At the Cafe`, clubbing and missin' my Puddin'
Harley sat quietly at a small table along the edge of a street cafe' memories upon oodles of memories hit her, looking out she had recalled for every chip in the wall, every new and replaced stop sign, bus bench, every alley way...everything a place where she and her Puddin' had done something that had the bat shaking his head dissaprovingly. Just the alley accross the street was where she was tossed like a sack of potatoes, head cracked against the wall after her and J had a small disagreement, the bus bench, when they crashed their car after trying to exit a heist sucessfully. Giving a small sigh of relief she swirled the contents of her glass with her loopy swirl straw and started writing. 'This is apparently just going to be a mix of multiple things, with maybe a neat picture cause pictures can be neat. Last night I went clubbing at our friends club Dominion, it was a blast...none of the other gothamites were there of course...seein this guy dressed up like the 'The Crow' got me thinking about my Puddin' mostly it was the makeup I suppose, and the fact the guy had green and purple on his shirt. I miss my Puddin' and it seems every day I'm off of workin' he's busy busy busy, and when I do work he's on...just my luck, eh? Anyways, love ya much.' and with that, the entry was over, she had shut her book, and was back too drinking her lemonade. 