-Gray Whale (Atlantic)
Critically Endangered
-Blue Whale (Antarctic)
-Gray Whale (Northwest Pacific population)
-Blue Whale
-Fin Whale
-North Pacific Right Whale
-North Atlantic Right Whale
-Sei Whale
-Blue Whale - Musculus subspecies (Atlantic population)
-Sperm Whale
Lower Risk (Conservation Dependent)
-Antarctic Minke Whale
-Arnoux's Beaked Whale
-Baird's Beaked Whale
-Blue Whale (North Pacific)
-Bowhead Whale
-Gray Whale (Northeast Pacific population)
-Northern Bottlenose Whale
-Southern Bottlenose Whale
-Short-finned Pilot Whale
-Southern Right Whale
Lower risk (Near Threatened)
Lower Risk (Least Concern)
-Minke Whale
-Dwarf Sperm Whale
-Pygmy Right Whale
-Long-finned Pilot Whale
-Humpback Whale
-Pygmy Sperm Whale
-Melon-headed Whale
-Gray Whale (species)
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