last night i was reading kazuo umezus sary candle light. halfway through (much like a crazy person) i muttered the authors name to myself 'kazuo umezu'. the candles had been flickering all night but as i said that they started to flicker even more.i whispered it again nd again they flickred faster. finally i raised my voice to normal level and said 'kazuo umezu and tey stoppe flickring all together and poured wax onto the table.why did tese cand;es respond to he name of the famous horror m,anag artist, kazuo umezu?can they sense things we as humans cannot? of course even a candle is smarter than a human.
ok ilol stop now cause whats in my brain is just a bunch of nonsense and i know none wants to red that now do you?
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Mr. Journal
obviously, its a journal. just my thoughts and weird things that happen to me
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kenpachi sama!!