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My shopping list
I'll be writing about the items I want to get, and strategies to get them.
But from the very beginning,
no matter how hard it tried, the rice ball just couldn't find its way
to the fruit basket.

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commentCommented on: Thu Oct 01, 2009 @ 12:48am
ahhh, this is so nostalgic... seeing your reactions as you read Furuba for the first time brings me back to 2005. Actually, I sorta felt like this (but in a much more angsty, rant-ish way) in my second ever journal entry.

Ever since I saw/read Furuba (because I watched the anime first, actually), I've always felt like I'm a plain rice ball, even amongst other rice balls. I feel like a plain rice ball in a fruits basket, even today.

commentCommented on: Thu Oct 01, 2009 @ 09:30pm
I checked your second ever journal entry and I realized it was one of the few entries that I remembered that one time I read your entire journal and left a comment on your first ever entry.
Who's Mark, by the way?
And what's umeboshi? A dried plum? Why would yo need to have a nice dried plum? Or is it something else? (Or is it a reference to the Furuba where Tohru said that rice balls have a dried plum on their back, but they can't see it, and that the plum represents their good traits?)

Huh? Really? I don't feel like a rice ball, I feel like a fruit, but... a fruit that turned out bad, or in a way that most other fruits and rice balls don't consider acceptable. Like... an orange pear, when all the pears are expected to be green or yellow? (Orange pears do exist, have you known that? I didn't want to use an example with something that doesn't really exist, like, say, a violet apple, because people/fruit like me do(es) exist.)

Why do you feel more plain than other rice balls? If you are the rice ball, who would be the fruits in your basket today then?

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commentCommented on: Thu Oct 01, 2009 @ 10:17pm
wait. You read my entire journal?? Oh, dear... now that you mention it, I might have thought that you meant that you sampled it, you know, here and there, but not the WHOLE thing... eek

oh, mark, that jerk? Mr. I-read-calculus-textbooks-next-to-the-pool-for-fun? Mr. I-took-6-AP-classes-and-wore-two-freaking-backpacks-during-senior-year?

And yes. It is a reference to Furuba where Tohru said that rice balls have a dried plum on their back, but they can't see it, and that the plum represents their good traits.

Wait.. Like a coconut lime? xd haha

well, for one, I feel like a plain rice ball because I don't feel very special at all. Good traits? Like, do I even have one? Also, in IRL, I have always favored plain rice balls since I was very, very small. I've always loved to savor those simple tastes of rice and salt together. When I was little, my family used to laugh at me because I'd be at picnics with my riceball, licking it and savoring the taste. I have a picture of me doing that while sitting in my cousin's lap. So I guess that I've identified with plain riceballs, and felt sad that people say that they're too plain without ume (which I hate). I think that they're good enough on their own, but...

I cried when I saw that part in the manga, because that's exactly how I felt, and was surprised to have it said like that, if you know what I mean.

the fruits in my basket? Everyone but me, I guess. I feel like I stick out, like a riceball in a fruits basket, LOL. But it's not a new feeling at all...

commentCommented on: Thu Oct 01, 2009 @ 10:48pm
Yeah, I did read the whole thing. At the time, it wasn't this big. You didn't post much throughout 2005 and 2006 and you only have one entry in 2004.
After I finished it, I just read your new journal entries as you were adding them.

LOL, that guy doesn't sound very likable. Sounds kinda arrogant and like someone who uses his intelligence/knowledge to try to put other people down. But, Eric was hanging out with him nonetheless?

Oh wow... I haven't realized that I have something like that on my profile. But... I didn't mean like a crossbreed between two fruit. I just meant an unusual fruit. So, when I said "orange pear", I didn't mean a hybrid, an orange-pear, I meant a pear with orange peel. (Which exist, although I haven't seen much of them.)

I don't like dried plums at all. I also can't stand dried figs, and raisins (dried grapes). The only dried thing I can stand to an extent is dried apricots. They are less dry and nicer than the rest.

You cried at that part? Oh wow... How about some other parts? There are parts after that that are even more emotional.
Why would the others be fruits, i.e. what are their qualities, and which fruit would everyone of them be?

