My Story Part #2
I sighed and rolled off of the couch. I went into the kitchen and fed Jet his usual food and opened the fridge. I was in search of a healthy snack, since I was on my healthy diet. "Banana? No...To blan. Fruit salad? Hmmm I don't know." I debated aloud. I finally gave up and grabbed a can of coke. I headed towards my room with the unopened can and hopped on my bed. I grabbed the remote and turned on the T.V. I changed it to my favorite channel and opened my coke. I didn't really know what was on, but I'd watch anything, I was so bored. I took a swig of my coke and Jet came into the room, jumped up on my bed and licked my cheek. "Awww. Jet, you know you're not a puppy anymore. You have to be more careful of what you do, sweetie." I said as I rubbed the back of his neck. "Although, you're always adorable. I love you so much, big guy." I always talked to Jet. I know it sounds crazy, but it seems like he understands every word I say. He rubbed against my hand, accepting my advice, and groaned, talking back to me. I chuckled at his response. I took another drink of my soda and looked at the T.V. guide. Family Guy was on, and pretty much nothing else. Family Guy was such a stupid show, I've always hated it. But there was nothing else to watch, so why not try to bare it. I changed the channel and began watching. Soon I was laughing and cringing at the same time. But I guess I was enjoying it. Soon my coke was gone and Jet was asleep on the floor. I rolled under the covers, turned off the T.V. and flipped off the light next to the bed.