There was a day.this one day. it wasnt any ordinary day but,it was the day. the day i learned how to spell antidisestablishmentarianism,it was a rainy day and my shoe lace was untied. ii bent down, you know to tie my lace. and there laying on the ground was a suit case. no ordinary suit case.a dark blue caught my attention.i opened the case and saw some serious money in there. i saw a white note, . .. . . .. . . . . so i opened iit and there it said.'the wise one will not take but the stupid one will .' so i said "well i guess i am a stupid one" annd i grabbed all the money i could fit into my cloth pockets. then i thought i am a stupid one i shoud just take the suit casse it self. so i did. and i bought some nice things. you know. i bought store in japan called Jushleys and i wasted alllllllllll my money thinking i hhad more. but now i have nothing. except this computer and the japanese store. so i guess the note was riight. if i hadnt tooken i would nt be living in a store!!!!!!!llots of love ashes840
Hi im Ashley Johnson, some ppl call me Ashley Jayjay or Ashley BIG Johnson (LMAO for youhz tht kno wht tht means) im 16 turned 16 june 28th my relationship status is weirdd lik theres someoneee... but we arent official,hes kinda a jerk, but anyone tht wants to hav one (official) pm or comment (: im nice and wont be a whore if u randomly say hi or suttin
-Now tht u read this u got 15 % cooler (: