crystal Wall-Crystal Complication!:5 Square like Crystal Barriers Form they can try to smash the foe or defend the user Rank:B+

Crystal Coffin:Encases foe in Hard crystal then a blow to the crystal finishes the job.

Crystal Arrow:By summoning Miniature Crystals and Forming them into a large Bow the user can fire a sharp Crystal like an arrow. Rank:C

Crystal of Gravitation~Crystal Complication:A purple shaded crystal pierces the ground from below when changing its shades of purple it can control gravitational flow.


Gallivanting Crystal-Crystal Complication!:The user dashes toward the opponent and begins stabbing them in a very difficult to identify pattern.

Crystal Jab:A Punch with a fist coated in pointed Crystal. Rank biggrin

Crystal Kick:A Kick with a Crystal pointed boot. Rank biggrin

Piercing Crystal razz okes target with a pointy crystal from the finger that can pierce defences normally attacks in a vital point. Rank:B

Crystal Clap:Covering the users hands in Crystal it can leave a nasty punch. Rank:C

I Will Not Fail My Friends!:Upon Friendship if any of his friends are in life threatening danger he will burst into a angered frenzy. Piercing almost anything with a unstoppable flurry of crystal tipped fists and feet.

Confusing Crystal:A Crystal that sends out waves that can confuse a person.

Juken! Gemini!: A copy of the user is summoned only its not a clone it a pure breed copy but it vanishes if the user becomes badly wounded. Although it may be completely separated from Crystal of Seven it cannot be used in unison with it. Rank:A+

The 4 Crystal Towers:Summons four crystal towers for each element. Each one firing its elemental power. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Crystal Time line:Summons a Crystal that floats and can show the future past and present.

Crystal Seal:A Crystal with a Seal on it the area around it will drain a persons Chakra. Rank:B

Glass Seal:Like the Crystal seal but instead of hard is fragile Drains a persons Stamina. Rank:A

Seal of Release:A special technique that can cancel out enemy seals but can only be used once every 5hours requires no handsigns.

Double Trouble Crystal Seal:Two Copies Create crystals to left and right these crystals can suck chakra and stamina to replenish the users sadly the person if he or she gets to much evidently goes insane.

Forbidden Jutsu Beautiful End:Outlawed by the Hari clan a technique that uses all of the users potential and chakra normally using 8 Jutsu with 8handsigns all released at once. Although if Jouichi combines it with his gem creating ability could have lead to death in the Hari clans eyes.

Weapons:Crystal Bow,Crystal Staff,Crystal Halberd,Crystal Blade,Crystal Talons,Kunai,Explosive tags
crush razz erhaps.........

~Dimentio~User Image
Dimentio has his own unique abilities mostly used to Assist Jouichi or cause trouble. Even though he's short in Stature doesn't mean he's any weaker.

Tech1:Creation biggrin imentio can use his twisted abilities to Alter the surroundings making the world around him anything leaving an infinite selection of battlegrounds.

Tech2:Transportation biggrin imentio can form a odd Square shape to surround a person or thing he can then form another square somewhere else to have that specific thing appear there.

Tech3:Offensive Attack:Using the same squares like transportation the encircled area can be filled with fire engulfed with water chilled to the bone electrocute and bury things in sand.

Tech4:Invisibility and Hovering biggrin imentio can chose to become invisible and he hovers 85% of the time or sits upon Jouichi's Shoulder.

Tech5:Illusion biggrin imentio can create Illusions that can become temporarily real but then revert back to meer image Ex.You punch a imaginary tree it hurts your hand you punch it a second time and it passes through

Tech6:Shapeshifting biggrin imentio can ShapeShift into things but they can't be larger than that of a normal car.
~All due credit on char thanks to Nintendo~
User Data
Full Name:Clyde Voca


Famous Name:Unknown to him(The Fear Monger)




Birth Date:He does not know

Sex Orientation:Straight but has no idea


Infamous Status:A little to well known.

