name: Kelsey

age: 19

height: 5'4''

race: she is caucasian. but her ancestors were irish,scottish,german,and english mixed.

Looks: she has very pale skin,and blue eyes,but no freckles surprisingly due to her heritage and what her parents look like :O. She also has a very heart shaped face
with pale pink cheeks.

Hair:She has black hair , with many random coon tails of many colors or extensions
she sometimes dyes different colors of her hair red,blue,purple,etc. She has long hair and maytexturize/tease it from time to time.She curls it at times or lets it lay limp, depends on her mood.

Clothes: She tends to wear regular band tees, her tux tee , or the silly twilight/new moon tee her boyfriend bought her before the movie. She loves to wear anything she can find at the hotpic store at the moment. Her jeans tend to be bright colors or just plain skinny jeans. And she loves to also wear random hoodies and tanks , her shoes could be anything from bright green converse to white and purple vans, but she does love converse and vans especially.

body type: average. she has tiny boobs and a flat butt. but then again her rest of her body is perfect. She tried to work out. But shes got no insecurites about her body anymore.

accessories: is often seen with her ipod on or playing with her sheltie George.
Virtually never without her cell phone . Ever.

personality/other: Shes never understood what it is like to be in love. as a matter of fact she's never had her heart broken either. She tends to lie to get her way, but then she feels guilty for it.She trusts very few people . She loves animals and to wear her mascara and eyeliner. She tends to overeact and stress easy. She likes to stay up late and talk to her closet freinds.She has few enemies,but is aware of the ones she has.She hates white castle food and housework/chores.But she adores school like its a second home.She seems happy most of the time. but tends to hide how she really feels