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Blaze's world
It's my world. I make my own rules and just be myself. I don't usually say much but more will be learned about me over time.
Poke'mon/Sailor Moon Crossover story
Before you read this, I should warn you that I haven't completely edited this story that I made around 2001 or so or when I started to get into Poke'mon a bit. I don't own the characters of Sailor Moon or Poke'mon and it's a Brock/Lita pairing. To see more of my stuff, go to www.fanfiction.net/~sonar or http://kasakuraxmaskai.deviantart.com

Poke'mon meet sailor moon in japan.

Brock, misty and ash stops to go on a little trip to japan.
Misty said," Why are we in japan?"
Ash said," Professor oak told us to take a break!"
Brock said," Maybe I will find a girl!"
Brock sighed a bit, knowing how his chances of finding a girl is usually ruined by his poke'mon or by Misty who would pull his ear.

Brock spoke too soon because five teenage kids were walking past him. The tall one stopped and looked at him and said," Are you three new here!"
Brock went," hubba hubbna hubbna!"
Misty hit brock on the back of the head and said," We are resting after our poke'mon journey. My name is misty and this is ash and the one i hit down is Brock. He's girl crazy!"
The tall girl replied," My name is Lita and this is raye, ami, Serena, and Mina."
Brock did make an attempt to hit on Raye but she pushed him away.
Brock got up and said," I been rejected so many times!"
Lita said," I feel sorry for you brock! I got advice for you. Take someone with the same interests."
Brock said," Thanks!"
Ash said," But we need a place to stay!"
Lita said," Maybe each one of you can go to a house for the night!"
Mina said," That's a good idea!"
Serena said," Ash do you want to stay with me for tonight!"
Than Ash's pikachu jumped out of his backpack.
Ami said," How cute!"
Ash said," Meet pikachu! My first poke'mon!"
Lita bent down and said," Ash! your pikachu is cutest poke'mon i saw!"
Mina and serena nodded.
Lita got back up as Mina said," Misty can stay at my house!"
Brock said," But where can i stay?"
lita said," With me!"
Pikachu jumped on ash and said," Pika pik a chu!"
Brock said," Pikachu says that you five look great and can be trusted.
Mina said," Lita weren't we supposed to head for your house?"
Lita put a big sweat drop on her head.
Lita said," I forgot!"
mina said," Let's go!'
Everyone walked to lita's place. Lita opened her door and told everyone to sit down.
Lita said," I'll be in the kitchen!"
Brock said," Me too!"
Lita and brock walked into the kitchen preparing food.
Lita said," I am very impressed with your skills brock. By the way I find you cute!"
Brock said," you are not bad either Lita!"
Lita and brock were talking, giggling and making food.
The others were watching robotech and voltron.
Brock and lita came out with four plates of food that includes thier recipes. Lita looked on tv and saw a cute green guy that is still living and she met him one. She sighed at the tv and ingored it.
Brock and lita smiled. They went back into the kitchen while the others ate. Lita was eating a riceball that Brock made. lita said," thank you Brock for helping me!"
Brock said,' Your welcome!"
After they were done. Lita walked to Brock and gave him a kiss on his cheek.
Brock blushed as Lita did the dishes and put them away.
Brock said," Lita! We are going to have a great friendship!"
Lita nodded and blushed. They both exited the kitchen, hand in hand. Brock was actually surprised that he got a kiss from a girl.
2 hours later, they cleaned the rest of the mess after the others left.
Lita said," you are very helpful brock and you are a great guest."
Brock sat down right beside her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She turned to Brock and put her lips to his and kissed him. she released the kiss. The kiss was short. They kissed each other, but longer. This time brock released the kiss. They both blushed.
brock and lita said," I love you!"

brock and lita held hands as they walked to lita's room which is a bed that has enough room for two. Brock toke off his backpack as lita toke her green silky dress into the bathroom. she changed while brock changed into his Pjs.
Lita came in the room and sat by brock who was already in his pjs. Lita pushed him down , then she put her lips to his and kissed. Brock put his arms around lita while lita had put her hands on his head. They released the kiss, went to bed and went in, holding on to each other. In the morning, Lita's head was on brock's chest and they both woke up.
They both yawned and gave each other a good morning kiss. They toke a shower together and Brock made breakfast. They both ate in peace.

