Total Value: 1,977,746 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
White Frilled Hat
Enchanted Book 8th Gen.
Enchanted Book 9th Gen.
Enchanted Book 10th Gen.
Grim Witchling Broom
Mona the Platypus
Nartian Rock 5th Gen.
Gimpi 7th gen.
Fallen Wish
Fallen Wish
Fallen Wish 11th Gen.
Ballet Toe Shoes
Carol of Ol' Ebenezer 3rd gen.
Pure White Sweet Lace Dress
Summoning Tome

Total Value: 5,507,930 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
White Fae Boots
Enchanted Book 7th Gen.
Sexy Present (Valentines Day 2k9)
Angelic Camisole
Fallen Wish
Spirit Halo
Carol of Ol' Ebenezer 3rd gen.
Mercury's Moon
Golden Laurels
Sparkling Eyes Clown Makeup
Dreamer's Dust

Total Value: 5,545,249 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Goldenrod Butterfly Terrycloth Tube-Top
Padmavati's Lotus
Heart of Gold
Golden Petals
Golden Laurels
Gold Stripes Right Arm Tattoo
Hermes' Moon
Chill of Artemis

Total Value: 745,370 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Diapered Egg 3rd gen.
Dander 6th Gen.
Cherry Blossom
Biancamella 3rd Gen
Oculus Magica
Diapered Egg
Cherry Blossom
Cherry Blossom
Candy Pink Sweet Lace Rockinghorse Shoes
Candy Pink Sweet Lace Alice Bow
Biancamella 5th Gen

Total Value: 934,021 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Spirit Falcon
Angelic Camisole
Angelic Gloves
Angelic Boots
Picolitrosso's Urn 10th Gen.
Picolitrosso's Urn 11th Gen.
Elegant Lord's Mask (Amethyst Studs)

Total Value: 738,215 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Gogh Reed 5th Gen.
Gift of the Gods
Fresh Grass Skirt
Fairy Shoes
Dashing Gentleman Emerald Vest
Gogh Reed 5th Gen.
Gift of the Goddess
Forest Troll Ears
Forest Troll Ears
Dionaesil 7th Gen
DandiiDooDad Spore
Coocoon (4th Gen)
Coocoon (4th Gen)

Total Value: 3,340,366 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Carol of Ol' Ebenezer 3rd gen.
Chuchip's Blessing
Chill of Artemis
Chill of Artemis
Enchanted Book 9th Gen.
Tiny Pixie Wings
Dreamer's Dust
Dander 6th Gen.
Dander 6th Gen.

Total Value: 8,579,053 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Fallen Wish
Fallen Wish 2nd Gen.
Fallen Wish 5th Gen.
Fallen Wish 3rd Gen.
Fallen Wish 10th Gen.
Sexy Present (Valentines Day 2k9)
Fallen Wish 11th Gen.
Mercury's Moon
Mercury's Moon
Mercury's Moon
Nartian Rock
Fallen Wish 12th Gen.
Oisin's Blessing

Total Value: 373,281 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Kitty Slippers
Blue Candy Striped Stockings
Dreamer's Dust
Angelic Gloves
Cool Female Starter Preppy Sweater
Carol of Ol' Ebenezer 3rd gen.
Angelic Earmuffs
Angelic Camisole

Total Value: 707,614 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Mythic Hair
Elegant Veil
Oculus Mythica
Immaculate Bishop
Let it Snow
Sky Sparkle Empire Dress
Mythrill Halo
Winter Rose
Sno Yeti Pillow Plush(chillin')

Total Value: 387,930 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Fallen Wish 11th Gen.
Elemental Wings

Total Value: 280,591 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Powder Blue Sweet Lace Knee Socks
Pure White Sweet Lace Mary-Janes
Frostbite Blade
Oculus Mythica
Mythic Hair
Snow Witch
Snow Witch
Snow Feather
Snow Feather
Snow Feather
Let it Snow