xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxGive me air to breathe in....
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx....Give me someone to love
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx___________Give me faith to BELIEVE __
xxxxxxxxxxx__________Give me someone to TRUST __
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xxxxI was born with the name:: Len Itoyu

xxxxxxBut you can call me:: Len
xxxxxxxxI've blown this many candles:: 18
xxxxxxxxxxI am:: Human
xxxxxxxxI really like:: Sweets, Cold Breezes, Nature, and Animals
xxxxxx But I hate:: Smoke, Rude People, and Being Bossed Around
xxxxI'm usually seen:: Writing Poetry, Biking, Driving and Reading
xxxxxxAnd sometimes I can be:: Sweet, Kind, Smart and Outgoing
xxxxxxxx No! Get my away from:: Snakes
xxxxxxxxxx Here's the story of my life:: Before he was adopted, Len's real mother left him on the doorsteps of a small but successful orphanage. No one knew why his mother abandoned him. But they assumed that she just couldn't take care of him due to poorness. After his adopted parents found out that their soon to be child is going to be a girl, the father immediately went to the most known orphanage. He wanted a boy to be the successor of their company. Not a girl. And the fortunate Len was the one whom they adopted. When Len was a year old, his little sister was born. Their father didn't want her so they mostly get into fights. And Len would be there to comfort his dear little sister. They have been like that since they were kids. But Len never gets tired of being on his sister's side.
xxxxxxxx A little more facts:: After he knew that he was adopted, Len started searching for his real mother. Not that he didn't want his current family, he just wanted to know what his mother looked like. And how she was. If she was dead or alive. But with no luck, he still haven't found her.

Show me the LIGHT....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Show me the WAY....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
__ Show me the LOVE___________xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
__That I DESERVE____________xxxxxxxxxxx

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