Name: Aika Miyazaki
Age: 147
Personality: Shy, Sweet, Considerate, Makes sure everyone is safe before herself, kinda ditsy, Hard on herself.
Bio: Aika grew up in Kokutan, the third district of West Rukongai. She was a young girl who was always picked last when wanting to play games because she barely talked. She was well liked because of her personality but was also a target of bullies. When she entered the Academy she was near the top of her class in Kido. Which is how she met Shuhei Hisagi, her school girl crush. He was her mentor and friend. Even stuck up for her when she was picked on later by upperclassmen. She gained her Zapaktou soon after she graduated and was placed in Seventh squad where she worked up to her current position of tenth seat. Her crush on Shuhei is still alive and tries to get him to notice. Though she's usually to shy to do anything.
Squad: Seven
Love Interest: Shuhei Hisagi
Zanpaktou: Chiyu Kashou (Healing Song)
Command: Nagusame (Comfort)
1st Move - Chiyu Kaze
When released the katana becomes a small fan that can heal a wound in just a few waves, well minor ones. Larger injuries can be slowed from bring further pain to the victim.
2nd Move - Kashou No Itami
The fan gains spikes and a chain that wraps around Aika's wrist. She can also use this as a kido conductor so if the fan gets wrapped around an enemy she can cast a hado and automatically hit her enemy.
Bankai: Not yet known.
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