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commentCommented on: Fri Oct 02, 2009 @ 01:07am
ahh, I see. But that's still pretty surprising, lol.

well, the irritating part is that he's super likable, funny, and pretty nice. He was our mutual friend who shared the generally same social group/classes. He's the guy everyone loves to hate, but doesn't. LOL.

ohhhh, LOL, I see. But wha?? You didn't realize that it was on your profile? But I see.

ahhhh, I can't stand those dried fruits either! I HATE dried figs. If there's even a small piece that gets into my mouth, I spit it out.

ahh, yes, I cried. That was sort of emotional for me, since those feelings were bottled up and unexpressed til then. And yes, I did cry during other parts. I shed many, many tears throughout the entire series.

well... in that context/metaphor. Qualities and types?... *twitch* urgghh, actually, I don't really know on that specific level, really.

commentCommented on: Fri Oct 02, 2009 @ 11:10pm
Out of all the dried fruit mentioned, I also hate dried figs the most. Genuinely disgusting.

I'm looking forward to reading the rest. I'm liking it more and more.
Poor Momiji. You don't really recover after your mother rejects you like that. His happy demeanor is at least partially a facade. I feel very bad for him. Especially since I'm a Rabbit in the Chinese Zodiac, too (and you are, too). I wonder if I could ever be like that. Probably not, though. Also, I noticed that it can't be possible that member of the Sohma family who are possessed by a certain spirit are born in the corresponding year. That way, Ayame, Shigure and Hatori couldn't be the same age etc. etc.

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commentCommented on: Sat Oct 03, 2009 @ 01:28am
yups, it keeps on getting better and better! I'm so upset that I stopped one (or was it two?) volume away from the end! I know what happens (since my sister spoiled it for me, like she always does...), but... I would really like to purchase the last volume and read it like that. It's just... Honey and Clover keeps on coming out, so.... sweatdrop

Maybe I should just give up and read the rest on onemanga. But I dun want tooooooo! The published form is pristine, not some rough scan/translation! *sniff* But seeing as I'm broke.... *gloom*

Ahhhhh!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Momiji!!!!

heart heart heart heart

He's possibly my favorite character, and he's probably the one who made me cry the most. But.. I really like Kyo-kun, Hanajima, and Hiro. But Momiji has always had a really special place in my heart. I can't wait until you progress even further!

And I love how we can talk about it as you read it! Haha, I'd better hurry up and finish the series properly if I don't want you to finish it before me, LOL.

commentCommented on: Sat Oct 03, 2009 @ 01:32am
actually, Hanajima and Hiro I like for different reasons from Momiji. And .... ahhh, I should just make a chart.

Momiji = LOVE heart heart

Kyo-kun = Love (cuteeee!! in a heart-melting sort of way )

Hanajima, Hiro= Epic win humor, surprising heartwarming scenes

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commentCommented on: Sat Oct 03, 2009 @ 10:57pm
Your sister always spoils manga (and possibly anime?) for you? That's no good.

Speaking of quality of scanlations, the 28th and 29th chapter are different from the others. You don't get to see one page per screen, you get to see two, so everything is much smaller, and you can't really read the smaller text. Also, the monologues of the author aren't translated. (You know, that parts where she talks about the games she played etc. etc. It's not that I have a particularly deep interest in what she thinks of games I never played, but if she wrote it in the manga I'm reading, I want to have the chance to read it!) I thought it was just problem with onemanga, but on all sites that have the manga uploaded, it's the same thing with those two chapters. As if normal versions aren't available...

That's interesting. I never really cared much for those saccharine characters like Honey from OHSHC and Momiji. Probably because.... I have never even met a woman IRL who acts in such a way, let alone a man. They just don't seem very believable. But, I don't dislike them either. They're just "meh..." for me. I was a little disappointed though that the Rabbit isn't someone I could relate to more, but it's OK, I guess. He's an acceptable character.
I still haven't found a character I could identify with. Which is kinda bad for me, because I like to have one from the very beginning. I usually never choose characters that get introduced later on. But for some reason, I really want to choose one. I just can't do it yet.
Speaking of Hiro, I still haven't got to the part where he appears, but I have seen his names in the characters lists.

