Altaiir sat up, slowly he'd only rested for a short while but it was already time to start moving on. The young man stood and looked around, cautious of his surroundings he felt nothing ominous and began to walk through the night darkened forest. Altaiir had left his horse at the edge of the woods yesterday but it was close to a track used regularly by merchants and he hadn't tied it down so he had no reason to worry about it.
As he pushed a rather brutish bush out of his path he began to regret leaving the steed behind. Never the less this was the route that he'd decided to take and as such he must follow his chosen path. Altaiir stopped as he reached a brook, a chance to refill his canteen, He knelt and took out the flask holding it tentatively over the water as the fluid was captured and sealed within. the stars fluttering brightly in the cool reflection around the young assassins hooded face as he took a deep breath, letting the fresh air fill his body.
As he pushed a rather brutish bush out of his path he began to regret leaving the steed behind. Never the less this was the route that he'd decided to take and as such he must follow his chosen path. Altaiir stopped as he reached a brook, a chance to refill his canteen, He knelt and took out the flask holding it tentatively over the water as the fluid was captured and sealed within. the stars fluttering brightly in the cool reflection around the young assassins hooded face as he took a deep breath, letting the fresh air fill his body.