(yes i get bored)
Name: Rose
DOB: 3/29
Birthplace: Virginia
Current location: my room
Eye Color: blue-ish?
Hair Color: brown/blonde
Height: 5'6"
Heritage: Irish
Piercings: 2
Tattoos: None...yet
Band/Singer: lots...
Song: Your Guardian Angel
Genre of Music: Country/pop
TV Shows: George Lopez, Family Guy, Full House. Almost anything on Animal Planet (idk why)
Movies:Star Wars, The Spider Man Series, Pirates of The Carribean Series, Finding Nemo, Bruce Almighy, Agent Cody Banks, All the disney movies. (except Bambi.)
Food: I likes shrimp :3
Store: Claries. (i like the key chains and little earings ^^)
#: 5
Drink: Mt. Dew, Pepsi
Clothing Brand: ...idk what that is :/
Shoe Brand: um...
Animal: Fox, wolf, kitty, tiger
Pizza Topping: garlic
Season: Fall
Month: Febuary, July, October, December/January(like...new years >W< )
Holiday: New Years, Halloween
Flower: Rose
Website: Gaiaonline, Yahoo, Youtube, Playlist.
Actor/Actress: um...
This or That:
Sunny or Rainy: Rainy
Chocolate or Vanilla:Chocolate
Fruit Or Veggie: Fruit
Night or Day: Night
Sour or Sweet: Sour
Love or Money: Love
Phone or In Person: In person
Poor & Happy or Rich & Miserable: poor & happy
Looks or Personality: personality
Coffee or Tea: ewie.
Hot or Cold: both -shrug-
(hot=an excuse to be nakie around my bf. cold= an excuse to cuddle :3 )
Goal for this year: -shrug- doesnt matter
Most missed memory: the day we first kissed :3
Best physical feature: idk...ask mai bf. i think mai eyes are pretty.
First thought waking up: OMG! im alive?...-pokes self- yep...
Do you wanna get married: yes
Do you wanna have kids: yes
If so, how many: anywhere from 2-6 dont care.
Do you wanna go to college: yes
What do you want to be: singer, teacher, or ...eh, idk.
Do You:
Dance in the rain: yes. :3
Smoke: no
Drink: sometimes
Shower daily: yes
Like thunderstorms: no hate them
Curse: yes sometimes
Sing: sometimes
Play an instrument: yes
Think you are good looking: no
Get along with your parents: only mai mom sometimes
Other Questions:
Can you whistle: yep
Right or left handed: right
Your bedtime: depends...
Biggest fear: ...being alone...
3 things you can't live without: jesse, freedom, oxygen.
Color of your room: red, white, and blue. yes...the american flag is my wall.
Siblings: yes
Middle name: Nicole
Pets: yes
Nicknames: Rosie. Nicole.
For or against gay marriage: For
Thoughts on abortion: its wrong and cruel....
If you could be anywhere right now where would you be: with Jesse
Do you wear contacts/glasses: yes
Are you afraid of the dark: no
What is your Lover's name: Jesse
How Long Have you been going out: since Febuary 13th 2009
Do you Love Him/Her: yes
Do You want to have kids with that person: ...
If so how many: ...
Do you want to have any kids at all: yes
Who do you want to marry: jesse
Where do you want to marry him/her: anywhere :3
How Many kids do you want in all: OMG you've asked this 3 times
Do you think you will be a good Parent: maybe :/
Do you believe in hitting your child: no
Do you want to have more girls or boys or an equal amount: more boys.
Why: girls will be tough when they get older
What do you want to be after high school: not sure yet
Why: wat u mean y? cuz i donno yet...dur...lmao
Do you think this job will pay a lot: i guess
Color: White
Person: Jesse
Skin Color: YOU RASIST b*****d
Shoe: idk.
Age: 21
Number: 5
Milk/Water: water
Shoes/Sandals/Flip Flops: wtf?
Birthday/Christmas: Birthday
Church/School: school
God/Devil: neither is real.
Clothes/Naked: hmmm...
Love/Single: love
Zodiac sign: aries
Single/in love/crush on: Jesse
Weakness: Jesse
Overused phrase on IM: :3 ily
Have you ever been in love: yea
Have you ever been heartbroken: yes
Have you ever been cheated on: yes
Have you cheated: yes once and never did it again...learned a lesson
Last person you talked to: mai mom
Last person you hugged: jesse
Last person you kissed: jesse
Last person you smiled to: i smirked at mai mom...
Last time you cried: a few minutes ago.
Last time you smiled: hours ago.
Last movie you saw: Vacancy
Who is your #1 on your myspace: jesse
Why is that person on your #1 list: cuz he ish mai bf...the love of my life duh what kinda question is that?!!? o.O
How do you know him/her: omfg...MAI BF!
Do you like him/her: no. i love him
What do you like about this person: i'll make a new entry just for this question
Who is your best friend: ...
How long did you know this person: who?
Is this person still your best friend: wat?!?
Have You Ever...
Have you ever seen or experienced any life altering events: wat does that even mean?!!? o.O
Have you ever been scared for your life: yes
Have you ever seen anyone fearful for their own life: yes
Have you ever accomplished something you never thought you would: im in love and happy arent i? are you surprised?
What(s): omg...
What has been your biggest struggle in life so far: love
What do you find to be most difficult about relationships: distance...comunication
What part of yourself do you feel gives you the most strength:...what?
What song can best describe your life right now: ...um
What song can best describe your life as a whole: ...um
If there was a movie about your life what would the title be: Happily Ever After
Who would you want to play "you" in the movie about your life: megan fox :3
Who is the strongest person you know: jesse...he can pick me up.
Who has been your biggest inspiration and why: jesse
Who has made you laugh the most: jesse
Who has made you cry the most: dillon
Who will you always love: jesse, shannon, stine, and mai mom
do you hate/really, really dislike someone: yes
Who knows you inside and out: no one.
Who can best pick you up when life has pushed you down: shannon
When you wish upon a shooting star, what do you wish for: stuffs.
When do you feel that love conquer all: when mai bf huggles me tight.
When will you feel that all your dreams have come true: once im married
Life's Quote: eh.
Write the quote that you feel best describes life: eh.
Which do you prefer?
Mcfly or Girls aloud: McFly
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
Sweet or savoury: what?
MySpace or Bebo: Myspace
Johnny Depp or Orlando bloom: J. Depp
Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings: Harry Potter
Scary films or girly films: Scary
Finish the sentence
If i was an animal I would be : a fox
My wedding: will be great.
I love: Jesse
I hate: people
I really want to: be snuggling with Jesse right now.
My special power would be: invisiblity(or teleportation)
If I was invisible: I would disapear from the world.
If I had a billion pounds (or dollars): I'd run away from this life with jesse
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Bloody Rose
My Blood Drips...
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Dear everyoneihappentoroleplaywith,
Part-time job, Full-time school and mom. But I'm a role play addict. I'm sure you'll be seeing a lot of me.
<3 Bloodylilrose