I browsed ff.net today for Fruits Basket fanfiction, and I saw that there are 70 pages of M rated fics. I only looked at the first 15, because I got bored and couldn't bring myself to go through all 70, but I have made one conclusion:

a vast majority of those fics include Kyo in some way. LOL, Kyo is such a little slut, everyone wants him. Or is it that he wants everyone? And the cats are said to only mate in February and thus, not have a very big libido. LOL

commentCommented on: Sun Oct 04, 2009 @ 04:09am
ahh, well, if not "always," then very often, lol. But yeah, it sucks. Especially when it came to Deathnote.

Ahhh, that sucks...

Mm, well, I really, really dislike characters like Hunny-sempai, but Momiji is probably the only exception. But I absolutely adore him. I have this beautiful wallpaper that I found that just melts my heart. But not because of his personality.

Ahh, A character that you can identify with? Mm, I think that I also tend to do that. It's natural, I guess. But even after having almost finished the series, I found that there's a few characters/scenes/feelings/etc. that I really identified with, but never concentrated into one person. Just here and there. But even though I started reading the series hating (ok, not 'hating') Yuki, it turned out that he's the person that I most identify with. *sigh* I wanted to dislike him so much, and I even wished something on him that I now regret. But we'll probably talk about that if/when you ever get there. n_n

Fruits basket fanfiction... I'm sorry, that sounds just.... ick. For many reasons, at that. Oh, but that reminds me. Remember when you said that you were disappointed that onemanga didn't host yaoi titles? Well, my sister said that mangafox does, because it hosts everything else that onemanga doesn't want to host, lol. (I might check it out for the yuri or hentai, lol....)

..... eek Uh, I never knew/heard that about cats... sweatdrop

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commentCommented on: Sun Oct 04, 2009 @ 02:34pm
Oh yes, Death Note really isn't something that should be spoiled. Did she do it on purpose?

Hmm, Momiji probably had some more interesting/meaningful things revealed about him. I'll see it when I get there, I guess.
Yuki reminds me of Sasuke too much. And his and Kyo's dynamics are very similar to Naruto's and Sasuke's. I'm not sure which one came erlier. Either way, I don't think one has copied the other, I just thing it's a pretty commonly used stereotype. Therefore, Yuki is pretty boring to me. When he's all violent in the beginning, it did irritate me a lot, but now he's much nicer than Sasuke ever was, so I guess I can tolerate him. I just don't really consider his angst very interesting, nor do I empathize with him much. The most popular guy in school that has his own obsessive fan-club? Uhm... I think I'll pass.

"ick"? Well, to each their own, I guess. I don't really consider th fact that they're all related. I guess I got desensitized after all the Itachi/Sasuke pr0nz. Which I never really read, because I dislike both characters, but I've stumbled upon it more times than I can count.

Oh, and thanks for the tip about mangafox!

You didn't know that about cats? Technically, they mate throughout winter, and some of them throughout the entire year, but February is said to be the month of the cats, which I like, because I'm born in February. heart blaugh 3nodding

commentCommented on: Mon Oct 05, 2009 @ 12:03am
*Sigh* yes, I really wish that she hadn't told me that certain key characters would die. gonk scream but... she doesn't do that on purpose. Usually, she's really excited that something happens, then the following conversation takes place.

sister: "Hey, hey, hey! Um, are you going to read/watch [fill in the blank]??"
me: Um........ ??? .... probably... not?
sister: "oh!! I want to tell you what just happened in [fill in the blank]"

then usually, she'll end up telling me whatever it is, since she has a hard time keeping those things anyway. It's scary watching a series after she has, because I never know what she's going to accidentally spoil. =_=;

ahh, yeah, sorry, I don't have a very good opinion of fanfics in general... sweatdrop

mmm, that's perfect for you! The month of cats... how cute! Hey, then that worked out well.. this year, I've been designing and drawing my own calendar pages, and for February, I painted Kyo-kun n_n (though it didn't really turn out well, sigh...)

