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XOK-4:Raven O.M.A.
You are now authorized to access the OXY Online Memory Archive. Subject: XOK-4: Raven; Project K.A.N.Z.A.K.I.
A Legacy Born
I've decided to record all the details of who I am. Who knows, perhaps someone else will find these and know of who I was. This is my Legacy.

____» Raveena Lavendra Senaria : Raven Sena Kanzaki : Corvus Korbin Corax : XOK-4: Raven; Project: K.A.N.Z.A.K.I.
A g e
____» Physical: 17, Last Recorded: 417
B i r t h d a y
____» July 16th
A s t r o l o g i c a l _ S i g n
____» Cancer
B l o o d _ T y p e
____» O
H e i g h t
____» 5'5”
W e i g h t
____» 52.16 kg
O r i e n t a t i o n
____» Heterosexual
H o b b i e s
____» Reading, Writing, Cooking, Cleaning, Painting, Composing Music, Playing the Violin, Practicing Weaponry, Coding and Decoding
O c c u p a t i o n
____» Leader of the Kanzaki line, Hoshi Line, Senarian (Royal) Line; Fourth House Representative, Cancer; Ambassador of the Astral Virtue Guardianship; Diplomat, Former Assassin and Spy.
F a v o r i t e _ F o o d
____» Steaks and Pecan Pie
F a v o r i t e _ A n i m a l s
____» Large Wild Cats
F a v o r i t e _ F l o w e r s
____» Lilies; Lotus Blossoms
F a v o r i t e _ C o l o r s
____» Green, Black, Red
W e a p o n
____» Naga: Raven’s Naginata; BloodReign: Raven’s Broadsword; Sai: Corvus’ dual pair; Twin Dirks: Raven’s daggers; Scythe: Corvus’ Lunar Scythe, Long Bow
E l e m e n t
____» Water

Race: Elementalist Hybrid

Ethnicity: Matreyan

Raven Kanzaki

Element: Water

Sign: Cancer

Virtue: Love

Daemon: Panther

[. Personality .]

True to her sign, Raven is a very motherly, protective creature. She isn’t usually surprised by what another person may do, and responds well to chaotic situations. Naturally calm and level-headed, Raven can be very introverted; choosing to remain silent, observe and retain information of what she sees and understands. Around others, Raven can be extraverted; choosing to be heard, and interact positively with those that are around. She is very trustworthy on one level, and very deceptive on another. There are times when she is distant, cold, and calloused, but remains true to the people she cares about. Her Guardian complex allows her to fight efficiently, always enjoying a good spar or fight, and will often fight even at the risk of endangering her life. When given the chance, Raven will put herself before another person first, and stick to her decisions soundly.

[. History .]

It had been a peaceful time, now that the father of both Prince Roanaku and Kieran had passed away. Because Kieran was only half royal, despite their father’s favoritism, the secret had been leaked—and by Kieran his self no less. Roanaku had taken his rightful place on the throne. It had been scandalous, being blamed for his half-brother’s mal-lineage, all for the sake that Kieran take the throne instead. But Kieran knew it had been Roanaku’s birthright, and he had since worked alongside his brother. Between those times Roanaku discovered his identity as a Gatekeeper, the Guardian of the Descended One. The Descended One was both blessed and cursed to bring peace and prosperity for the People of the Realm; it was the People that allowed the Realm to exist as it did. Little was he aware that his father had been suffered the same fate, and wished that his son not acquire the same. His Descended One had been the Lady Midoraiyu of Matreya, the wife and Queen of Lord Hathar’sidd. Matreya’s King loved her dearly, and protected her fiercely, but knew they were not destined because of her cosmic connection to her Gatekeeper. The Lady carried with her a very strong destiny in the form of a Crystal of dangerous powers. Its true name was unknown, and many called it the Chaos Crystal, and as the host, she could willingly convert its chaotic power to maintain the balance of peace and chaos for the People. Before giving birth to their daughter, Lady Midoraiyu was injured in battle, and the Crystal was forced from her body. It corrupted the mind of the King, who waged war against its neighboring Kingdom, Valtera—the realm of the King who was Midoraiyu’s Gatekeeper, Lord Kal’ten Valteris. Lady Midoraiyu died giving birth to the heir, Princess Raveena. Lord Kal’ten Valteris died protecting his Descended One, leaving his two sons behind.
Both enraged and saddened by the Queen’s death, Matreya slowly spiraled to ruin, until the King was convinced it was time to remarry. He spent his time courting Lady Katalein, eventually marrying her and bringing her to the Kingdom with her daughter, Rianna DeTerrec. The King disregarded his daughter, believing she was responsible for his wife’s death. The Crystal was cunning and devious; it always seemed to get what it wanted. It knew that if it had made it clear that Rianna was to be the newly chosen Descended One, a series of cosmic events would occur for it to reach its fullest potential, even at the expense of corrupting its pawns. Katalein refused to allow such hardships to fall on her daughter, and implored the King to find another means. It had been decided that Raveena’s punishment for destroying the realm would be to restore it, and the Crystal had fallen to her instead. Little did the King know that he was developing one of his strongest weapons, and that Raveena’s future would center on the catalyst that started it all.

