When did you last cry?
... Last night.

What was the reason you last cried?
Rough day, and stuff got brought up I'd rather not think about..

Do you consider yourself and emotional person?

Does anything hurt on your body?
Only my pride for having to give into boredom and do this survey.

Any current scabs or bruises?
Yes actually. *cry/emo/sob/cut/stab/bleed/lmao*

Are you klutzy or accident prone?
Yes. xD

Ever tripped over your own feet?
Haven't we all?

How long has it been since you took vitamins?
Vitamins? Is that some sort of sex drug?

When is the last time you took medicine?
A little bit ago. =x

What was the medicine for?
Well apparently internal bleeding falls under the category of illness. ... I mean I had a headache.

Ever had any illnesses or diseases?
Well let's see, if I took medicine, what the ******** do you think?

Do you get headaches often?
Yes. x_x

Do you have health insurance?
Not for long lol.

If so, who is it through?
... You people REALLY need to word these questions better.

Do you want plastic surgery?
No thanks.

If it was free, what 1 thing would you have done?
Sell it on eBay?

How much do you think it costs to have a boob job?

Do you have or want any tattoo's?

If so, what do you have or want?

Would you consider permanent make-up?
.. Wut.

What do you think is the perfect age to start having children?
I dunno. Probably early 20s or so?

How many children would you like to have?
One or two.

Do you already have names picked out of your future children?

How effective is the pull out method when it comes to birth control?
You're asking me this why?

What is your birth control method of choice?
I'm male you jackass. >=O

Ever had a pregnancy scare when you weren't planning?
Is this quiz calling me a woman?

Do you get along better with your mom or dad?
Eh. Doesn't matter.

When did you last speak to a family member?

How much do you spend on your parents for Christmas?
... Lol.

Will you raise your children how you were raised?

Are you a Christian?

Do you consider yourself to be religious?

When is the last time you attended a church service?
They still have churches? I thought that was a chicken restaurant.

Do you want to have a closer relationship with God?
I dunno.

Do you have anyone you can talk to about God and not feel judged?
Yes lol.

Are you saving your money for any big purchase right now?

If you were given 1k dollars and had to use it on 1 purchase, what would you buy?
A better survey. >=O