Name:Ian Nightly Gender:Male Age:17 Sexuality:Bicurious Personality:Shy until you get to know him. Around friends he's really outgoing and people think he's bipolar cause he's constantly moodswinging and talking to himself. Likes:Writing, Pocky, his little Sister, butterlies Dislikes:School, chores, when his lil sis acts annoying Bio: He's the oldest child in a well off family, he has a little sister named Ina who he just adores. His parents always spoiled him and let him have whatever he wants, but he doesn't act like a spoiled brat. He can be depressed sometimes and the only person that can cheer him up in his best friend Dyon. People joke that he and Dyon are brothers cause they look so much alike. Biggest Secret: he skips classes and hangs out on the roof. Image: Name: Dyon Lumiere Gender: Male Age:17 Sexuality:Bi Personality: He's the brooding type, he always seem serious and lost in thought, except he acts pretty carefree when he's around Ian. Likes:Music, sweets, animals Dislikes: Homework, stupid/boring people Bio: Dyon is the only child of a rich family. He was raised to take over his father;s company and has always lived a strict life, the only time he cut loose is when he's with Ian. When he was 15 he got in some trouble and over heard his parents discussing rather they made a mistake in buying him and maybe they should have chose the other twin cause they heard that Ian was a very well-behaved boy. That's how he found out that his parents were actually his aunt and uncle, he became interested in knowing about his real family and found out about Ian, when he was 16 he convinced his parents to let him transfer to Ian's school, they only agreed cause they thought he didn't know about Ian. Biggest Secret: Despite knowing that Ian is is brother, he has a crush on him anyway
Posted by: UchiHime Tue Jun 30, 2009 @ 10:55pm