A magical world, One cat, An older sister, A magical girl, One prochecy... Rico a regular younger sister with her little kitty and her older sister Triella are living in the country now after moving from New York. Their mother had made them go to the peaceful countryside instead to live with their grandparents...why? They don't know But living with their grandparents have told them one thing ...that they were crazy they belived in a magical world called Karou. One day Triella disapeared while taking a walk and when Rico had gone to look for her she found nothing but a little bit of blood. Rico rushed home to tell her Grandmother & Grandfater they told her that it must have been a mysitcal creature called Nukai has taken her. Rico not able to speak was dragged upstairs. The first thing she saw was a Beatiful glass perfume bottle. "What is this?" she asked. A portal her grandmother replied.......TO BE CONTUNIED
Nox -Chan · Wed Jan 04, 2006 @ 04:30am · 0 Comments |