Brock and lita got dressed and headed outside to the park to see the others. Serena and raye were fighting again as they arrived.
Ami said," Quit arguing you two!"
Serena and raye said," stay out of this!"
Brock said," This reminds me of the times that Ash and Misty argue!"
Lita, mina, ami, Ash, Misty, and brock put sweat drops on the back of their heads.
Lita walked into the middle and punched the both of them down cause she couldn't stand it much longer.
Lita said," you two are a bunch of babies who fight over nothing!"
misty said," She's right!"
Ash and Brock said,' Alright! You two say you are sorry!"
Serena and raye said," I'm sorry!"
Mina said," Let's go have some fun!"
Everyone nodded .
Then they heard someone say," prepare for trouble!"
"make it double!
To protect the world for devastion
To untie all nations to reach the stars above!
Jesse! James!
Team rocket blasts off at the speed of light!
Surrender now or prepare to fight!
Meowth! that's right!"
Ash said," Not's them!"
Three figures showed up.
Lita and the gang yawned as team rocket put sweat drpos on their head.
Mina said," They need practise!"
Lita said," Yea!"
Raye and Serena said," It's too boring!"
How dare you call us boring!, said Jesse.
James said," Weezing go!"
Jesse said," Arbok go!"
Two poke'mon showed up.
Brock and Ash toke one of their poke'balls.
Ash said," I choose you butterfree!"
Brock said," Vulpix go!"
misty said," Go starmie!"
Ash said," Sleep spore!"
Butterfree released some blue powder to make them sleep!"
Misty said," Starmie ! tackle attack!"
Team rocket got whacked.
Brock said," Let's finish it vulpix with a fire spin!"
Vulpix released a lot of fire and made teamrocket fly into the air.
Lita hugged Brock and said," Good work !"
Brock, Ash and misty called back their poke'mon and went to play.
Then a negamoon monster showed up.
Ash toke out his poke'dex and it was no poke'mon.
Serena said," The negamoon!"
Mina said," We better transform!"
Serena said," Moon crystal power!"
Amy said," Mecury star power!"
Raye said," Mars star power!"
Lita toke out her transformation stick and said," Jupiter star power!"
Mina said," Venus star power!"
Brock, Ash and misty watched them transform.
Ash said," Cool!"
Brock just said," Wow!"
Misty said," Neat!"
Sailor moon said," I am sailor moon, champion of justice and in the name of the moon, I will ponish you!"
Sailor jupiter said," Jupiter oak evolution!"
The monster got shocked.
Sailor mars said," Mars mandula burn!"
It made the monster's arms disappear. Then some tentacules came out and grabbed sailor jupiter. Brock got mad and said," Onix go! Squish that monster!"
Onix squished the monster but the monster got onix down by hitting it with water.
Brock said," Onix!"
Sailor jupiter said," I summon the power of lighting to vanish this creature! jupiter lighting ball spin!"
The lighting went around the creature turing it to dust. Lita fell to the ground and got up.
Brock called onix back as lita said," Thanks for trying brock and sailor scouts! I gained a new power!"
They transformed back. brock said," My onix needs to go to the poke'mon center.

Mina said," Brock ! I think i know where it is!"
Mina and the others went to the poke'mon center.
Raye said," Brock! Don't you noticed one of your poke'balls turned to ice.
Brock looked at his poke'ball and touched it. Brock shivered and nodded in agreement with raye. Brock said," Onix is frozen!"
Nurse Joy showed up as brock said," Hi my name is brock and my poke'ball holding onix is frozen!"
Brock was throwing his poke'ball from hand to hand and passed it to nurse joy.
Ash said," You look like the other nurse joys i seen."
Nurse Joy said," I am the half sister of the family. We all have the same names and looks!"
Nurse joy toke Brock's poke'mon.
Brock walked to the window and looked outside. He sighed as lita came over and said," You really do have love for your poke'mon. I hope your Onix will be alight!"
Brock said," I hope so Lita!"
Lita said," Try to get your mind off it!"
Brock said," You are right! If I keep worring, it will get worse!"
Mina said," That's the spirit Brock!"
Brock turned around as Mina winked for good luck.
Lita toke Brock to a seat. For hours, All he could think about is Onix and Lita.
Lita was thinking about Brock, his love and his poke'mon.
Nurse Joy came out as Lita went to her and said," Will Brock's Onix be okay!"
Nurse Joy said," his Onix is completely frozen and it will take 2 days to unfreeze it!"
Nurse Joy left as the others showed up. Lita had a sad look on my face and left.
Brock could tell it was bad news and went after her.
Brock found her on the bench outside. Brock walked over and sat down.
Brock said," What did nurse Joy say?"
Lita said," She said to me that you poke'mon is frozen and it will take a day or two for it to unfreeze. She also told me it was completely frozen . I feel sorry for your poke'mon Brockie!"
Brock said," Don't feel sorry for my poke'mon. I just hope my onix survived that!"
Lita said," If not?"
Brock said," It could freeze or die. I may not will be able to use my onix again." Serena was peeking around the corner as Brock and Lita kissed. She came out as Lita released the kiss. Then Raye, mina, Amy, Ash, Misty, and pikachu came out. Pikachu jumped between Brock and Lita. Lita patted Pikachu on his head. Pikachu looked at Lita and Brock who were worried about Onix. Brock said," My onix is completely frozen because of that monster and now I have to wait two days until it is unfrozen. Brock started to cry. Pikachu said," Pika chu Chu pik(meaning: Pull your self together brock and have faith in Onix!"

