The Internet is responsible for . . .
1. Porn
2. Rape
3. Murder
4. Racism
5. Genocide
6. Baldness
7. Erectile Dysfunction
9. Blacks
10. Jews
11. Desu
12. Chuck Noris
13. Your Mom
14. 98% of divorces
15. Pain
16. You
17. Google
18. The pool being closed
19. All the cool stories anybody's bro has ever told
20. Mudkipz
21. Milhouse remaining a non-meme
22. Awesomeness
23. The majority of suicidal 14 year old boys
24. Existence
25. Debates
26. Ignorance
27. Brilliance
28. Terrorism
29. Anonymousness
30. Conservative Republicans
31. Liberal Democrats
32. Trolls
33. More and more people becoming hermits
34. Rule 34. (this qualifies as real, fake, good, and evil)
35. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
36. Redundancy
37. Redundancy
38. Deja Vu
39. The world's wealth
40. The current financial crisis
41. Irony
42. The meaning of life
43. Spam
44. Creationism
45. Missspeelingz of werdz
46. Catholic Priests
47. Skull ********
48. Sex
49. /b/
50. Toasters
51. Furries
52. Ceiling Cat
53. The holocaust
54. 9/11
55. Tentacle rape
56. The goggles inability to do anything
57. lolwut
58. The ***** Bear
59. Sexual Harassment Panda
60. Hentai
61. 2 Girls 1 Cup
62. Abortions
63. Homosexuality
64. Newfags
65. Dividing by 0
66. Fails
67. Wins
68. Death
69. lurking
70. That's what she said jokes
71. Rule 71
72. The Cake
73. The Game
74. You losing the game
75. Masturbation
76. DO NOT WANT-ing
77. Barrel Rolls
78. Corruption
79. Purity
80. Combo Breakers
81. Co$
82. God
83. Shamwow
84. China
85. BOTS
86. Hacks
87. Pi
88. Your gayness for Bridget
89. Globalization
90. Godmodding
91. Sarcasm
91.5 Yeah right, I'm so sure
92. Mic blowjobs
93. Regular Blowjobs
94. Cookies
95. Xbox's HUEGNESS
96. Retards
97. Poor Grammar
98. Fleshlights
99. Sunny D
100. Faggotry
101. 4Chan
102. Viruses
103. Herpes
104. MacGyver
105. Bitches
106. Your inability to touch MC Hammer
107. Rick Astley
108. This being a triumph
109. Candleja...
110. Shoop Da Whoop
111. The Star Wars prequels
112. Waffles
113. Santa Claus
114. weegee
115. Fire
117. Kanye West Being a douche
118. The Blue Screen of Death
119. 1337 $P34K
120. Canaydia
121. Sparta
122. RayWilliamJohnson
123. Counting
124. Copypasta
125. copypasta
126. Twinkies
127. Your disdain for life
128. Censorship
129. The internet
130. Your spoon being to big
131. Waldo's elusiveness
132. Your argument being invalid
133. WTFs
134. Annoying the hell out of everyone
135. Raping your childhood
136. Emoticons
137. All 40 year olds living in their mom's basement
138. McDonalds
139. Public drunkeness
140. Solitary drunkeness
141. The death of everything you've ever loved
∞. ????
∞+1 Profit
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I'm the kind of human wreckage that you love!
The Argonauts
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