Weapon of choice:Cleavers and Knives

Profession:Hired Gun,Assassin

AppearanceUser Image
Hair:Refer to image

Eyes:Refer to image

Clothing:Refer to image

Physical Description:Refer to image

Personal Information


Personality:He acts to friendly and invades personal space a lot at his attempts to kill examples would be sniffing a womans hair and Butt pats&(lol) and unwanted hugs.

Personal Skill:Cooking,Tactics,Scientific development

Family:Refer to Bio biggrin eceased

Abilities:Alter parts of Body into Slime like substance.[do not approve until this is confirmed]

Combat Specialty:

Smoke Bombs:User Image

Poison Flasks(Explode):User Image

Butcher Knife Collection:User Image

Blood Swerve(Thus I named):User Image

Toxins:User Image

Dual Arm Blades:User Image

Knife collection:User Image

Equipment:Journal with not so pretty writings Ex.
Dear Journal
Today was so marvelous I apologize for the blood stains on you again it was just such a great day I couldn't control myself. I met this beautiful woman today she was so nice and kind hearted she was so kind hearted I kept her heart if you want to see it journal it will be right next to you so you will always have a heart to keep you company.

Money:Whatever he decides to steal from the dead bodies.

Biography:Clyde as a child was raised poorly he was kicked out of his own home as a child and was sent to an orphanage. After he discovered he was not a orphan and his parents where very much alive he decided to fix that. On the night of June 11th a brutal murder happened a couple stabbed to death in bed the offender was never caught. From then on Clyde's life began to go down slowly losing all regard for life besides the fact of luring in the kill un capable of understanding peoples reasoning. He then went to a murderer to a sexual sadist to a normal sadist then a psychopath then finally a psychopathic serial killer murdering for the hell of it especially those who had a better child hood than his own. He despises the word family and spits upon it spitefully but to tell the truth by the looks of it all he really wanted was to be loved....but of course those chances diminished as years passed. In his times alone he's discovered he actually has an intellectual brain under all the bloodshed and excels in chemical and Bio weaponry from acids to poisons and living blobs of goo that explode on contact. During an accident than happened Bon woke up one day with the powers to alter his body as if liquid.&Yet to get approval

He made up his own theme song!(Song when he's normally alone sharpening knives):
Cut cut cut when your tired,
cut cut cut when your bored
Silence Serene
I'm not trying to be mean
For fear only lasts for so long------
Gone by the end of this song------
Ohhhhh take a chance roll the dice
Add a little spice to your life
But when your life doth come to end
I search the streets for a new friend
Cut cut cut when your tired
Cut cut cut when your bored
It doesn't really matter be it knife be it sword
Just Slice dice done without a word.
User Data
Full Name:Bonifacio Lombardi


Famous Name:Ballistic Bonfacio

Affiliation:Italian Mafia-Leader



Birth Date:

Sex Orientation:Straight

Race:Human (Silly me razz )

Infamous Status:World Renown Via the Incident.

Weapon of choice:Heavy Artillery

Profession:Weapon Smuggling,Counterfeiting,Assassinations

AppearanceUser Image


Clothing:Refer to image

Physical Description:refer to image

Personal InformationDislikes the media, Has multiple secret fetishes, Easily seduced.


Personality:Violent yet negotiable short tempered yet polite to women. Politeness can go to rude if combat ensues regardless of gender.

Personal Skill:Gambling Master,Immunity to recoil from guns.

Family:All moved to to underground hideaway.

Abilities:Earth Manipulation

Combat Specialty:
Swordsmanship: Medium
Throwing weapons:low
Hand Gun:low
Heavy Artillery:High

His Aim is very bad which is why he relies on speed and Area of Effect

My ranking system Fail&Terrible&Moderate&Delicious&Excellent&Superb

Rocket Launcher:User Image
Bazooka M1A1:User Image

Magnum Machinegun:User Image
Optional Stand A.K 47:User Image
Tonfa:User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Equipment:Suitcase Insanely Huge lugged by lackeys contains weapons. Mini push activated super magnet (stored in pockets) Tide Pen.

