Yeah this is nothing but notes for class. I dont have a piece of paper and I'm on a mac so what I would have took notes in would not have worked. Yeah. there is not microsoft office for a mac. So ignore this :3
What is Digital?
*Binary code, encoding,
What is Analog?
*No coding
Firewire 400/800
*800 is faster, port has a box like shape with a tic in the middle
*400 Hexagon port, looks like a best buy price tag
Aspect Ratio
*Tv- 4x3 pixels, widescreen-16x9 (LCDs, plasmas, Movie theaters)
*16x9 HDTV
*where the screen is squished and black fill sandwiches it
-Letterboxing: horizontal black fill
-pillarboxes: vertical black fill
Video formats: DVD, VHS, Beta, 8mm, hi-8, super vhs, mini dvd
*48 khz
Picture formats:jpeg, tiff, gif, png, bmp
Audio- khz44.1; 48khz
*Mostly at 44.1khz
*Video, audio, pictures (captures)
Export: AVI, MOV, MP3 (Audio), MPEG-4, H.264 (Internet Format)
*exported as these formats
Yeah, so much for teachers with better note giving. Oh well. Now you know a bit of my class biggrin
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