Age: Ageless. Appears to be in her early twenties.
Race: Yukionna
Marital Status: Single
Orientation: Pansexual
Bio: Hyouden, in the years before he capture, could be found wandering the mountainous landscapes in Hokkaido, Japan. During the winters, she would travel down the mountain and entrap men in blizzards, 'saving' them just before they were about to fall unconscious from the cold. She would take them back to her hut in the mountains, and nurse them to health, before seducing them and stealing their energy.
However, the humans had become wise. The last winter of her freedom, she had found traps, set to capture her. While she had managed to evade most, she had not been able to outsmart the hunting party that had combed the mountainside that her hut rested against, the last day before the winter solstice. The last memory Hyouden had of Japan was being surrounded by angry villagers, and then a sharp pain in her neck as a tranquilizer dart, with enough sedative to bring down a bull-elephant, pierced her skin. The rest, was blackness.
When she awoke, she was hog-tied in a cage, in the cargo-hull of a boat en-route to America. She remembered little of her transport, for the sea-sickness she suffered had caused her to fall unconscious most times. When she finally became coherent once again, the vessel had set port in America, and she was sent to a slave-house. She was poked, prodded, and analyzed; According to those who processed her, she was a rare find, indeed. She had a collar snapped around her neck, and was put through weeks of strenuous, rough 'training.'
Soon, the slave-owners realized she gathered energy from having intercourse, and promptly planted a device in the back of her neck, on her spinal cord, that would hinder that. She gained energy, but she would no longer drain her 'partner' while gaining it. Eventually she was sold into a slave-shop, where she now waited for her someone to pick her.