Don Bon Buford:
Car Created by the Italian Scientific department that was of course stolen User Image

Money:20mil? On hand:10k

Biography:Bonifacio was a child that enjoyed being nice he was raised well and polite and suddenly became a rude child then naughty naughty child. at the age of 21 he went on a rampage with heavy artillery blowing up building and causing mass chaos he went into hiding and was adopted by the mafia. After some incidents and increase of confidence he became the leader. Always constantly followed by 2 members (Npc's or others if wanted) who carry around his case of weapons if he isn't driving.When he became a gambling lord knowing when to bet and when to screw it however he's constantly aimed at by thieves normally woman who abuse his weakness. At age 29 after a brutal attack by a swarm of geese he hates birds especially ducks and geese or water bound birds At times of attack he yells out inconsiderate things to harm a person emotionally as he does physically.
~Bio is complete
~Character Data~

User Image

Name:Arroyo Keng
Age:Approximate age:7months/Before Enchantment:The ages of many Antiques
Race:Super Natural
Personality:A simple personality. Always considering people inferior to himself. Dislikes most technology. Easy going intellectual an egotist.


Weight:150 Areas
Hair biggrin irty Blond
Physical Appearance:Athletic but not very Agile
History:Arroyo had no real life until a day came when he was removed from the the chess set upon the shelf. For you see arroyo started out as not a man but a piece a chess piece to be exact and to be even more exact the King. The Buyer of the chess set was an powerful magician. Day after day spell after spell the magician hired an apprentice. But she longed for a companion but her master forbade here leave from the dank stark room she lived in. The humble chess board was but the only thing she was ever permitted to leave her room for in order to play with the magicians younger brother who really didn't like her. Seasons came and seasons went the magicians brother died of illness so as a gift to his apprentice and the misery he was putting her through he gave her the chess board. Now the girl lacked a companion completely not even having one that dis liked her to keep her occupied. Eventually the student surpassed the master as he faded away in his old age. The girl at the ripe age of 19 sought to venture around the world but wanted to thank the inanimate chessboard that had kept her company whose pieces she played with as if little people each one with their own little personalities and now she knew she could make that a reality. So to thank the wonderful game she enchanted it and left to venture the world. The next day the pieces grew and Arroyo was one of many pieces who was given the body of a human and life. Arroyo also ventured the world looking for the girl that gave him life but to know avail. Heartless and nobodies didn't help and when your enchanted you tend to adapt rather quickly.
Homeworld:Twilight Town Item Store


Cavalry Charge!-Spinning the Arcane's Blessing with High hope gigantic knight pieces are summoned which jump in the air and smash the ground below.

For Valor-Slamming Arcane's Blessing into the ground straight up and down five pawn like pieces are summoned each that seem to glide across any terrain blades in hand that swing on the Kings command.

For Hope-Copying movements from ~For Valor~ Two young boys emotionless and uncaring are summoned which glide much like the pawn but use more distanced attacks much like magic. Ex.Fire,Ice,Thunder,Areoga User Image

For the Kingdom- Copying movements from ~For Valor~ Two rook like pieces appear forming a protective shield from incoming attacks but do to there slow nature and inhumanity cannot counter from another direction quickly.

For War-Copying movements from ~For Valor~ A woman appears entirely emotionless holding a large blade in one hand much like a rapier agile with quick movements splits the earth,slices the air, and destroys her target.
User Image


Arcane's Blessing:A Pike like weapon which harbors blades on one end. can be used as an offensive defensive or magic channeling weapon. Truly a weapon worth its ooos and ahhhs.

Appearance:see image

Special Properties:
SET!: Raising the weapon into the air tiles appear upon the terrain regardless of mountains etc much like a large chess board.

CHECK!:Striking a tiles space will sent electricity flowing through all tiles of the same color.

CHECKMATE!: Slamming the weapon upon a tile lightning will descend from the sky attacking any an all on the tiles but the King who controls it.

GAME!:Summons Large Chess Pieces/Human Pieces

A KINGS VOW:all damage sustained by the summoned being besides the rooks will be inflicted on Arroyo.

