A quick about me.
I will NOT do yuri.
I will only have 2, maybe three, role-plays going on at any given time. I will remove a character if I am using him/her in a role-play. I will also remove a category or subcategory if I am already participating in one, or one of similarity.
There is only one thing I will do with three people. That is listed bellow and would have to be requested.
Alright, so these are my preferences, if you don't like any, or one of these, I suggest you use caution when you go through what I am requesting.
A quick about me.
I will NOT do yuri.
I will only have 2, maybe three, role-plays going on at any given time. I will remove a character if I am using him/her in a role-play. I will also remove a category or subcategory if I am already participating in one, or one of similarity.
There is only one thing I will do with three people. That is listed bellow and would have to be requested.
Alright, so these are my preferences, if you don't like any, or one of these, I suggest you use caution when you go through what I am requesting.
♥Furry [Not all my role-plays, though.]
♥Royal [Kingdom]
♥Being the slave in a MasterxSlave RP
♥Good typing grammar! No txt tlk!
This is what I prefer not to have in my role-plays:
-Bad typing grammar • a typo here and there is understandable.
-Battles, but will put up with them.
-Gangsters. Eww.
-Prefer no mouse or horse furries.
-One liners.
-... I will add more to this as I think of it, but I am generally very lenient. :V
Yaoi FurryxFurry
School setting
Club setting
Straight FurryxFurry
School Setting
Club Setting
Town Setting
Yaoi PrincexServent
Kingdom Setting
Yaoi SlavexMaster
[Will do furry SlavexMaster!]
Mansion Setting
City Setting
Club Setting
Yaoi SlavexSlavexMaster
Will do a Legacy of Kain setting, ONLY IF YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS INDEPTH.
Yaoi SarafanxSarafan
Yaoi SarafanxKain's Servant[Vampire]
Yaoi Kain's ServantxKain's Servant
These are my role-playing characters I will be willing to work with [Note: I expect YOU to have your own character. Not use mine. :/ Subnote: I will have to make up the LoK character if you propose that to me. I am not going to waist my time on a character I am probably not going to use.]:

[Tyler be converted to a furry, but it would have to be a special request.]
Character Name: (on collar): Tyler Rios
Age: 17
♥Being Alone
♥Video Games
♥Coding / Programming [[ C++, HtML, etc. ]]
♥Huge Cats and Dogs
♥His Purple iPod Nano filled with 16 gigabytes of Music
♥His barcode tattoo on the back of his neck, which is a barcode for his best friend's name, "Alexis".
-Little Dogs
-Fixing Computers
-Being told what to do
-Being bored
-Thinking he lost something
Preffered Master: Someone who would look after him, but give him space when needed. Someone who is willing to put up with his random outbursts, either they be anger or weepiness.
Bio/Personality: Bottled up and ready to be lit off like a firework at any time, Tyler unleashes his emotions through crying his heart out, to cutting delicate designs into his arm, to throwing things across his room, to a mix of all three. His story for running away and Fai finding him was that he hated his drunk step-dad, and his mom didn't respect him whatsoever, and he became very unstable one night and couldn't handle it anymore, thus why he ran away with an Atreyu messenger bag, and a Nintendo messenger back. The Atreyu one was filled with an extra set of clothes, and his black cat ears that he got from his best friend. The Nintendo bag was full with various trinkets and knick-knacks, including his art supplies.


Age: 29
♥Cooking from time to time.
-Spiders of ANY size.
Bio/Personality: A very rich fellow who has come from a line of researchers. His family owns a white mansion that is very secluded and is surrounded by beautiful gardens. He has several groundskeepers and a single housekeeper, but besides that lives alone. His reason for getting a slave is because he is lonely, and needs someone to keep him company. [Also dust his things off, and do simple tasks for him.] Most would call Naoko sophisticated, but on the inside he is ready to have some fun and has a very down to earth and compassionate personality. His appearance is like that to the picture to the left. He carries a staff that reaches about a foot above his head, which is pure white with a white tip and a blue gem at the top. The reasons for the staff is for support, and to squish spiders from a long [And safe!] distance.

Character Name: Jessica Cooper
Age: 23
♥Straight Edge
♥Hardcore/Trance/Techno Music
♥Glow sticks/Neon Colors/Rainbows
-Open spaces
-People abusive to her.
-People touching her without her permission
-Small lizards and bugs, but doesn't mind big ones.
Bio/Personality: A hardcore raver, this fox has a lot more sides then the vibe she puts off. You would really have to get to know her personally to understand her. She wears a metallic bra and briefs under her latex dress, making any light shining off of her noticeable. Eccentric, many bracelets adorn her wrists, which change every time she goes out. This fox just enjoys having a good time wherever she can, and enjoys it with many people. She has a lot of friends, and is often very rarely seen alone. If she doesn't have a special someone, then she is often hit very hard with depression, because she feel hopeless and worthless, like nothing good is going to happen. Once she finds this special someone, her personality takes a flip and goes back to her usual, happy and outgoing self.
[I will use him for my male furry.]

Character Name: Raziel Gremoon
Age: 21
♥Chocolate peanut butter ice cream
♥His Goggles
-Cats (Unless they are abnormally huge.)
-Being Alone
-Smelly things, like perfume or cologne
-Being made fun of
-Being provoked
-Having to cook
Bio/Personality: Short tempered, fiery like most dragons, this halfing is usually down to earth and up to anything. His clothes are usually minimal, and are really loose or really tight. His skin is very warm to the touch, and has no problem with the nighttime life. He prefers to stay out of warm or hot areas, due to him being that naturally warm. He loves to cuddle though, and wrap his wings around the one he loves. When laying down to rest, if there is no one there with him, he could be seen cuddling a pillow or a stuffed black Labrador retrieving he has had as long as he could remember. He is very protective of his property, or whomever he is with.
Yes, I pulled the furries from my avatar in Second Life.
Also have a vampire and prince profile I can do, but only if you are really interested.
This is an example of the role-playing level I would like to keep it at[Example of my role-playing abilities from a past beach resort role-play.]:
As Tessa again tugged on his tail, a burst of laughter escaped his mouth. His tail swooshed side to side as he laughed, then curled up and out of her reach. He fell flat on his butt from the laughing, and he made sure not to land on his sensitive tail. It seemed as though she was now... Testing him, for his reaction. He scratched the back of his head. Now he wasn't too sure to be embarrassed or not, but all Jesse thought of now was to play it smooth. Like he always did.
"Erm... Issues, yeah. I get that again. Why am I here? Just to relax, enjoy the beach, soak up the sun." Jesse smiled happily. He leaned back using his hands for support. He crossed his legs, looking out onto the waves. The crisp air that rolled off them smelt good to Jesse right now, and he almost wanted to dive right back in. That would be rude, though. And Jesse was NOT known to be rude, not even the littlest bit.
"So, what cabin are you chillin' in? I am in number eight."
"Erm... Issues, yeah. I get that again. Why am I here? Just to relax, enjoy the beach, soak up the sun." Jesse smiled happily. He leaned back using his hands for support. He crossed his legs, looking out onto the waves. The crisp air that rolled off them smelt good to Jesse right now, and he almost wanted to dive right back in. That would be rude, though. And Jesse was NOT known to be rude, not even the littlest bit.
"So, what cabin are you chillin' in? I am in number eight."
If you are interesting in any of this, then please just PM me with what you are interested in, and your character profile.
If you have any questions, please post.
Thank you for your time~ ♥!
If you have any questions, please post.
Thank you for your time~ ♥!