Characters Name:Tala Yumizuko
Picture or Description:
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Biography:Tala is Raguna's best friend. He balances him out perfectly, being hyper active while Raguna is cool and collective. Though he ws not as bored with life as Raguna was, he is happy to have this new adventure.
Personality: Tala is an over acheiver and often overexerts to try and help his friends or complete the task at hand. He relies more on brute strength than stratagy though. Also, as a side effect of being in Kei Konguki, his mood will randomly change depending on the mood or meaning of the music that he is listening to at the moment. Angry song= angry, happy song= happy, etc.
Accesories: A gauntlet that fits on his left hand.
Charms: Fire charm
Favorite Element: Fire
Alignment: Good