Summary: Come here and talk about every type of music under the sun.

Welcome to the Multi-Music Guild
We are hear to share our love of music, no matter the genre.
You are welcome to come and join the discussions and create your own topics. Just don't forget to fallow TOS guidelines as well as the rules created for this guild. But more importantly Have fun, If we work together we can make this a great guild.
Please Remember about donations, the more donations we get the more Sub-forums we can have dedicated to different types of music.
To Join Please submit a request answering these two questions.
1.What music genre are you into?
2.What makes you want to join this guild?
Banner URL:

Entry Fee: 25g
Allow Join Requests: Yes
Auto-Accept Join Requests: No
Category: Music
1. Music
2. Bands
3. Discussion
4. Instruments
5. Lyrics
Type: Public