The Lovely Wonderful Helpful people! Shin Tatsugami Squishy_Bunny Radiozine
Avatar Arts: Disclaimer: 100g or less = Stick figure head shot. 101g - 999g = Stick figure with a body. 1k - 1.9k = Chibi head shot. 2k - 2.9k = Chibi full body. 3k - 3.9k = Normal head shot. 4k - 6.9k = Normal bust. 7k - 9.9k = Normal waist. 10k - 20k = Normal full body. 20k+ = color. If you donate say 6.8k, and want a chibi head shot that's cool too. You can choose anything below the amount you've donated if you want to.
((I'll be putting up my examples soon. Please be patient with me. Thank you.))