Characters From Blaze
Blaze is My Sci-Fi webcomic and though on Hiatus , Its my fav one and ive been plotting it out for years....I hope when my arts at godlike level (Far far in the future maybe like 40 year] that I can compleat the comic and maybe publish it T.T
Please visit it for a better idea of the characters
Blaze the Webcomic
Red hair
Gold Eyes
Tan Skin
Blaze is a mysterious guy with black cat like ears and matching cat like agility. Its no surprise he isnt from earth. He likes to wear Black , and dark colors ...likes dramatic clothing alot but it has to be easy to move in to...almost always wears fingerless gloves.

Left Aries , Right Blaze

Orange Hair
Purple / Violet eyes
Pale skin
Andra begins as a normal earth girl raised by foster parents...No idea who her parents where other then they had a weird choice in names. Weird Alien cat guy shows up...shes kidnapped... the shock is still making her reactions slow and her mind confused...poor earth girl. She tends to wear light colors . Looks good in Pink?

Blue eyes
Chocolate Skin
Blue hair with two bright streaks in the front
Her ears point at the end
Gale is a well known Pirate ship captain throughout the galaxy , she likes fashion gambling , good looking men and really big guns...She is the leader of a Pirate clan called the Star Wings , known for their skill , and while any merchant or wealthy traveler fears them most , as a rule killing those they rob from is forbidden , unless its necessary of the opponent has reputation red. Though she loves a good time shes good at her job can fly anything that has wings and can be a formidable opponent .

Any art I get of these characters will be put up in my webcomic under fan art !