Raveena was exiled at the age of three, forced to leave the realm on her own. The King had made it clear that he no longer acknowledged her as his daughter. It was not long thereafter, that Matreya ceased to exist altogether. The chaos that reigned had destroyed it, and for centuries it remained a relic of the past. Raveena had lost herself to another realm—a Nether-realm, in which a notorious bioengineering organization known as Organization XY existed. It specialized in manipulating the DNA of a being to form something more powerful for its cause of power: rigid, emotionless, and protective of its prized experiments. The highest form of protection was the most successful of their experiments, labeled as Guardians. Raveena was reformed as XOK-4: Raven, and was subjected to gene manipulation, which resulted in the birth of a Neohuman. Her ID had been provoked, unleashing a weak Psychokinetic manifestation. The birth of XOK-4: Raven also resulted in the dormant Elementalist blood awakening, a gene running in the Matreyan Royal Family. Raven was placed in Project: K.A.N.Z.A.K.I. as was trained as a Kinetic Artificial Neohuman Zoned for Accurate Killing and Infiltration. All Guardians were trained to follow five “Laws” of OXY: Emotion was restricted, alliances were forbidden, family was forbidden, friends were forbidden, and love in all form was forbidden. Raven’s Crystal urged to fight, training her as OXY brainwashed her, causing her mind to split into two deities. A cybernetic part of her brain allowed an OXY official to trigger the Guardian mode on “command”. Once a defined command was given, it was executed and carried out until completed. It was a similar incident long after OXY in which Raven found herself responsible for her two children’s death.

Another OXY Guardian, Alan Korina, was the one factor OXY had overlooked. He forewent his Guardianship, faking his brainwashed demeanor while secretly investigating OXY. Once discovering it true darkness, he sought to escape with another, that being Raven. It was with Alan’s insistent explanations, and a brush of Raveena’s sub consciousness, that allowed Raven to break free of OXY’s brainwashing. Together the two of them escaped into the Human plane, where they went their separate ways. Raven isolated herself in a remote patch of mountains North-East, taking several years to recuperate from what OXY had done to her. It was there that Roanaku had discovered her, tracing her all the way from Europe where he resided in search of her. Once he had learned what had happened to his father, he sought Raven out, blaming her much as Raven’s own father had. In a fight to overpower her out-of-control abilities, it was revealed that the Valterans relied on consuming blood to sustain their lives, and in a fit of anger, almost killed Raven. Once he had tasted her blood, he discovered what she had endured from her Father, OXY, and that she was the newly appointed Descended One. Once he understood what Raven had gone through to where she was today, he spent several years with her, training her as an Elementalist and helping her control her Psychokinetic abilities. It became clear to Roan that Raven was no longer the being she was when he first knew of her, but two separate minds fused to create a single physical entity. He invoked an anger in her that released the foreign mind, who called itself Corvus Korbin Corax of OXY. Roan understood that Corvus was the darkness that OXY created within Raveena, and that Raveena and Corvus formed Raven. Unable to understand or accept this, Raven chose to become Raven Sena Kanzaki, a reflection of being Raveena and Corvus, yet neither.

It was then that Roan and Raven separated; Roan being called away to attend his own personal affairs within his realm, and Raven returned to civilization, assimilating into the population around her. She refused to use her inhuman abilities, knowing now that her blood was tainted with Roan’s vampiric nature. He had sealed Corvus away, a tattoo on her back in the form of a whimsical Demon’s wing—a symbol of her half-demon heritage. She had noticed a large, black cat appearing in several inauspicious locations, watching her carefully. Several days later, Alan returned with a group of individuals, introducing themselves as Astral Virtue Guardians. Their leader, whom Alan introduced as Kieran Starsworn— was revealed as Roan’s half brother. Roan himself had returned, along with Lady Katalein’s daughter, Rianna. The Crystal had pulled together these individuals and had woven their lives together. It had been explained that Raven was suspected of being one of the AVG, and underwent a series of tests to prove that she was the Fourth House Representative: Cancer. The large feline finally revealed itself as being Raven’s Panther Daemon, Jesta’. She shared a telepathic connection, and even allowed Raven to transform into a Panther when needed. It was explained that Raven’s cardinal Element was Water, and that from all the turmoil she had suffered, Love had become her strongest virtue. Raven accepted the group as her family, with her new title as Fourth House Representative: Cancer; Peacekeeper of the Zodiac, Astral Virtue Guardian Panteera of Matreya, the Guardian of Love. Together they protected their surrounding Realms from outside threats and neighboring realms.

Acting as an official, Raven created her own spy network and even rectified her own personal army in the event of a major attack. She spent many years training them personally, until she settled down with a man known as Pierce Shozintu. Like her Mother before her, Raven knew that it was wrong of her to keep her secrets from the man who loved her, until one day a threat made itself known to their family. By accident, she had been commanded to kill the threat, triggering her Guardianship. Her two children, Naoto and Naori interfered, and Raven ended up killing them. Pierce abandoned her out of fear, when Roan appeared to disarm her. He sought Pierce out, enraged by his cowardice, explaining everything to the man who claimed to love her. Pierce understood, still fearful, and told Roan to look after Raven for him, that his connection with her was stronger than any other.