Then Lita had a idea. Lita said," Raye! Come with me I got a idea!"
Lita tugged raye into the poke'mon center and talked to nurse Joy.
Nurse Joy said taking the two to onix," Are you sure this is a good idea!"
Lita said," This is for Onix and besides Raye is the sailor scout of fire and she can probably melt it!"
Nurse Joy said," Go ahead, but be careful!"
Raye said," We will!"
They apporached Onix and Raye transformed.
Sailor mars said," With all the power of my fire, help onix get unfrozen! Mars soul unfrozen blade!"

The fire was melting the ice.
It toke two hours for it to unmelt and warm onix back to life.
Brock and the others came in as they heard Onix's roar.
Ash and Brock both said at once," Is that Onix?"
Lita threw the poke'ball and Onix was back in.
Raye transformed back as the both of them went outside of the medical room with Brock's Onix in the poke'ball.
Brock and the others came inside as nurse joy said," Good work you two!"
Lita and raye said," We did our best!"
Brock walked over and said," Where is Onix?"
Lita said passing his poke'ball with Onix with it," Right here!"
Brock said," But nurse Joy said that it would be two days to be unfrozen!"
Raye giggled as Lita said," I took Raye with me to unfreeze your Onix brock by telling her to transform and use her fire!"
Brock said," Thank you both!"
Lita and raye said," Your welcome!"
Mina said," I knew that Brock's Onix was going to be alright thanks to Raye!"
Raye blushed and said," Lita should be the one to thank. She came up with the idea in the first place!"
Lita said," You saved Onix in the first place Raye!"
Misty said," Let's just say that the both saved Onix and get it over and done with Ok!"
Everyone nodded.
Brock walked over to Raye and kissed her on the cheek and walked back to Lita and the two toke off ,happily to Lita's apartment.
Lita and Brock were watching romance and action movies. After that, they went outside to see how Onix is and to feed him. Brock was making a batch of food for Onix and for his other Poke'mon like Vulpix, Geodude, and Zubat.
Lita looked at his Vulpix while Brock was making food.
Lita said," Vulpix! What a cute name for a beautiful Poke'mon. Vulpix can I touch your head?"
Vulpix nodded and tried not to burn Lita when Lita touched her head.
Brock looked out the window and saw Vulpix getting petted by Lita and Zubat and Geo dude at her side with Onix behind her.
Lita said," Are you alright Onix!"
Onix roared meaning Yes.
Brock said," How cute!"
Brock came outside with the food as his poke'mon rushed to him. Lita gazed and said," Brock really has a thing with Poke'mon."
She gave Brock and his poke'mon a look that caught their attention. She had a dreamy look in her eyes and she let out a tear. The poke'mon gave her a look and they started eating.Brock walked away from his poke'mon to see Lita who just said," I never seen such a moment with a trainer or master with his poke'mon like father is with son!"
She let out another tear as Brock sat down with her as Vulpix and Zubat came. Vulpix jumped in Lita's lap and smiled. Zubat went on Brock's shoulder.
Brock petted Vulpix and told the two to finish eating. Vulpix and Zubat left. Brock and Lita stood up and went inside the apartment after the poke'mon finished eating and Brock called them back.
Then Ash and the others showed up with Pikachu.