~User Data~

User Image
RP Name:Rosado Tonzura
Rank:B[promoted via lieutenant]
Seat:Seat Liuetenant,
Element sad Poison,Earth)
Riatsu Color biggrin irty Green(A combination of Black and green)


Height:5'7 h
Weight:140-145 zone
Hair:Brown:Its the lighting its not pink (STFU)
Eyes:Yellow (Shine with ambition)
Clothing:When not in Haori likes to stand out with a neon green mask most of the time however its a dark green and black.
Physical Appearance:Muscular but not very athletic.


After getting by the training academy Rosado was always interested in the science division. But above all was interested in the human world. Biology and its basics life and the things that take those lives. Of course the one thing that took life more on earth was not violence or bloodshed but illness and toxins. This interested Rosado he went into the science division to major in poisons a biological study. However this left Rosado in constantly toxic environment which is why he tries to do his research in the most secluded areas of the 12th division to avoid any casualties. He had grown so used to the mask he wears he wears it constantly unless instructed otherwise by a higher official.Still a fighter in the works Rosado wishes to be the best shinigami he can be and when it comes to the real world he tries and just about knows the most about it. However when it comes to combat he's still an amateur...for now.

~Rosado has a very laid back with a smooth operator personality but snaps the minute he is mocked about not being able to develop a relationship with a woman. That is normally do to the case his body is always around toxic gases which can be a major problem in many cases..but he smells nice like flowers. And his face never exposed always leaves an eerie feeling and a lack of trust in some people.(HYAHHH! Sub quest for the bored and unentertained discover the man behind the mask!). Addicted to working he can be devilishly serious but has the occasional *ahem* odd moment. Favorite catch phrase! "Oh joy!" Theme Song Toxic By YouKnowWho


#1. Sai (塞, Restrain)
Locks a target's arms in place behind their back.
Incantation: Unknown.

#1. Shō (衝, Thrust)
Pushes the target away from the caster.
Incantation: unknown.

#4. Hainawa (這縄, Crawling Rope)
An energy rope entangles the target's arms.
Incantation: Unknown

#8. Seki (斥, Repulse)
Creates a round shield that seems to temporarily paralyze and repel whatever strikes it.
Incantation: unknown.

#21. Sekienton (赤煙遁, Red Smoke Escape)
Creates a blast upon activation and is used like a ninja's smoke bomb.
Incantation: unknown.

#26. Kyakko (曲光, Curving Light)
Hides the target from sight, by bending light. The spell has the ability to totally hide the presence and reiatsu of the user or specified object.

Earth's Bounty - Chiyudo #29, 250 Kidou
Description: Heals a subject by drawing power from the earth below. Though it may only be used while touching the ground, the healing is effective in mending moderate wounds and erasing minor ones. The user must be in contact with the ground, as with the subject (if not the user) during the final part of the incantation ("... return his love. Chiyudo #29, Earth's Bounty" wink ; all other times serve no purpose or special benefit to the caster
Distance: 0-30 feet
Incantation: The Mother's compassion, the saintly instinct of parenthood and rebirth! Well your strength for a poor, sickened child of yours, return his love. Chiyudo #29, Earth's Bounty.

#37. Tsuriboshi (吊星, Suspending Star)
Creates a star-shaped cushion of Spiritual Energy, which anchors it to nearby objects with "ropes" of spirit particles. It can stop falling objects, acting like a safety net.

#58. Tenran (闐嵐, Orchid Sky)
A widening tornado-like blast is fired towards the target.
Incantation: unknown

Shunpo (瞬歩, Flash steps)

Exhalation Of Famine:The purple toxin commonly seen in Rosado's attacks that causes hallucination and hard breathing will change color to a heavy black color. The Toxin turns into one that causes internal ailments. Such as botulism,stomach pains,and convulsions.

Exhalation Of Pestilence: The blades color will turn into a sickeningly green color the floating toxin will then condense as clouds. The clouds become hindrances and nuisances as they explode on contact in a toxic air explosion. Pushing people back like a fierce Bala but causing few injuries.

