Name: Dini
Alius:The Darkest Angel
Eyes: Red, used to be deep green
Hair: Midnight Black
Age: 1020 years old
Height: 6'1"
Weight: how the heck would I know?
Personality: Cold, cruel, logical, kindish, and sly, and seductive.
History:She was a demon's apprentace for over a thousand years. She has left her master to find a way to light before she truely dies. She is usually quiet and because shw was a demon's aprentence is very cruel at times. She has black hair, red eyes, and tan skin. She has no memory of who she was befjore she was captured by her demon master, Seto. But, she was a Celtic princess in her past life and she didn't want to be the ruler.
Today: She's the caretaker of a 12 year old girl, Hinata, whose helping her find her light. As a result of that the girl encourages Dini to do some detective work around the big cities which is unfortunate for Special Agent Jack Rodregez. Dini likes to try to seduce him [cause he's a virgin!] and that freaks him out. [he's not used to women throwing themselves on him] Plus Dini causes hard to explain sinarios, and that adds up to a lot of paperwork.