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Rape is just sex you didnt know you wanted~!
Short-lived Eternity Ch.1
Short-Lived Eternity--Chapter One

The world that encompasses our very being is in a time of great peril and need. It seems to be. . . falling apart. Ten years from now, in Honshu, Japan is where our story will unfold. Due to what some have come to call World War III, many of the great landmasses have been engulfed by the see. The few great nations left quarrel amongst themselves and wage war against one another in a feeble attempt to rule as much as they can. Right now, Americans have taken over Japan and taken it over into a seemingly whole new era. Few old customs still remain, most that are still around reflect what Japan used to stand for with a dim flicker. As it has been said, the Earth is falling apart by the seams. Humans have tried and failed miserably to return the Earth to it's once habitable circumstances, though with each attempt not only do they make matters worse for themselves, but they bring the Earth to a further state of its being inhabitable. Even the moon itself has shattered. Man has brought themselves to the brink of destruction and ruination. It would take an act of Heaven. . . or even that of Hell to preserve the Human race now.

Unknown to humans, Angels and Demons alike have been using parts of the Earth as a battleground. Fighting one another for the remains of a once prosperous planet. Whoever succeeds in the battle will have domination over the Earth. If the Angels win, then the Earth will be restored to the state it was in previous to Adam and Eve's grave sins. Humans will have yet again another chance to live, and thrive as a people and become one. If the Demons win, and hell takes over, Humans will either be swept off the face of the planet or used as toys and things of entertainment for hell's creatures. The whole planet will fall deeper into flames.

Heaven has sent down many of it's chief Angels to gather information for there next move, an Apocalypse. These Angels are scattered about the Earth, one or more to each section. These Angels are sent down from their heavenly states as babes in the bellies of a Human Mother. They grow up from childhood, spending years on the Earth gathering all of the information possible at the Human age of five when there wings and such finally grow in. For one of these Angels in particular it has been sixteen years in the Human domain.

Hell too has sent it's deviations up to perform the same task. Unknown to the blinded eyes of humans, these celestial enemies cannot be told apart from one another. One in particular has gone about with his human facade for seventeen years.

Which side will thrive and in the end win the war, surviving the Apocalypse? Angels? or Demons?

Unknown to two of these entities of wonder, they are closer to one another than previously thought, Attending Lilac Blossom High School. By day they are like everyone else, but by night, when left to there own devices they spread their wings and report to their almighty Overseers.

To humans, they look normal except for there Halos and Horns but when seen in the mirror by another Demon or Angel, they can see the wings sported upon their backs and pointed tails that threaten stab you in the back that lay invisible otherwise.

Let us watch, as spectators, how this will all unfold. Let us watched, this Short-lived Eternity.


Kyomori Hikari laid motionless beneath rolling hills of bloody red and midnight black satin. His eyes, a fusion of blue and green were closed as light flooded into the room, an unwelcome intruder into the room. The room contrasted greatly with the dark and sultrybed. Walls and carpet white masses of emptiness that seemed to span on and on. Black, silky hair was splayed off into different directions messily. His body was sprawled out on the bed, one hand seemingly stuck in the forest of black hair, the other laid on his stomach gently, his legs slightly curled. Moments later Kyo'seyes opened, still in the fog between sleep and awareness. Slowly his stunning eyes slid to the side, lookinginto the intrusive light. His eyes seemed to dilate to pin-points and the sun blared, boring into them. None-the-less, though, Kyodidn't do as much as flinch, he simply squinted gently and let out an unpleasant groan as he began moving his body. The movements were sluggish but he was moving, still.

