Im Faith
and sence your new Im gonna tell you all the info and crap stare
Name:Faith Resse Sohma
Zodiac animal:The Cat(im weird I luv the rat!!)
Nic Name:the lost sohma,Ressy,lil' Faith,Fay-Fay
School:Kaibaba high school
Pets biggrin ark fox-Xion
Best freind(s):Tohru Honda,Arisia Outani,Saki Hanajima,Yuki Sohma,Kyo Sohma,Hatsuharu heart Sohma,and Momiji Sohma(theyre family mrgreen )
Well ani wais I was totally ignored in the anime and manga
( the producers didnt lyk the idea of 2 cats so they left me
out!(me and Kyo act like brother and sister so..) but I dont care rolleyes )
Well everyone come up to me askin why Im hangin out w/ da rat when Im a Cat...well I dunno I used to hate Yuki too...but he grew on me..
but one thing thats not fair is Ive been doing Kung-fu since I was 4 and he can still kick me and kyos but(SO NOT FAIR scream )
Ooooops!guess some of my cat side was comin out,my bad sweatdrop
I bet a buncha yall r wonderin what I might look like well..I pretty much look lyk my avatar so..and yea(like Kyoi)Im lyk really jelouse of the rat..Grrrrr;shfjshfjglkfsh;L"FSH";
Its not true ;h;aejiophhjhaFLHKejkEJT
Sorry bout that Haru got in a fight with Kyo and went black.Just as Kyo came back from his date w/ Tohru..grr..DAMN BLACK HARU
CATS SUCK twisted
so so sorry bout that like I was saying they just got back from a date
forgot to tell you Ive been staying with the sohmas,Everr since my house was broken into and my parents rejected me,Ive been spending like every day with my boyfreind Kacy Marin,i think Im in love with him,and hes best freinds with Haru so double+ right.Well we'd been goin to Shigures house all the time so I decided to move in. he sayd it was okay and besides I love Shigures House!!!..aniwais what happened a second ago,
Just as Me Kyo were about to fight Black Haru,Yuki walks in,well Im so happy I go and give him u huge hug,but Haru trys to attack me as I pounce for Yuki.And Kyo pushes me into Tohru and I change,then she tripps over me and lands into Yuki and he turns too,then she falls into Kyos arms and he changes,as Shigure walks in with groceries to seea rat 2 cats and( oh and btw I'm a sandy colerd cat with a light brown splotch on my eye) laughing Hatsuharu sooooo...Im like really lucky I can type good cause right now....im kinda a cat so.. stressed
Would you excuse me,Thnks 4 ur understanding...uh xp
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