*ahem* I would like to announce my current "fangirl-ism" for the bassist of the Japanese band The Gazete... I blame my friend for pointing out how cool he is then showing me a PICTURE. It was that picture that reeled me in... But it looked sexy o___o How am I suppose to resist that? xD Here! I'll show you a few pictures: 3nodding
Reita with Hello kitty: heart
Banana Phone!
Now for my personal favs:
Now this my friends, is the pic that reeled me in...
He's sexy... I know ;O
And just so he isn't the one getting all the credit. I would like to point out that THEY ARE ALL AMAZING smile And the music they play is awesome. I suggest you listen to it. Unless you like stuff like hip-hop and rap or Hannah Montana stare
Mmm... Oh yeah, just so you know. Reita is just a stage name. His real name is Suzuki Akira. Even that is sexy.... whee
I also know a few weird random facts....... Did you know he likes Kit-kats? :3
Well, have fun basking in his beauty and goodbye!
-CookieApocalypse_x · Tue Sep 01, 2009 @ 05:47pm · 1 Comments |