" Nnh "

Bringing one arm up he shut his blinds, cutting off the light and forcing it back behind the blinds. Kyonow opened his eyes fully and ran his slender fingers through his layers of deep black hair. His chest was bare and unlike his everything past his waist, notcovered by the sheets. He allowed his hand to fall back at his side, and his colorful eyes, like fireworks, bore into the emptiness of his ceiling. He lay there, finally emerging from the fog, but still not wanting to allow the harsh p***k of the icy water graze his skin. The Mansion-like home, as usual, was empty. Kyo's parents were quiet wealthy, but almost never home, but then again he could care easily for himself. He had been alive for centuries, in retrospect he was likely three times older than his parents. Even still, he felt a odd connection to them. He wondered whether this connection had formed because he was birthed and cared for by them as a babe, or if his facade of caring had turned to actual feeling. Kyo didn't dwell too much, though, on this, only knowing that the connection was simply there.

Kyo sat up, turning his body to the side so that his pale feet met the warmth of the carpet flooring. Kyo's build couldn't be categorized as scrawny but neither was it the disgusting size of a championship body-builder. Kyohad always been disgusted by things like that, he didn't know why but it revolted him, much more than women did. He was slender with the defining lines of his love handles anglingdownwards. Bat-like wings spread to a legnth of about six feet and his stunted horns had formed on the north-east and north-west of his head. His horns weren't seen due to the layers of hair, but as he got older and they grew he knew they would be harder to hide. The male stood and walked slowly towards the bathroom, flexing his wings lightly before folding on his back ,allowing him through the door to the bathroom. Stripping himself of his plaid boxers he entered into the shower and angled the nozzle down towards himself, and then turned the knob to the hottest temperature. The first water shot out chilled Kyo to the bone but within moments he was felt lukewarm water and then finally hot water rush over him. Steam filled the bathroom and Kyo in his entirety like a fog through a forest meeting the dampened gaze of the sun, right before the moment of twilight. The Demon's hair clung to his neck, his pale skin tinted with rosy color due to the temperature of the water rushing down at him, caressing his skin.

After finishing his shower, Kyo clothed himself in his School Uniform, slung his backpack over his shoulders and not feeling the urge to eat, left without breakfast. He walked towards the door, turned the handle so that it opened and closed it after himself. He fumbled through his pocket looking for his house keys and finding them, locked the door. Now that he was outside and in front of humans his wings weren'tvisible to anyone but himself, so when they moved or any such thing no one could tell. The black-haired student allowed his thoughts to drift.

' Mnh. . . these girls are so taxing. . . imbeciles in every sense the word. . . 'Kyo thought, though the frustration didn't bubble forth to his facial features, which most of the time consisted of a calm composure and eyes like daggers. The same, though could not be said of his body, the thought had caused him to lightly cringe. He cringed even more-so at the thought of being swarmed by hormone-ravaged teenage human girls. He had a girlfriend, though he didn't care for her at all, Kyo was simply in the relationship because first of all she suggested so and second, he wanted to get laid at the moment. Now that he really thought about it he had broken up with her. . . he dropped the thought, once again finding the conclusion that the thought was not worth his time.

Kyo predicted he would find himself swarmed by the time he got to the main entrance, which he tried to avoid as much as possible. Thank Satan for the back entrance, he could slip through there, like he did some days and avoid the needy and rather clingy fan-girls. He walked through the parking lot, hands in his pockets and looking dead ahead. Once he got to the rear entrance he looked over to the door and halted. ' No. No, No, No, No, NO ' This one word rang through Kyo's mind as he looked upon the glob of fan-girls waiting there like a lion stalking prey. Her cursed gently under his breath, turned slowly and began tip-toe-ing away.

" Is that Kyo?! " One almost disgustingly high-pitched voice asked, full of excitement and life. He could hear the small crowd of women burst into murmurs. He cursed aloud. He slowly turned his head. " It's Kyo! ! ! ! " about six of them shouted. Kyo gingerly spoke, " Listen, I need to get to my class with no distra- " Kyowas cut off, getting the wind knocked out of him. The next thing he knew he was on the floor, and girls were yelling his name, one girls shoving paper in his face, another looked like she was going to have a heart attack, he could have sworn someone cut his hair.