Exhalation Of Suffering: The Toxin in the air will not condense rather it will return back into the blade it came from. From here the blade becomes a corrosive gas. Anything it comes in contact with will melt away like a fierce acid.

Armor of Effervescence: The toxin will condense it will then turn into bubbles and foam and then cover Rosado. Once covered physical attacks will lead to corrosion of the implement used in the attack however slow is still quite horrid if gotten on bare skin. Being in this state is dangerous and if used to long will hurt its user. Max use:3 at most before the armor begins attacking the body its protecting.

Briar:The S.P.G will launch a small balls of brush. The brush is covered in thorns and once the brush connects it will swallow the target like like a cell performing endocytosis. Thus creating the visage of being trapped in needle like net.

Bull Nettle: Fires a barrage of small needle like particles that irritates the skin and causes a severe burning sensation. Fired from a custom device called a S.P.G(Special Plant Gauntlet.)

Cactus: Turns arms and hands into a needle like plant using a custom device called a S.P.G

Cohosh: Fire black berry like bullets that explode into a highly corrosive acid. Fired from a custom device called an S.P.G

Eyebright:Produces smoke that upon inhalation causes a high. Yes this is just like LSD and Marijuana combined for baaaaaaaaaad stuff. Fired from a custom device called an S.P.G

Fool's Parsley:Exchanges the user with a large flower bud upon attack like substitution. Explodes when stricken releasing a highly potent hallucinogen. ((Takes the place of shunpo but with a 5post cool down. Cannot be used in unison with shunpo))

Colchicum autumnale:Makes the user and those around them incredibly light. Like walking on the moon only slightly even less gravity. Released Via a custom device called an S.P.G

Epipremnum:Turns the users arms into a toxic whip like form.Activated through a custom weapon called an S.P.M

Magnolia: Fires a green laser via photosynthesis. Must be Day power gained according to charge. 1post:Weak sauce lazer:think death beam from dbz but weeeeeeeak. 2posts:equivalent to the weakest Cero 3posts:Equivalent to a the weakest cero with a little more juice but less that a mid level cero. 4posts:A mid level cero. 5posts: Partly higher than mid less than Grand. 6: Grand Rey Cero Fired via a custom weapon called a S.P.G


User Image

Zanpakutou Spirit:Tsubomi
~Very tiny much like the size of a scalpel but greater in width hidden in lower left side of a sash.
User Image ((This look familiar to anyone wink ))

"Its time to harvest the common blossoms of life leaving the soil free for the wonderful sprouting of death EXHALE Tsubomi!"

Tsubomi will begin to change into that of a misty violet blade emitting a thick cloud of poison. The poison itself is not designed to kill it simply causes difficulty breathing and making one queasy and uneasy. Rosado will then use his opponents uneasiness and paranoia while hiding in the mist of poison to follow up with slashes only to vanish or inject one of his serums which would be impossible if the opponent was still in top condition. A mass amount of wind or great force of Reiatsu (Y'know like one o them super saiyan HYAAAAAAHS!) could easily blow this mist away and leave Rosado exposed to get his rear handed to him. Tends to work better at night than in the day. The Mist "WILL" re collect in time. Rosado can manipulate the mist and fire balls of concentrated poison at the foe by swinging Tsubomi this is the equivalent of being stricken by a harsh gust of wind.

"To believe I actually got this far! To believe I actually must use this! Yes life is filled with beliefs but there is a very definite line between belief and proven science now isn't there! BANKAI!"

