Character Name:Leviticus Levingston
Side: Dark
Elemental Preference:Fire
Weapons: Holocaust (appears only in Rag form. Is actually a weapon of pure energy and so takes whatever form he wants) and Hell Razor, a dark scythe forged in the blazes of hell itself told to be the most powerful demonic scythe in time.
Hell Razor

Human Form:
-Dark Pulse (Sends a pulse of Dark energy out as an attack)
-Portal (creates a portal to travel to vast distances)
-Phantom Wave (while using his scythe can send a wave a damned souls)
-Dark Inferno (heats the air causing manigficent rain of fire)
-Dark Vortex (creats a vortex near enemy to either send their attack to another relm or back at them)
-White joker( White phantom appears infront of Him absorbing attack)
-Black trick ( Black phantom appears and sends same power of the attack absorbed by white joker back at enemy)
Glasho Form:
-Blazing Anihaltion (stronger version of Dark Inferno instead of Raining fire it rains magna rocks)
-Soul Devastation (can ripp the soul out of defeated opponent and trap them in a marble sized prison)
Ragnorok (can only be used once a day any more he would be put in resting state, constant use of abilities in this form takes time from the forms duration)
-Attack boost- All techniques in oter forms attack strength doubles
-Speed boost
-Demon Horde (can summon an army a class C ranked demons to his side)
-Death Cannon (an attack so powerful can only be used in Rag form once, it takes the life force of the living things around and converts it into pure energy, which is then manipulated by Levi and turned into a Dark attack, so powerful it can destroy an angel with one strike.)
-Shinn Oscura (a orb appears over the opponent and slowly grows until it eclipsed the sun and developes its own gravitaitonal pull, and slowly breaks down enemy at molecular level. Once enemy is full absorbed it absorbs itself until its no more erasing them from existence, once this attack is used Rag form leaves immediately)
BIOS: Born before the world began and falling in the War Before the World with the rest of his original kindred, Levi is nearly an unstoppable force of evil in his own right. He failed the test to rise as the new Desprag and so was sent to find the one who would rise to the challenge. Finding a family especially powerful in spirit, though they were unaware of their own potential, for the most part, Levi sought out the one who would lead them into war and ultimate victory over his ancient brothers.
During his search, he ran across Brom Daemon, a master swordsmith who unknowingly had the ability to create true, original Blades of Power, specialized swords with the ability to hold and channel their own abilities and augment the abilities of those around them. Brom was killed for refusing to work with him, but not before Levi had found that he had two sons who were strong enough to survive the Desprag challenge.
One of them he attempted to remove from the picture in favor of the more powerful child. The first, Mark, gave him endless grief to the point where he took a hundred of his most powerful kindred with him to steal away the boy’s brother in the even that Mark would be there. He was and Levi lost all but twelve of his hundred in the fight against the boy. He snatched the child and promptly killed the mother. He now travels the world searching for the strongest and most powerful demons to call to his army. He is only rivaled in the demon world by Anthony who is a good friend when not fighting a war.