" Get Off Of Me Dammit! Ore- "

" Sto-"

" Dont!"

What these Idiotic girls didn't know what that without even trying, Kyo could easily kill each and every one of them. Though, if only for the sake of gathering intel and not blowing everything, he restrained himself. This wasn't though only time he had thought of killing them, useless wastes of space. Luckily, soon, the teachers began pulling up, parking there cars in the parking lot and the group of females quickly dispersed. Kyo fixed himself and ran a hand through his hair before entering into the High School.


Sakura Sinouchi slept in his bed, his face gentle, calm, and overall, flawless, the room was quiet and peaceful. . . of course, though, not for long. His hair was brilliantly white and quiet possibly reflected it's own light. Sakura always wore a beanie to hide his Halo from others and it covered up most of his white hair except for a few inches of it that were visible. The beanie was mostly gray and at the bottom had two three inch strips of white and Red. Said beanie had fallen slightly off of his head during the Angels utterly dreamless sleep. His grey eyes closed soundly.


The Mickey Mouse Alarm clock shouted angrily, roaring at him as the time flashed repeatedly in red. ' 7:00 ' . Sakura rose so quickly it was as if someone had pumped pure adrenaline into his heart. A startled whimper sputtered forth from his lips, grey eyes widening and his hands quickly findingthe beanie and securing it over his head, all in one crazed frenzy. After a few seconds passed and Sakura calmed, sensing no immediate danger or threat, he let out a tremulous sigh. His index finger shoved down a black button and the aggravating ringing of the Mouse-like alarm clock ceased. The thumping in his throat had not yet ended though, his heart still beatinghard, he lay underneath his sheets, taking a quick moment to gather himself.

' Hm. . . that was definitely a scare. . . I wonder if I did my homework. . . I need to give another report ' Sakura sighed and pushed the white and Baby blue sheets away from his body and attempted to sit up, though the attempt ended up in Sakura falling back onto the bed lazily. The second time he was successful and ran a hand through the hairs that stuck out from his beanie. He was, like a child, wearing matching pajama's with tiny clouds scattered about, each one with a different cute expression on it's face.

The angel was rather short and slender in build. Standing up the young sixteen year old took a glance over at the clock while stretching gently. ' 7:05 '. Once again those gorgeous grey doll-like eyes got wide again and he went from stretchingto a jaw-dropping slouch. " No " Sakura stated aloud, his voice smooth and in the middle of deep and manly-high pitched. The stun read all over his face and he quickly began shouting.

" No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no ".

The male suddenly felt rushed, he raced into the bathroom nearly tearing off his pajamas and took a fast, icy shower. As he ran out of the bathroom he slid on his tile flooring, his mouth formed a grimace and he gently groaned. " Ouch " he mumbled. Slowly Sakura got back to his feet and tip-toed gently out of the Tiles reach and onto the carpeted flooring. He rummaged through his dresser, lookingintently for something to wear, and finally after about three minutes of throwing clothes around his room found his school uniform. He threw open his door, ready to run down the steps when he found his little sister waitingoutside the door, one hand gently rubbing her tired, blue eyes and the other in a fist as if she were just about to knock.

" Mommie and Daddy are sleeping, can you make me breakfast Saku nii-san? " She asked. Her name was Riku, she was around five and a half and exceptionally good-hearted. His Polish/Dutch accent ran throughout his family, yet, since she had been born here for her it was in trace amounts. For Sakura, on the other hand, it could be heard frequently and here and there he tended to mix J's and V's. Luckily, though, he was understandable. Usually, he would have done so for her without question, but he was obviously in a hurry and crunched for time. " Riku, sorry, I can't i'mreally late~! " Sakura explained. In response,Riku tilted her head up, blond bangs gently brushed aside with pleading blue orbs boring into his soul, " Please, Im really hungry, Saku " . Sakura sighed, you would have to be a total b*****d to refuse a face like that. " Fine, sit down at the table " Sakura instructed her, scurrying past her and down the staircase.

