so, with the life i dont have, im watching animes i havent seen but been meaning to. Such as:
Gunslinger Girl
Samurai 7
Air Gear
NANA (including live action movie)
Hana Yori Dango (Live action, idk which one i want to watch tho)
and series that i've started but not yet finished
Vampire Knight (now on 2nd season Guilty)
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (stopped at i believe episode 3 or 4)
D.Gray Man(stopped somewhere during the fillers now its been 3 yrs? :XP smile
xxxHolic (episode 9 or 10 im on i think)
Hell Girl (on episode 5 if im not mistaken)
i might finish up Peach Girl and perhaps GALS but Idk...
I wonder if thats too much.Are there any other animes or live actions i should watch?

I've adopted a neko!
Name: Mr. Neko
Likes: cats, dogs, ramen, ice cream, milk, sunny days,flowers, people
Dont like: spicy food, mice, rainy days
Owner: Gekkou-Sama
You can adopt one too!
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