FOMG! From Ooki and her Baka, Nyaan! &33 Isn't it pretty!? Ooki = Ookami_Kinrei_chan
These are both from Dra. She bought it from a shop called Deepwood Volu, they sell pets that are always available, I think. &33 Dra = dragons375
I got quite a lot of pixels. So, some non-pixels were nice for a change. {See above.} I heart all the nice people that bought/made me these gifts. &33 Thank you all!!
From Molly, one of my favorite people! &3 Thank you so much! Molly = redmeatmolly
I got one from Ota, The Otaku, but the link doesn't work anymore. I think I was supposed to save to my own server...? D:
But I still gots this one! Thanks Ota~! Ota = The Otaku
Britt made this herself and gave it to all her friends. Isn't it cute? ^^ &33 Thank you! Britt = [.Britt.]
Kea made it and gave it to me. She also has a shop selling Secret Santas! Thank you muchs! Arigatou! &33 Kea = Kea41
Awww, so kawaii~! Arigatou zimt! &33
From Crystalized-Secret! I always wanted one of these. ;3 Now, to find the thread so I may name her. D: {It opened! ;3}
From Cat, awww...
*le gasp* Ooki gave me another one! Thank you~ *goes to get her another one too* >3