Raven was saddened by the loss of her children, and never came to forgive herself. She disembarked from the AVG to discover who she truly was. Roan stood by his word to Pierce, trailing after her. He kept in touch with Kieran, until affairs in Valtera required him being there. It was then that he had sent Raven to a Guild he had personally looked into. He knew that Raven would have to train in order to overcome the Crystal inside of her, to prevent another accident from occurring that resulted in more unjustified deaths. He sent her to a Guild of fighters to train, and to attempt to gain control of her Psychokinetic energy. Raven’s connection to Jesta’ interfered with her Psychokinetic abilities, resulting in being able to access the ID of those around her. Many voices would flood into Raven’s mind until she forced it under control, or passed out. Knowing that her abilities were weak, Raven went to the Guild of Gaian Fighters to train. It wasn’t long after a battle against a series of strangers after her friend Noah that Raven discovered the Elements Realm, choosing to train under her cardinal element. She remains there to this day, working hard to control her destructive abilities, in hopes of overcoming the parasitic power the Crystal now holds over her.

[. For the Future .]

Raven hopes to continue to protect the people she cares about. She wishes to remain as a diplomat and Ambassador for the Astral Virtue Guardianship and hone her skills as an Elementalist to the master level. She also hopes she can put her past memories of killing behind her, and eventually resettle down to tend to her family and friends. Her ultimate goal is to find a way to continue existing without the Crystal.

[. Abilities .]

Swift Speed: As a Neohuman, Raven’s vital strength is amplified, including her speed. She can move herself faster than the untrained eye can follow.

Long Range:
Swift Kick: Raven delivers a kick to her opponent without touching them; in truth, she uses her speed to create a vacuum of air that hits the opponent without her having to touch them. A weak move, the distance prevents severe damage.

Swift Punch: With the same concept as “Swift Kick”, Swift Punch is a move designated for the palms of Raven’s hand. As she pushes the hand outward, the speed pushes the air for vital areas such as the chest and facial area. Like the Swift Kick, Swift Punch does not execute severe damage.

Short Range:
Swift Kick: Unlike her long-range attack, Raven relies strictly on range and strength to execute a swift kick. Varied, it often takes the form of side, front-snap, or round-house kick, depending on the situation Raven is in.

Swift Punch: Raven makes full use of her fist, elbow, and arm to deliver a Swift Punch. The combination varies to using the palm of her hand, to using a drawn fist, or even her elbow to deliver the blow.

Bullet Punch: At close range, Raven has more advantage because of her naturally swift speed. She executes three to four punches consecutively, pinpointing vital and weak points along the chest area.

Ascending Kick: A favorite of Raven’s, she moves into the close range of her opponent, slides along the ground until she reaches the front side of her opponent, and sends a heel for the chin, coming from below. Unless perceived, it can prove to be a critical hit.

Long Range:
Elemental Summoning: Raven’s natural connection to Elements allows her to respectfully draw upon their existence.

Primary: Water, Lightning, Fire, Earth
Secondary: Darkness/Fatality, Light/Vitality, Time

Celestial Arrow: With the use of Light, Raven forms both bow and arrow, shooting for the target. Even without hitting the target, the expelling of bright light is enough to blind a three foot radius area.

Water Clones: A technique Raven trained with, she forms a perfect replicate with the use of water, the surface reflecting what the target would actually look like. Here, she can use the water pressure to recreate life-like movements.

Psychokinesis: Raven can manipulate the atmosphere around her with her mind to create barriers, or to create an unseen manifestation to physically move things.

Short Range:
Cat’s Eye Hypnotism: A technique relied solely on the use of telepathy and concentration, Raven uses her cat-like pupils to catch the attention of her opponent, holding it, and accessing their mind to influence their more subtle, positive thoughts. It allows her to calm her opponent so long as she can hold their concentration.

Talisman Shield: An attack reserved for Light energy and Time, it allows Raven to create a barrier in which Time is at her disposal. If an opponent is within close range, and she traps them within the shield, she has the ability to slow the atmosphere within the shield, and ultimately, the target trapped within it, for ten seconds.

Elemental Barrage: An optional follow up for the Talisman Shield; In four points of the Talisman shield, four Elemental attacks will be executed, and a final fifth point will result in the combination of the energies in a bright light which impacts the target. Within the shield, it appears as a five-point star.

Healing: Due to Raven’s sign, Cancer, she is most prevalent in healing. Roan determined it was due to being an “Earth Snake” of the Chinese Zodiac, in association with being born under the sign of “Cancer”. It was said that Earth is a balance and represents stability. Raven takes her natural aura, and uses it to heal the injuries of others. However, she cannot heal herself for danger of polluting her blood with too much power. If she does heal herself, her body induces a strong fever, and depending on how potent the aural poisoning is, may even kill her.

Aizen Teresaga
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