Today my bf told me she was moving to South Carolina ,and that we still could write letters to each other ,and do video chat like MSN ,and stuff like that but maybe her house won't sell because of the times right now but, then she got mad at me when I said hopefully your house won't sell and then she said so you don't want me and us to be happy and she kept on saying think about the positive side of it but to me there was none but if she's happy I'm happy right but I still will miss cause she is my Best Friend For Ever For 10 years Now but we have friend anniversary 2 times a year. But Know matter what and no matter how far away she is or i am we still always be best friends forever. cryingcryingcryingcryingcryingtalk2handtalk2handtalk2handtalk2handcrycrycrycrysadsadsadsadgonkgonkgonkneutralneutral