Well it has been some time now scence my last post...
I feel silly writing it but, Im not going to get rid of it.

Well I guess you could say I've fallen In love. I know this is Real love, true love heart

As time goes on we feel strange, but untill now I come to see that this is the first time I have fallen in love and have even heard those words back.
Love amkes you feel light as air, it makes you smile and laugh at the smallest things.
It funny really, The one I love was there this whole time spiting the ones who were crule to me. He always can put a smile on my face, even when I wont ot cry.
If you knwo who this is and if its you
I just have to say
Thank you for being the one I've needed in my life~

I feel like a kid again because of you, anytime were together I feel like I could fly~ blaugh

Never before have I been this happy and others can tell.
I can't belive the non-beliver is in Love...for the First time.