Monday morning, about 4 o'clock i stood up because we had to get in the train to Schiphol at 45 past 5. Well, the trip went pretty well, and looking around at Schiphol for tax free shopping was pretty nice.
Well, The plane was from Brittish Midlands, and it was a pretty comfy plane. It was a bit small, but the seats where amazingly soft. The flight itself was really nice, it was gorgeous weather and pretty clouds. At the end of the flight my ears began to hurt like hell, but thank god that past away fairly quickly. On Heathrow the baggage arrived pretty quickly, so that was nice. My suitcase was really big, but really light.
Anyway, after we figured out how to get to our hotel with the Heathrow express (the underground) it was fairly easy to get there. We had to change to an other underground to get to Lancaster gate, but the (pretty cute!!) guy there told us we could walk there in about 5 minutes.. well, it took us half an hour because my mum got lost >.> So after a while we found a taxi driver!! and asked him where our hotel, Columbia, was. He pointed right behind us and said : "There". We where standing right in front of it ^^;. Anyway, the hotel staff where really nice! We where on the top floor, in a cute and very English room. Anyway, we got settled in there, and decided to walk to where the London eye is, which was a huge mistake. Of course, we got lost often (it seems my mum sucks at reading maps, and i'm awesome at asking people the way, and people there are sooo nice telling us the right way!!) Anyway, right in front of the Parliament house, there was a huge demonstration for Sri langa. I've got pictures of that lol. There where só many cops!! Like, the whole 4 days we've been in England there where police everywhere. Well, anyway, we found the bridge leading to the eye, but first we went on a boat trip around the Thames, cause i got free tickets for that. Well, that was a huge mistake as well lol. It was fun the first few minutes, but after a while, we stopped to pick up people at the eye it self, and then at the tower of London, but we didn't know we could get out there. So we went to Green something, and the captain said that the last trip would be in about an hour.. but we didn't hear that we could get out and walk around there! So we sat there for an hour, and then about 1,5 hours back with the boat, it was such a waste of time! Anyway, at nighttime we went to eat in an Italian, which was pretty nice, and totally cheap!
We went to bed fairly early, but i haven't had much sleep, because my mum snored like a madman! *_* Anyway, next day we stood up around half past 6, and had a breakfast downstairs, a continental breakfast, which wasn't to bad, cause i refuse to have a pure English breakfast! What are you thinking, beans in the morning? *_* Anyway, that same day we had a walk in Hyde park, which was like, 200 meters from our hotel. It's such a big park! I want to live there! Anyway, that day we went walking to oxford street, and shopped, a lot! I really liked the Mark & Spencer there! Oh, and the H&M, and primark!! *_* If only we had found it sooner, such cheap clothing! But it was totally crowded in there! I did however bought a nice summer jacket there tho! And in Mark and Spencer i bought a lovely pair of pants, and my mum bought me a really awesome huge red purse! We also found an other shop, which was for curved people, and their shoes where for people with wider feet, I bought amazingly cute pumps there! Uhm.. Well, around 4 we went back to the hotel to change to our more formal outfit, with stockings, but the stocking went of really quick, since it made me slip out of my new shoes all of the freaking time, oh the pain!! Anyway, we went walking to .. >.> *dot dot dot* square. The English people will know, where there is an art museum x'D Trafalgar square? Anyway, we found a cute pub to eat, and of course, my napkin fell, and this really cute boy that worked there picked it up, and gave me 2 fresh ones, just in case x'D After that, we went to Phantom of the opera in Her Majesty's Theater. The show was AMAZING! The Theater was amazing! Our seats where pretty close to the stage! And just, wow *_* The show was almost the same as the movie, but it was still amazing, to see the chandelier almost falling on the audience, to see the phantom floating above you on a statue... And the songs where amazing, of course. I still hear them in my head x'D It was só worth it going there, I'm still in a state of awe.Anyway, after that, we wanted to walk to a bus, but my mum suddenly hold a cap driver, and we went into a real English cap! It scared the living daylights out of me how people drive in england! Especially buses! Anyway, the cap driver was really friendly! And he called me pretty, so that was good v.v One thing i noticed, is that the 3 black males i met, called me beautiful or where flirting with me, even on the airport! It was rather funny x'D Anyway, went to sleep early again, haven't slept much because of my mum, and took a looong bath. Anyway, forward to Wednesday. We went with the underground to the Tower of London, and we saw the ravens! They where sooo big!! I have a few pictures of them, and also bought a stuffed animal. The Tower wasn't what i expected unfortunately, expected to at least read the story of bloody mary and stoff, but it wasn't there sad Seeing the torture things where pretty awesome tho, and to read the mystery of the princes that suddenly vanished there. Anyway, after that we went to Camden Market, which was nice, but i was in a really foul mood because of my mum ^^; cause we got constantly lost, and constantly after a while, she said i was right about the way we should have gone to >.