Pikachu knocked on the door and Lita answered.
Lita spoke," Come on in!"
Brock was lying on the couch until he heard Ash's voice.
Ash said," Hi Brock!"
Brock said," Hi Misty! Hi Ash and girls!"
Lita giggled because Brock was lying there peacefully and nearly fell down.
Brock sat back on the couch. Lita sat right beside him on his right side. Pikachu jumped into Brock's lap and Mina sat on his left side.
Lita put a hand on Brock's head and letted her hand go through his nice hair.
Brock said," Did you call Professor Oaks!"
Ash said," Yes! We are leaving in 4 days!"
Lita turned and gasped as Brock put a hand on her shoulder. But Lita stood up and ran to her room slamming the door,crying.
Brock was about to take off when Mina held him back.
Ami said," You should leave her alone!"
Brock listened and nodded. He really didn't want to leave Lita alone when he was in love with her. Brock looked at Pikachu who said," Pika Pika Chu Pik achu!(meaning Lita loves you two and she will get over it!)"
Brock would feel lonely without her. Brock really had a serious face because he would have to make a hard decision.
Brock said," Leave me alone!"
Ash relpied," Sure thing Come on!"
The girls and Ash left leaving Brock alone with Lita crying in her room. Brock headed to her room and opened the door slowly.
He walked to Lita and sat beside her lying body who was crying.

Meanwhile Ash and the others were talking about Brock and lita.
Misty said," Ash! Don't you notice that Brock is in love with Lita?"
Ash said," Yeah! He looks like he never wants to leave!"
Pikachu said," Pikaaaa!"
Mina said," How romantic!"
Raye said," This is going to be a hard decision for the both of them. If they leave their love will be broken unless Lita went with you but we need her to fight the negamoon!"
Ami said," Raye has a point!"
Serena said," If they stay, Brock or Lita can't make their wishes come true!"
Mina said," Love is the way people decide!"
Misty said," But they love each other!"
Pikachu cutted in and said," Pika Pika Chu Chu ka chu Pikachu!( meaning: I agree with Raye and Serena but let Brock and Lita decide their destiny!"
Ash said," Pikachu is right guys! We should let Lita and Brock decide their destiny for theirselves!"
All of them said," Alright!"

Then Brock and Lita were talking after 67 minutes listening to Lita's crying. Lita said," I should come with you!"
Brock said," What about the Negamoon?"
Lita said," I had it with that! All I really want his you and your support!"
Brock said," Well that's your decision Lita! We will be together!"
Lita said," Forever!"
Brock and Lita's lips met and they kissed for a long 4 minutes.
They released the kiss and went outside to tell the guys their decision.

Lita toke her communicator and transformation stick and they headed to the park.
They saw the girls and Ash and they called them over. They ran over to where Lita and Brock was.
Lita toke out her transformation pen and communicator and handed them to Serena.
Amy said," Lita What are you doing?"
Lita said," I made an decision and I'm not going back on it!"
Serena said," You are..!"
Lita said," Quitting and joining Ash, Brock and Misty because the same stupid things happen. I want to journey around with these three and Pikachu!"
Her friends appeared to be shocked.
Mina asked," Why?"
Lita said," You guys show no support but I am sick and tired of being bossed around by Serena who has no attitude or gut and listening to raye's constant talking. I had it with Mina bragging like Serena. Amy dosen't make any sense so I am leaving you ! These four has different places to go to and they have more adventures than you syphonic snots! Come on! I will pack me stuff and go!"
Ash, Misty, Lita and Brock walked off to Lita's place. Lita packed 7 pairs of clothes icluding bras and under wear. She packed some food and medical kits including water. She changed into a green shirt with green jeans and shoes. She had some socks.

In four hours they left. They exited town and continued their journey with Lita with Team Rocket not far behind them. Lita, Ash, Pikachu, Brock and Misty starts their journey and goes on new adventures and romances everyday. Poke'mon battles and new poke'mon. Now Brock has someone that cares and loves him and his poke'mon and Ash and Misty made a new friend. Will Lita be a great help to the group since she understands what the poke'mon are saying well sort of. This is Lita's first time with the poke'mon breeder and trainers. They will gain new knowledge as they continue on in their journey and catch new poke'mon.

The end

From the ashes of death, a pheonix appears.
Fire represents my passion.
Every black rose is a deathrose.
Deathroses fall where the body has just fallen.
Face me is like facing death.
You met your end.

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