Jiyong watched from his position within the kitchen as his two dongsaengs cuddled each other and whispered sweet nothings with huge smiles spread across their faces. He had to clench his fists and bight his bottom lip at the adorably sickening sight. Sure the two were cute and sure they looked great together, but why must the two be so unabashed about such public displays of affection? For some odd reason it irked him to no ends. He heaved a deep sigh as he attempted to calm the blood rushing in his head, only accomplishing to feel a bit more annoyed than previously.
He puffed his cheeks in annoyance as he narrowed his eyes at the two, wishing they'd just stop with their ridiculously cute and clingy behavior. After having thought that, Jiyong shook his head as he chastised himself for having thought such a thing from such normal behavior in relationships. Gnawing at the bottom if his lip and fidgeting with his t-shirt, Jiyong continued to stare at the lovey-dovey couple that sat upon the couch.
"You are so cute, maknae!" Daesung exclaimed as he pinched his boyfriend's cheeks lovingly.
"Not as cute as YOU, DaeDae!" Seungri exclaimed back just as adoringly as he cuddled his hyung's nose in an Eskimo kiss type manner.
The longer he stared at those two, all the more did the blood rush to his head. After another minute of the two lovebird, he snapped. "Oh, would you two just SHUT IT. I've had enough of your lovey-dovey talk!"
The dongsaengs looked up and blinked at him in surprise, wondering what was wrong with him before Daesung said,
"Hyung, could you please be quiet? I'm trying to spend quality time w/ my adorable maknae here." before resuming with the lovey-dovey talk that made Jiyong want to gag. Frowning with puffed up cheeks, Jiyong stomped to his room in annoyance, although he really had no idea why he was so annoyed with those two.
With a loud slam of the door, Jiyong threw himself on his bed in his fit. It caused the other four members to look at him in concern (mainly Seunghyun and Youngbae however as the two youngest were too busy with each other to bother much).
"What do you suppose is eating him up?" Youngbae asked curiously. Seunghyun simply shrugged his shoulders in reply, chugging down the rest of his beer before making his way toward Jiyong's room.
"Where you going, hyung?" Youngbae called out toward Seunghyun's retreating back. "Gonna find out what's eating Jiyong up." was his reply as he waved his hand and disappeared down the hallway.
In the privacy of his own room, Jiyong seethed in not-so-silent annoyance as he had a ranted a whole monologue in the span of two minutes.
"Why do those two have to be so ridiculously cuddly and all lovey-dovey?!" he raged, pacing around the room after the thoughts spinning around within his head pounded into his head for some form of release. "I mean come on! Yeah, I get it! They love each other! Big woop! Must they be so-so?! UGH!" Jiyong stopped mid-rant as he ran out of coherent words to say and opted for picking up his pillow and throwing them everywhere in a small fit of annoyance and rage.
Right when he threw the last pillow upon his bed that coincidentally aimed toward his bedroom door, it opened and landed smack in the middle of Seunghyun's face. With a slightly irritated expression, Seunghyun scowled at the offending pillow before kicking it out of his way. He then proceeded in the room where Jiyong now lay upon his bed screaming into his mattress.
"Ji?" Seunghyun called out before he stepped into the room entirely. Jiyong looked up from his mattress, ceasing his screaming temporarily to address whoever had come into his room without his permission. He glared at his hyung. "What?" Jiyong hissed out. "Haven't you heard of KNOCKING?" he continued. Seunghyun shrugged his shoulders as he instead chose to say something else.
"What's wrong? Why so angry?" was his response to the previous question, which answered nothing, stepping closer as Jiyong then sighed tiredly from having spent so much energy over raging.
"..." was his reply. What was he so mad over, anyways? "Because of Daesung and Seungri." he replied in annoyed manner. Was he really annoyed because of those two? It seemed rather unreasonable to be so annoyed over two lovebirds. He should be happy for them, not angry or annoyed.
"You sure it's because of them? It seems like something more than JUST them." Seunghyun inquired in a knowing manner.
Jiyong pursed his lips together as he thought about it. Was he really annoyed over the lovey-doveyness of his two dongsaengs, or was it perhaps something more, or less, than that?
"Care to talk about it?" Seunghyun asked with a small tugging at the corners of his lips. Jiyong frowned then furrowed his eyebrows before shrugging. It'd be great to find out himself why he felt such irrational anger toward those two. Finding out with Seunghyun couldn't be so bad.
"I don't really know." Jiyong said with a sigh. "I have no idea why I get so angry when I see those two completely lovey-dovey. It just. I don't know. It just seems as though the blood rushes to my head and I'm suddenly yelling and I don't know what I'm doing but I get this burning and fiery feeling within my heart too." Jiyong attempted to explain.
"And then I'm making all these rushed decisions that seem good to me at the moment, but then I realize how stupid it is the moment I do it." he continued. "And I know it's completely irrational and unfair, but I really have NO idea why I do such a thing to those two. I mean, I'm happy for them. I really am, hyung. I just. I feel..." and Jiyong paused in his long rant as he took a deep breath and attempted to find the correct term.
All the while Jiyong was giving his long monologue, Seunghyun nodded and listened in silent understanding. "Jealous?" Seunghyun supplied helpfully.
"No.... wait, yeah!" Jiyong said as he looked at his hyung with slightly wide eyes and an appreciative smile. Thankfully he's calmed down by now.
"Hyung, why?" Jiyong asked in confused curiousity. He didn't have to specify what he meant by why, Seunghyun understood what he was trying to ask.
"Why you feel so jealous of the two?" Seunghyun supplied as he made his way over toward where Jiyong sat upon his bed, scuffing his feet upon the soft carpet of his room. He looked up from his where he previously directed his gaze as he felt the shift of the bed from Seunghyun's weight.
Seunghyun took Jiyong's hands into his had he held them together, his hands enveloping Jiyong's small and delicate ones. Softly, Seunghyun placed a kiss upon each one before he directed his gaze straight into Jiyong's questioning gaze.
"Well, Ji. It's simple really. Jealousy is apart of human nature. It's what shows us, tells us that we have a heart and it tells us that we're human. So it's okay to feel jealous or sad or angry. Everyone feels it. No one can be exempt from it. After all, we're only human." Seunghyun replied earnestly with a smile gracing his features.
"Even you, hyung?" Jiyong asked as he stared straight into Seunghyun's eyes. "Even me." was his reply.
Seunghyun brought a hand up to softly push the bangs out of Jiyong's eyes to slowly caress his face.
"So, you understand now?" Seunghyun asked as he continued to stare into Jiyong's eyes. Somehow or another, their faces had gotten closer during Seunghyun's short monologue and they're but a millimeter away from each other as there eyes slowly close and Jiyong nods, just barely, before he closes the distance between them. A soft and chaste kiss was shared and the two linger as long as possible they close their eyes to bask in the wondrous feeling that is each other. That is love.
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|Nuthang, they're the new thing

♪It goes L-O-LL-I-P-O-P~