RP Name: Belzaran
Age: Appears to lok 20, yet is actually about 500
Gender: Male
Race: Half elf, half dragon
Appearance: Dragon form:

Elf form:

Background: Belzaran was born with a strange side that he did not find out about until a few years after he was born...he always thought he was a normal elf, yet after time...he noticed a part of him that was a bit more relentless, and after time, his dragon form showed itself, and from then on he knew that he was all elf. As soon as he figured this out he fled his village...he did not want them to hunt him down, and try to kill him. In the woods, he learned about the druids, and learned something about their magic, yet he could not avoid his dragon side forever and soon he fled there as well...after time, he stayed in a cave, where he figured he was safe.