As he ran down the final flight of stairs he noticed the small family dog, sleeping and in his attempt to try and keep from crushing the yappy canine, tripped. The Angel made a loud thud as he hit each step, missing the dog, luckily. He didn't have time to worry about the pain or the bruises that were sure to bloom, he adjusted his beanie, stood, and stepped into the kitchen.

' Im late, I'm late, I'm late, I'm late, of crap, I'm late ' Sakura thought to himself as he threw open the refrigerator, looking for eggs since they would cook the fastest. Riku finally found herself to the table and sat awaiting to be shown her food. Finding the carton of eggs, Sakura sighed, relieved. Finding a pan he cracked two eggs, whisked them in a bowl with salt and pepper and poured the mixture into the hot pan below, still chanting " I'm late ". As assumed the eggs finished quickly and he shoved them onto a plate and swiftly handed the plate to Riku and handed her the whole carton of Orange Juice.

Quickly, Sakura sprinted towards the front door and the high-schooler snatched his backpack from the coat-rack and ran outside. He continued to sing his song of being late, he was beginning to sound like the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. Unfortunately for clumsy little Sakura, he had left his shoes untied and tripped over himself, bound to hit the cement. Instead, though, he fell into a warm body. He re-gained his stature, a blush tinting his cheeks. AN apology found it's way to his lips before his eyes met the person's face, but soon they met the gaze of a woman.

" Late again, are we? " Nero asked, a small smirk comingto her lips. Long, brown silky hair was pulled back into a ponytail except for a few loose strands in the front serving as bangs. Sakura gasped with delight, " Nero! " the Angel shouted her name gladly. A smile spread like wildfire across his lips. Suddenly he stopped, " Wait " Sakura said, his face becoming more serious. " If I'm late that means your late too! " The white-haired sophomore claimed, a finger pointed towards her accusingly.

' s**t, he's got a point 'Nero thought to herself. She quickly replied, " I'm a Senior it's both my obligation and socially acceptable to be late ", she slapped away Sakura's finger.

" But as class President aren't you supposed to set a good example "

" You want my help? Then shut it. "

" What help? " thanks to his accent, what had a slight hint of vhat.

" I cant give you a good excuse for being late "

" Really? "

" Yup. "

" Ooh, thanks Nero, I love you~!! " Sakura exclaimed, his body practically shaking from excitement.

" I know " Nero said triumphantly.

' Nero is so nice and innocent and good. . . but I know there's something deep inside she isn't telling me. . . oh well, I have faith that she'll tell me whenever she gets ready! ' Sakura thought to himself optimistically, smiling.

The two walked to school together, and, as Nero promised she gave him a great excuse for being late, unfortunatley now everyone would wonder why the hell Sakura needed to go see his Doctor for a bowel movement at six o' clock AM. Sakura went to what was left of his first period class, and would dread second period. Sakura had to share second period with that b*****d Kyo, that guy was such a douche! Nero had set off earlier to her class. Sakura eyed the clock.


Chapter two is when all the fun stuff happens, I'm too lazy at the moment to extend chapter one to it's full legnth, so I'll give the rest to ya in Ch.2~! Sorry for the uber shortness~!

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  • User Comments: [2]
    Flavored Formaldehyde
    Community Member

    Thu Jul 09, 2009 @ 09:52pm

    You write too goddang much! Lazy people like me don't want to read all this crap! scream scream

    Woah, though, you do write a lot. Was this all in one day? And it was good! You should do more Literate Rp's! No more Semi's for you!

    ....Semi is one letter away from "Seme". Heh. twisted

    Community Member

    Thu Jul 09, 2009 @ 09:55pm

    It looks really short on fanfcition.net Yeah, i did this a week or so ago. Took me an hour or so.

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