Really, I don't know why I entitled it with that name but it just got pretty random and Social Studies was revolving around my head a lot more times than I expected. Also, it might be possible that there's someone in our class who has the A(H1N1) and which also means that it's good news. Why? Because our class, or the whole Third Year students would get their class suspended which is a good thing because I'm included, lol and if I was excluded, that would be a shame. I would just flame them and envy them so much but that wouldn't happen, I think. Anyway, I was playing a lot with my xbox since the last day and I'm so addicted to it now. I like the game Spy Vs. Spy and yeah, it's not a cool game but I'm still waiting for my ps2 to get back so, still no news about it, though. I would love playing Narutimate Accel 2 all day after I do all of my mind-torturing assignments. So yeah.