User ImageThe attack sucks away the sunlight then spreads its tainted vines and reiatsu across the land! The vines sprout black roses who bloom to show eyes watching every movement within the vicinity chasing down its targets with its thorny tendrils. What poisons are in these vines the type of poisons that weaken,paralyze,confuse,and kill. The vines of black garden seek out the foe not only infecting but cutting foe with its hellish blade like thorns and binding them into a state of weakness restricting all movement and infecting its target with toxins many.(Note razz oisons do not lead to real instant death you nuts I ain't no good at hax razz ) However if one is strong can fend off these poisons without some trouble (hard of breathing nausea etc) but where is the user who is causing all this? What is fueling the endlessly growing garden from hell. Why it is he, he who has been tied bound and hidden within the gardens depths fueling it with his reiatsu feeding it...but when the man loses all energy left to fuel the beast it will wither away like any other flower and the user on the floor drained of all will and energy. If found within his hiding place and attacked his defenseless body can no longer fuel the wild plants. To burn would take years. If cut more will take its place. If watered it will grow. The earth will make it spread the Garden of Death Black Garden.(I don't know if this will work but I wanna make this ability fun lets say it produces 6 rooms if you wish to move to another room roll a die. I'll give the position of Rosados body as say room 4 like that and if you roll a 4 you immediately find Rosado and victory is yours. Also being of low seat you survive 6turns Roasdo's drained and out for the count. Only superiors (upper seats) Can say screw the rules I have authority you get owned now byebye.)

Bud Ballet:State:Shikai razz urple flowers always tend to follow with the toxic mist. The flowers often block line of sight being annoyances but as long as the flowers are present the area is clean clears the users allies or himself of pollutants in the body. However the same can't be said for the enemy to them the flowers presence are but pesky swarming bugs being a awful bother.

Black Gardens Battle System:
The Garden is a land of its own a complex maze that seems to change with more twists and turns. Dice variations go as follows. Depending on Rosado's position the number of rooms will change.
Lieutenant:12 Rooms>12sided
Captain<If that ever happens<20rooms<20sided.
Rosado will reside in one of the rooms successfully rolling the current room he's in will mean instant victory.However attacks/traps will be set accordingly.
Current Traps:3 per room
Lieutenant:6 per room
Captain:10 per room.
*You find Rosado
*You are of higher authority and are permitted to say F**k this.
*You trigger all the traps.
*You give up
*You survive the amount of rooms (Ex6 rooms 6posts) without triggering all the necessary attacks/traps in this case both would be exhausted

The traps:
Ivy Wall:Restricts Movements

The Absolute Flora!:Imitates the flower Rosado hides in if it sense you well your in a heapin oh hurt.

Parleyes: Minimizes your roll

Toxic Floracious:Flowers that exhale horrid acidic breath.

The Assists
The Inmato: "Sup dog if you get me outa here I'll help ya out...or will I? 50/50 chance on help or hurt judged by me. No I'm not a jerk I will be nice...if your on my good side.

The Saber Beetle twins: "Feed us and we'll help you out." If you happen to have one of the items they demand for food and you feed em you got yourself some protection for a turn. Oddly they eat clothes and odd fruits.

CatTail:"Hiddly Hiddly Ho I'll tell ya where to go." You roll again if you want.

Either way:
The Hedge Guard!:Answering its riddle will provide a second roll but if you fail you find yourself kind of stuck.

The FunGuys:"This way or that way whose to say. One of us lies while one tells the truth." Will lead you to a trap or an Assist

The Cheshrub: "Hellooooo have you found what you looking for? No thats a real shame. You know they say the plants of this place are really weak to {insert element here}. Of course I could be lying bushes dont have brains after all it could be that they love that stuff. Oh well not my problem." `Vanishes

Toxic Syringes
Aroma Therapeutic elixirs and serums.
Toxic Gases contained in flasks
Crash Bomb
Flash Bomb
A device that harvest the energy from leaves and fauna from the area.The energy it collects become a golem of sorts capable of crushing and destroying anything it has access to. It roots can delve under ground and level buildings by tearin the ground below. Though highly vulnerable to fire as is all plants. NEEDS PLANTS.RAWER <Usable once Bankai is obtained)
R.P.P :Revolutionary Plant Projectile: A weapon much like a net bomb will fire off either explosive toxic seeds, A net that tangles foes in thorns, or creates a protective barrier from roots.
D.P.S(Distanced Plant Scanners):little flowers with eyes that collect data then embed themselves in Rosado's brain downloading the info like computers then wilt and die.