> Anyway, went into a few shoe stores, but couldn't find nice fitting shoes. Suddenly we walked into a really small shoe shop,(black person nr. 2) where i found rather nice shoes, a bit manly for my liking, but the feel amazing on the feet, and it's an unisex shoe, so who cares? Anyway, he gave me a 5 pound discount! Then my mum said, will you give me 5 pound discount as well? She is my daughter you know, so he said, i figured that's where her beauty comes from x'D. Anyway, a really nice man. After that we walked to the London zoo, which was soooo big! And gorgeous, and just.. wow. I took a lot of pictures there, but i'm still looking through them to see if they worked out okay. Anyway, went to see the tigers, but they where lazy -_- And we found a pigeon there which was injured, but alive, so we told the zoo keepers that there was an injured pigeon there, so i hope they found it. Anyway, it was really amazing to watch the zoo. I bought a few funny things there as well, magnets for on the fridge with funny sayings. Anyway, it was a pretty nice day, if my mum wouldn't destroy my mood with her stubbornness so we get lost while i said the right way -_- Anyway, Also bought a sweater with I *heart* London on it, since i was freezing (this was Monday tho x'D) cause it was a really warm day, but the night was really cold, and i hadn't had a jacket with me lol.
Anyway, Yesterday we went to have a huge walk in Hyde park, and saw a bit of the palace there, but since my mum was stubborn we went, again, the wrong way, if she had listened we would have seen the whole palace, ah well, anyway,went to the lakes there, and there where huge swans! Also flying swans and wow *_* Also saw a gray squirrel! And a lot of pigeons, again lol. We went to Harrods while walking to Hyde park, and got lost again, (one guess which fault that was x'D) So i got annoyed and asked a nice lady, who gave me clear instructions how to get there, so i told them to my mum, and she of course, wanted to go a different way -_- But finally she listened. so after a while we finally got there, me a tiny bit annoyed. Harrods was amazing as always, but my mum was constantly saying how expensive everything was and bla bla, i just wanted to look quietly there! That doesn't mean i want to buy stuff! Anyway, we found a tax free shop in Harrods, and i bought a few nice pens there. My mum was hungry, but didn't want to eat in harrods because it was to expensive, like, duh!! -_- Anyway, we found this lovely sushi bar, and i ate Miso soup there (also got a picture of that soup x'D) But London was really full of those kinds of restaurants! Anyway, also went to Soho? Something like that, near China town, And i found a book store there, and bought 6 books of ghost stories, for only 2,50 pounds each!! Really cheap! Oh! And we found a store there called O my god! Well, the shop keeper was a real OMG! *_* person! His glasses where covered in rhinestones *_* But he had really cute jewelry, and i bought a necklace with a skull there. Anyway the shopkeeper was só gayish, it was funny (no offense of course).
Oh! And i bought a bracelet at phantom of the opera, with charms on it!
Hm.. What else *_* Anyway, as i said, a lot of pictures where made, bought magnets, bracelets, shoes,jeans, top, necklace, a stuffed animal of a raven, i bought a dragon candle holder and a dragon pen (My collection is getting bigger!!) I bought a white tiger on a key chain, but it broke off >.> So now i have a white tiger plush. For my dad i bought a pen at harrods, which was silver and pretty, i bought an ashtray, a nail clipper with the london flag on it, and 3 jars of Jam. For my sister i bought a towel with Winnie the pooh and piglet on it, and for myself one with Tigger on it (Of course x'D I still collect Tigger.)
For my niece i found the parfume she likes,Miss Dior, for only 47 pounds, while she pays 80 euro for it (and since the pond is really cheap right now, this was like a bargain).I just hope i have the right one x'D If not, i like the scent as well, so then i will take it lol.
Ehmm.. I think this was it ^^; nothing much happened cause we lost a lot of time because of getting lost lol.
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