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Hiei finds Ambers diary.
{i got this idea from a fanfiction i read on fanfiction.net. thank you Hiei's Ice Maiden for the inspiration! Heres the link!}

===At Amber/Kuramas place===

Amber: *writing furiously in a little leather book* Stupid, STUPID STUPID day!!

Kurama: *out somewhere avoiding amber*

Amber: *puts the book down angrily* I need a long hot shower... That will take my mind off of that jerk... *goes into the bathroom to take a long relaxing shower*

Hiei: *appears on the windowsill of the living room* Kurama! I need your help with-- *realizes that he's not there* Hn... Oh well... *sees the book lying open on the coffee table* What's that? *goes over to it and reads the page*

---Diary Page---

Dear journal,

OH MY GOSH!! I can not believe this, well actually I can. Anyway, I caught Kurama and Angie holding hands at the mall today, IT WAS SO HORRIBLE! So I ran over to Kurama and slapped him, then Angie yelled for security and they took me off to the mall detention center! I had to wait 2 hours for Atsuko to come pick me up. Of course, she was half-drunk so it didn't help my situation at all. I went to Kyrin's for awhile after that, and she got a bit mad at me for staring at Hiei. It's not like I told him to sit there with his top off. It's not like i like him or anything, but hes not really that hard to look at ya know? I'm going to take a long hot shower... That should calm my nerves.

---End Page---

Hiei: *slightly confused* Amber's diary...? *knows he shouldn't read any more, but flips to the page earlier*

---Diary Page---

Dear journal,
Ok, I know I've said so many times that I hate him, but its just so hard. Our personalities are perfectly coencisive and I really think the only reason we fight is to show each other we care. Weird I know. Oh you probably are wondering who I'm completely obsessing over though. It's the name I've uttered in disgust so many times before. His name is---

---Hiei stops reading---

Amber: *just got out of the shower and is about to come out to get some food*

Hiei: *quickly leaps out the window, leaving the diary*

Amber: *comes out in a bath robe and goes to the kitchen to get a soda before sitting down on the couch* Back to my diary.... *picks it up and notices that its closed* Didn't I leave this open...? Hn, whatever. *puts it down and watches some TV before drifting off*

===Back at Kyrin's safe house===

Hiei: *pacing angrily in his room* It couldn't have been me she was writing about. She hates me, and I hate her. She was talking about Kurama. That's it. Why is this distressing me so much anyway? Why should I care what the Baka Pirate Onna thinks abut me? Feh. Quit getting so worked up. Kyrin I'm going to train!!

Kyrin: You do that!

===In the training field===

Hiei: *slashing mindlessly at simulation demons and spitting angrily with each slash* Stupid...Baka...Pirate...Onna!! *kills all the simulation demons* Feh. Pathetic.

Amber: *hiding in one of the bushes, disguising her youkai* C'mon... two steps to the left...

Hiei: *looks up at the sunsetting sky* Hn... Gotta get home. *turns to his left and steps forward* What the---!??! *trap ensnares his foot and sends him shooting up like the pic in the url below*

click for the pic!

Amber: *comes out from the bush laughing* Who said Pirates weren't better than ninjas??

Hiei: *fuming* GRRR!!! *relaxes slightly and smirks, realizing something* Heh.. Haha... *begins laughing*

Amber: *confused and irked* Why are you laughing?!?

Hiei: Because... Haha... The leg snare.... Heh... Is a ninja trick!!!

Amber: *deadpans* ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?

Hiei: *still laughing, cuts himself down and unties the ropes on his feet* You are such a baka pirate onna.

Amber: AM NOT!!

Hiei: Of course you're not. *walks off, back in his antisocial mood*

===Later that evening at the safe house===

Amber and Kurama: *Making out on the couch*

Hiei: Looks like you two morons made up.

Amber: *breaks kiss, looking at Hiei, confused* How did you know we were fighting...?

Kurama: I didn't tell him, I thought you did.

Hiei: *slightly nervous but doesn't show it* Jagan?

Amber: *angry* You were spying on us?!?

Hiei: *sweatdrops* No. I heard your thoughts go blank so I decided to check on you.

Amber: *confused and irked* Since when do you care what happens to me?

Kyrin: *walks in with a bowl of popcorn* Popcorn's done!

Hiei: Let's watch that movie then!

Kurama: *chuckles* Someone's rather enthusiastic.

===After Movie===

Amber: *asleep in Kurama's lap*

Kurama: *picks her up, her purse falling on the floor and scattering its contents* Darn it... *sets Amber down on the couch and starts picking up the stuff*

Kyrin: *helps him* Here, let me help Kurama. *accidently knocks Amber's diary under the couch*

Hiei: *sees it and reaches under the couch to pick it up nonchalantly* Yes, now I can show myself that it's not me shes talking about. Even though I already know she wasn't.

Kyrin: Oh you found Amber's book Hiei! Thanks. *takes it and puts it in the purse*

Hiei: Darn it...

Kurama: Thanks guys. See you tomorrow?

Kyrin: Yep!

===Amber/Kuramas place, 2:00 AM===

Hiei: *appears on the windowsill of Amber/Kurama's room and sees them soundly asleep* This will get me murdered if one of them wakes up, but I have to know... I don't know why I do... I just do... *goes to Amber's side of the bed and opens the nightstand drawer slowly*

Amber: *mumbles* Shut up... Triclops... Nnnnh... *rolls over*

Hiei: *eyes narrow* Ok, she's dreaming about me, but in a bad way. Good. *pulls the diary out and sees a new entry for today's date* I'll read that later... *opens to the page he was looking at earlier*

---Diary Page---

Dear journal,
Ok, I know I've said so many times that I hate him, but its just so hard. Our personalities are perfectly coencisive and I really think the only reason we fight is to show each other we care. Weird I know. Oh you probably are wondering who I'm completely obsessing over though. It's the name I've uttered in disgust so many times before. His name is Hiei, who else? I can't believe it, I think I'm falling in love with him... But does that mean that I don't love Kurama...? I'm so confused about my feelings... I'll see you tomorrow journal...

---End Page---

Hiei: *falls back into a sitting position* No... Dang it I tried to stay away from her so this wouldn't happen... If I tell her I don't give a dang, I'll break her heart, but if I care for her as well, I'll end up losing control and breaking her neck.

Amber: *crying in her sleep* Why do you hate me...?

Hiei: *looks up* huh...?

Amber: *mumbles almost incomprehensibly* I know I'm an idiot but... I can't help it... I'm sorry Hiei... I can't not love you...

Hiei: I hurt her either way... What the heck is wrong with me? How can I fix this...? *walks over to Amber and strokes her hair out of her face*

Amber: *wakes up blearily, vision blurry* Hmmn...?

Hiei: *quickly puts the diary back in the drawer and closes it, then darts out the window*

===Next day===

Amber: *wakes up angrily and sees Kurama already up, stretching* Hey.

Kurama: *looks over* Hey, you're awake. But you don't look too happy, are you alright?

Amber: I need to go see Hiei, right away. *goes to get dressed*

Kurama: *shrugs and continues stretching*

===At the safe house (again)===

Amber: *knocks on the door angrily* HIEI!!!

Hiei: *comes out, yawning* What do you want?


Hiei: Dreaming about me again onna?

Amber: It wasn't a dream! I felt your hand on my face! Tell the truth Hiei!!

{Merge my pretties! MERGE! BWAHAHAHAHA!! unless u dont want to.}

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Stormy Souls
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Jun 28, 2009 @ 05:14pm
Love troubllllllles!

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