~User Data~

RP Name:Falsetto Furrio
Profession: Naval Navigation
Former Crew: BlackHorse Pirates
Fruit:The Gravi Gravi Fruit


User Image

Hair:Changes Color Between white and black
Eyes:Stale Brown
Clothing:Common Naval attire or a Hakama sometimes seen adorned in a cloak of hazy white.
Physical Appearance:Lean


~Falsetto loved being a pirate back in the day. However he came to the conclusion that although there were good pirates the bad clearly outweighed them. After seeing countless struggles he grew tired of it but continued piracy. One day his crews captain passed away leaving a successor. The man was a tyrant he demanded that the crew should loot pillage and worst of all kill. This cold hearted emotion instilled within Falsetto a man both cruel and spiteful. It was then though at that time he was sent on a solo mission to a lone island to kill all who were present and return with the spoils. The resident was just a girl. A girl mind you no older than age 7. His cold heart warmed he accompanied the girl for 2 years of his life never returning to the ship. Under the assumption that he died after a good 2 years they returned to the island to finish what they started. Finding the man and the girl they began an assault upon the man who abandoned them via captains orders. The man was as good as dead until the girl dug up something beneath her bed. A Devil's fruit. Force feeding it to the almost dead man. After bed rest he recuperated. Now with the ability to crush things and make people immobile by manipulating gravity. His scornful self made a promise to the girl to join the marines and put and end to the piracy that so betrayed him. He laughed happily as he took one of the girls unused stuffed toys and tore it apart in the air giving the image of tearing a pirate apart. He adopted the girl as his own and she is now enlisted in the marines and now he is an Admiral and together they have begun to clear the ocean of its scum.

~Incredibly serious,Has some happy moments,Is willing to give good pirates a "Dont ask Dont tell". Dislikes following orders


Foolhardy Whims:Makes the user very light decreasing the gravity around them literally provide flight.

Iron Apostate:Makes the user very heavy by increasing the gravity around them. Preventing knockback and heavy winds. Must be used carefully if used to much will cause bodily harm. Spinal problems,Knee problems, etc.

Heavy Downing: Iron Apostate in Vise Versa only intended to do harm to the target. Crushing,Squishing etc

Rime of Rebuke:Traps the target between multiple gravitational fields tearing it apart.

Stagnant Sharpay:Makes the target immobile not intended to do harm. Makes moving incredibly difficult.

Gravi Gravi Ordnance of Ruin!:Fires ball of concentrated polar forces causing a dimensional distortion that inflicts horrid damage.

Gravi Gravi Polarity:Uses forces do draw things closer or push them back.

Gravi Gravi Dartle Stream(How Redundant):A blast of pure gravitational forces in the form of a laser is the equivalent of getting punched by 8 road trains.

User Image
Full Name:
Palon Van Falsissen
Nickname razz al
Actual Age:
Appearance Age:
Date of Birth:
December 28th
Date of Death:
October 19th
Origin of Birth:
Kyoto Japan
Sexual Orientation:
Number Location:8 located on the left temple of his head.
Hollow Hole Location:
Upper Right side of the face just above the eye.
Remains of Hollow Mask:
Just below the hairline almost looks like a headband from a distance.
Certified Rank:A

Reiatsu Color:
Silver and Blue
Zanpakuto Name:Estrella Plata-Spanish-Shiruba-Shuensha -Japanese-Silver Star-English

Zanpakuto Information:
Two swords that which are the same length of 1.5 feet are commonly used not in the hands but in the air. Then using reiatsu control float and spin like circlets. They can then be flung like boomerangs then returning for defensive use.
Zanpakuto Appearance:User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. [sealed]
Resurrection Activation: Make a wish on the silver star Shiruba-Shuensha!

Pre Release attacks

Silver Barricade:
The Blades are swung in front of Palon using reiatsu manipulation taking a defensive role and offensive role. With incredibly quick gestures of ones hands in multiple directions and angles. ((Think hinata in the rock village vs giant wasp))

Quick Silver:The blades move at incredible speeds creating after images to touch the area's their in would mean the instant severing of the appendage in 1/10000th of a second.

Silver Bullet: Palon Wields the blades in his hands ascends into the sky and dives down like that of drill at incredible speeds. ((Think Kiba's Fang over Fang but only one Direction down.))