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commentCommented on: Mon Oct 05, 2009 @ 03:59pm
Really? Wow, that sounds interesting! Did you put other Furuba characters for other months or some characters from other anime/manga?

commentCommented on: Tue Oct 06, 2009 @ 01:15am
oh, every month, I paint a character/characters from my fandoms as my calendar page. It's going to be a completely hand drawn calendar by the end of the year. Sometimes my sister is a "guest artist," and sometimes we do a collaboration. It's a good project, because I'm forced to paint/draw something at least every month so I have something to do, and I learn alot from every page that I complete.

January- Hatsune Miku
February- Fruits Basket
March- Pokemon
April- APH/Ouran Crossover*
May- K-ON *
June- Yotsuba to
July- Di Gi Charat*
August- Azumanga Daioh
September- Zetsubou sensei
October- (In progress) D. Gray-man*

(* - Guest artist/collab pages)

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commentCommented on: Wed Oct 07, 2009 @ 01:22am
Well, I have never heard of some of those titles, but I think it's great you're doing such a creative thing. 3nodding

How much in advance do you decide the anime? Do you know what will you draw for November and December? Are those just pictures? I mean, you don't write the weeks and dates below them, like in a calendar?
For example:
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
01 02 03 04 05

etc. etc.
So, is this the calendar for this year, 2009. or for the next year? If it is for this year, it won't be finished until the year is almost over. But you can add the dates for the next year under the picture and use it throughout the entire 2010.

commentCommented on: Wed Oct 07, 2009 @ 01:41am
By the way, which character(s) from Pokemon, APH and OHSHC did you draw?

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commentCommented on: Wed Oct 07, 2009 @ 11:27pm
oh, I get a big piece of paper, designate the top half for the picture part, and the bottom for the calendar grid. I draw the grid out by hand to make it look like an otherwise normal calendar page... so that means that I can't recycle anyway, LOL.

Plus, for the most part, I really wouldn't want to. I'd like to keep on improving, anyway, and be able to see those improvements.

Pokemon? Arghh, I painted too many to name. I covered the whole page with some of my favorite (or random) ones. Oh, at the end of the year, I'll put a collage of all the months and show post it somewhere so you can see. n_n

Oh, APH/Ouran? My sister combined them into "APH Host club" and
Tamaki= America
Mori= Sweden
Hunny= Finland
Haruhi= Japan
Hikaru and Kaoru = South and North Italy

That was my sister's page, and it turned out quite nicely. 3nodding

commentCommented on: Thu Oct 08, 2009 @ 07:00pm
I haven't either seen or read APH, so I can't say if I like those matches. I only know a couple of things about a couple of characters. By the way, what do you do with APH? Read the manga or watch the anime?

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commentCommented on: Thu Oct 08, 2009 @ 09:21pm
Umm... well, I started out by reading the strips from Livejournal, but there's just so many now that even my sister fell behind long ago.

One can also watch the anime, which is only 5 minutes long, but I haven't done so yet, giving the excuse that I'll wait until there's enough to watch an hour's worth all at once. XP I think that they are on the second season of anime, and a movie is supposed to come out. (Fans joke that it'll be a whopping 15 minutes long)

commentCommented on: Thu Oct 08, 2009 @ 10:10pm
Oh wow, seems confusing. Are they at least labeled? I mean, can you tell which one comes first, second etc. etc.?

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commentCommented on: Fri Oct 09, 2009 @ 10:24pm
um... actually, I'm not sure how it's done... sweatdrop
maybe you should just stick to watching the anime first? oh, but I have a feeling that you'd miss out on the ... what do you call it?... BL-ness of it all?

LOL, there's already 20 comments on this journal post.

commentCommented on: Sat Oct 10, 2009 @ 02:01am
Yours was 21st and mine here will be 22nd. LOL, I definitely don't want to miss the BL-ness. 3nodding

I'm pretty disappointed that the anime removed that. So many anime seem to be doing it.

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commentCommented on: Sat Oct 10, 2009 @ 02:31am
LOL. Well, my sister knows how to find those types of things, so I'll ask her and post it somewhere when I find out.

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