Resurrection Appearance:
Palon's swords will fuse into the very image of the gun he used to take his own life. he will then shoot himself in the head as his body vanishes into flash of silver dust. The dust will reunite and Palon's clothes with glow silver and sparkle like that of the universe. It will then become a solid silver white and his lower body will combine into like that of a ball his arms will grow in size and his torso will expand a visor like device covers his eyes which then become sparkles like that of stars. The blades become two small orbs that rotate around his transformed body at high speeds capable of inflicting and deflecting damage.

Resurrection Ability's:

:Naturally The ability to float and fly.

Ring of Gods
- Palons released state transforms the two blades into two balls. The balls rotate around him at incredible speeds in a full sphere. The balls move so fast that it in fact creates a sphere of defense and can also be used for offense. ~Balls are indestructible.

Left Star of Taurus:
The left sphere ceases rotation and fires a blinding flash of light this combined with a second attack of the ball lighting itself on fire and ramming into the blinded target at 75mph.

Right Star of Cygnus:
The Right sphere will stop and fire a torrent of slicing wind the ball will then spin in its set position at a speed so fast it creates a tornado it will then close in on the foe.

The Twin Stars Gemini:
The two spheres both stop spinning rise into the air and a negative and positive charge is distributed between them with great force. The balls then glow a yellow in begin to coat the the battle field with lightning raining in random directions. (2post charge character immobile during charge. Palon is most exposed at this point.)

Tres Plato Cero!
The Balls will fire two low class cero which is then combine with a cero fired by Palon this attack becomes the equivalent of a Grand Rey Cero with a shining silver tint.

Tres Grande Bala!
Similar to Tres Plato Cero only with Bala and less cataclysmic results. The Spheres will fire multiple small mini Bala's while Palon fires average sized bala

Star Crossed Destiny:
The orbs will place themselves close to two targets Palon himself and another. Both will vanish and make its target glow. From here on out damage sustained by another will be inflicted with equal force to the other. Ex{Palon stabs in the chest. Palon and target both feel the stab in the chest equally.>Suicide or death does not affect target.
((No techniques can be used while Star Crossed Destiny is Active))

Astral Rain:
The Balls Ascend to great heights out of sight. Then from the sky descend minuscule silver balls taking the image of meteors with silver tails. Striking all that is below. (Palon is exposed)

The Scales of Libra:
The Balls will shift from silver to gold. And based on the targets lack confidence, intentions, impurity of heart, guilt, fear etc. The Ball will grow in size and will feed off of negative vibes given off from the target then after a certain period of time. The other ball will shrink the opposing ball based on the targets good vibes. After the swapping the ball will launch itself at the opponent. Based on the targets personality and background the ball could be god awfully huge or the size of a bb pellet. ((Exposed during growth))

The balls glow red and float around Palon sporadically scanning its target then relaying information about personal background and weaknesses etc. ((Exposed)

The Great Divide! A Constellation Catastrophe!
The two balls begin glowing like a rainbow they then begin to split. They divide and divide and divide to a maximum of 100 each with the names of constellations
* Andromeda
* Antlia
* Apus
* Aquarius
* Aquila
* Ara
* Aries
* Auriga
* Boötes
* Caelum
* Camelopardalis
* Cancer
* Canes Venatici
* Canis Major
* Canis Minor
* Capricornus
* Carina
* Cassiopeia
* Centaurus
* Cepheus
* Cetus
* Chamaeleon
* Circinus
* Columba
* Coma Berenices
* Corona Austrina
* Corona Borealis
* Corvus
* Crater
* Crux
* Cygnus
* Delphinus
* Dorado
* Draco
* Equuleus
* Eridanus
* Fornax
* Gemini
* Grus
* Hercules
* Horologium
* Hydra
* Hydrus
* Indus
* Lacerta
* Leo
* Leo Minor
* Lepus
* Libra
* Lupus
* Lynx
* Lyra
* Mensa
* Microscopium
* Monoceros
* Musca
* Norma
* Octans
* Ophiuchus

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